# NOTE: Derived from blib\lib\PDF\Reuse.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package PDF::Reuse; #line 3805 "blib\lib\PDF\Reuse.pm (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\PDF\Reuse\prJpeg.al)" sub prJpeg { my ($iFile, $iWidth, $iHeight) = @_; my ($iLangd, $namnet, $utrad); if (! $pos) # If no output is active, it is no use to continue { return undef; } my $checkidOld = $checkId; ($iFile, $checkId) = findGet($iFile, $checkidOld); if ($iFile) { $iLangd = (stat($iFile))[7]; $imageNr++; $namnet = 'Ig' . $imageNr; $objNr++; $objekt[$objNr] = $pos; open (BILDFIL, "<$iFile") || errLog("Couldn't open $iFile, $!, aborts"); binmode BILDFIL; my $iStream; sysread BILDFIL, $iStream, $iLangd; $utrad = "$objNr 0 obj\n<>stream\n$iStream\nendstream\nendobj\n"; close BILDFIL; $pos += syswrite UTFIL, $utrad; if ($runfil) { $log .= "Cid~$checkId\n"; $log .= "Jpeg~$iFile~$iWidth~$iHeight\n"; } $objRef{$namnet} = $objNr; } if (! $pos) { errLog("No output file, you have to call prFile first"); } undef $checkId; return $namnet; } # end of PDF::Reuse::prJpeg 1;