# NOTE: Derived from blib\lib\PDF\Reuse.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package PDF::Reuse; #line 3487 "blib\lib\PDF\Reuse.pm (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\PDF\Reuse\prBar.al)" ############################################################ sub prBar { my ($xPos, $yPos, $TxT) = @_; $TxT =~ tr/G/2/; my @fontSpar = @aktuellFont; findBarFont(); my $Font = $aktuellFont[foINTNAMN]; # Namn i strömmen if (($xPos) && ($yPos)) { $stream .= "\nBT /$Font $fontSize Tf "; $stream .= "$xPos $yPos Td \($TxT\) Tj ET\n"; } if ($runfil) { $log .= "Bar~$xPos~$yPos~$TxT\n"; } if (! $pos) { errLog("No output file, you have to call prFile first"); } @aktuellFont = @fontSpar; return $Font; } # end of PDF::Reuse::prBar 1;