# NOTE: Derived from blib\lib\PDF\Reuse.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package PDF::Reuse; #line 6764 "blib\lib\PDF\Reuse.pm (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\PDF\Reuse\errLog.al)" sub errLog { no strict 'refs'; my $mess = shift; my $endMess = " $mess \n More information might be found in"; if ($runfil) { $log .= "Log~Err: $mess\n"; $endMess .= "\n $runfil"; if (! $pos) { $log .= "Log~Err: No pdf-file has been initiated\n"; } elsif ($pos > 15000000) { $log .= "Log~Err: Current pdf-file is very big: $pos bytes, will not try to finish it\n"; } else { $log .= "Log~Err: Will try to finish current pdf-file\n"; $endMess .= "\n $utfil"; } } my $errLog = 'error.log'; my $now = localtime(); my $lpos = $pos || 'undef'; my $lobjNr = $objNr || 'undef'; my $lutfil = $utfil || 'undef'; my $lrunfil = $runfil || 'undef'; open (ERRLOG, ">$errLog") || croak "$mess can't open an error logg, $!"; print ERRLOG "\n$mess\n\n"; print ERRLOG Carp::longmess("The error occurred when executing:\n"); print ERRLOG "\nSituation when the error occurred\n\n"; print ERRLOG " Bytes written to the current pdf-file, pos = $lpos\n"; print ERRLOG " Object processed, not necessarily written objNr = $lobjNr\n"; print ERRLOG " Current pdf-file, utfil = $lutfil\n"; print ERRLOG " File logging the run, runfil = $lrunfil\n"; print ERRLOG " Local time = $now\n"; print ERRLOG "\n\n"; close ERRLOG; $endMess .= "\n $errLog"; if (($pos) && ($pos < 15000000)) { prEnd(); } print STDERR Carp::shortmess("An error occurred \n"); croak "$endMess\n"; } 1; # end of PDF::Reuse::errLog