# NOTE: Derived from blib\lib\Net\SSLeay.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package Net::SSLeay; #line 1633 "blib\lib\Net\SSLeay.pm (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\Net\SSLeay\open_proxy_tcp_connection.al)" ### Open connection via standard web proxy, if one was defined ### using set_proxy(). sub open_proxy_tcp_connection { my ($dest_serv, $port) = @_; return open_tcp_connection($dest_serv, $port) if !$proxyhost; warn "Connect via proxy: $proxyhost:$proxyport" if $trace>2; my ($ret, $errs) = open_tcp_connection($proxyhost, $proxyport); return wantarray ? (0, $errs) : 0 if !$ret; # Connection fail warn "Asking proxy to connect to $dest_serv:$port" if $trace>2; #print SSLCAT_S "CONNECT $dest_serv:$port HTTP/1.0$proxyauth$CRLF$CRLF"; #my $line = ; # *** bug? Mixing stdio with syscall read? ($ret, $errs) = tcp_write_all("CONNECT $dest_serv:$port HTTP/1.0$proxyauth$CRLF$CRLF"); return wantarray ? (0,$errs) : 0 if $errs; ($line, $errs) = tcp_read_until("\n", 1024); warn "Proxy response: $line" if $trace>2; return wantarray ? (0,$errs) : 0 if $errs; return wantarray ? (1,'') : 1; # Success } # end of Net::SSLeay::open_proxy_tcp_connection 1;