# NOTE: Derived from blib\lib\Image\Size.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package Image::Size; #line 1100 "blib\lib\Image\Size.pm (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\Image\Size\swfsize.al)" # swfsize: determine size of ShockWave/Flash files. Adapted from code sent by # Dmitry Dorofeev sub swfsize { my $image = shift; my $header = &$read_in($image, 33); my $ver = _bin2int(unpack 'B8', substr($header, 3, 1)); my $bs = unpack 'B133', substr($header, 8, 17); my $bits = _bin2int(substr($bs, 0, 5)); my $x = int(_bin2int(substr($bs, 5+$bits, $bits))/20); my $y = int(_bin2int(substr($bs, 5+$bits*3, $bits))/20); return ($x, $y, 'SWF'); } # end of Image::Size::swfsize 1;