# NOTE: Derived from blib\lib\Image\Size.pm. # Changes made here will be lost when autosplit is run again. # See AutoSplit.pm. package Image::Size; #line 684 "blib\lib\Image\Size.pm (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\Image\Size\gifsize.al)" ########################################################################### # Subroutine gets the size of the specified GIF ########################################################################### sub gifsize { my $stream = shift; my ($cmapsize, $buf, $sh, $sw, $h, $w, $x, $y, $type); my $gif_blockskip = sub { my ($skip, $type) = @_; my ($lbuf); &$read_in($stream, $skip); # Skip header (if any) while (1) { if (&img_eof($stream)) { return (undef, undef, "Invalid/Corrupted GIF (at EOF in GIF $type)"); } $lbuf = &$read_in($stream, 1); # Block size last if ord($lbuf) == 0; # Block terminator &$read_in($stream, ord($lbuf)); # Skip data } }; return (undef, undef, 'Out-of-range value for $Image::Size::GIF_BEHAVIOR: ' . $Image::Size::GIF_BEHAVIOR) if ($Image::Size::GIF_BEHAVIOR > 2); # Skip over the identifying string, since we already know this is a GIF $type = &$read_in($stream, 6); if (length($buf = &$read_in($stream, 7)) != 7 ) { return (undef, undef, "Invalid/Corrupted GIF (bad header)"); } ($sw, $sh, $x) = unpack("vv C", $buf); if ($Image::Size::GIF_BEHAVIOR == 0) { return ($sw, $sh, 'GIF'); } if ($x & 0x80) { $cmapsize = 3 * (2**(($x & 0x07) + 1)); if (! &$read_in($stream, $cmapsize)) { return (undef, undef, "Invalid/Corrupted GIF (global color map too small?)"); } } # Before we start this loop, set $sw and $sh to 0s and use them to track # the largest sub-image in the overall GIF. $sw = $sh = 0; FINDIMAGE: while (1) { if (&img_eof($stream)) { # At this point, if we haven't returned then the user wants the # largest of the sub-images. So, if $sh and $sw are still 0s, then # we didn't see even one Image Descriptor block. Otherwise, return # those two values. if ($sw and $sh) { return ($sw, $sh, 'GIF'); } else { return (undef, undef, "Invalid/Corrupted GIF (no Image Descriptors)"); } } $buf = &$read_in($stream, 1); ($x) = unpack("C", $buf); if ($x == 0x2c) { # Image Descriptor (GIF87a, GIF89a 20.c.i) if (length($buf = &$read_in($stream, 8)) != 8) { return (undef, undef, "Invalid/Corrupted GIF (missing image header?)"); } ($x, $y) = unpack("x4 vv", $buf); return ($x, $y, 'GIF') if ($Image::Size::GIF_BEHAVIOR == 1); if ($x > $sw and $y > $sh) { $sw = $x; $sh = $y; } } if ($x == 0x21) { # Extension Introducer (GIF89a 23.c.i, could also be in GIF87a) $buf = &$read_in($stream, 1); ($x) = unpack("C", $buf); if ($x == 0xF9) { # Graphic Control Extension (GIF89a 23.c.ii) &$read_in($stream, 6); # Skip it next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor } elsif ($x == 0xFE) { # Comment Extension (GIF89a 24.c.ii) &$gif_blockskip(0, "Comment"); next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor } elsif ($x == 0x01) { # Plain Text Label (GIF89a 25.c.ii) &$gif_blockskip(13, "text data"); next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor } elsif ($x == 0xFF) { # Application Extension Label (GIF89a 26.c.ii) &$gif_blockskip(12, "application data"); next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor } else { return (undef, undef, sprintf("Invalid/Corrupted GIF (Unknown " . "extension %#x)", $x)); } } else { return (undef, undef, sprintf("Invalid/Corrupted GIF (Unknown code %#x)", $x)); } } } # end of Image::Size::gifsize 1;