package XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler; use strict; use vars qw/$VERSION/; $VERSION = '0.93'; sub new { my ($proto, %args) = @_; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = \%args; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub rogue_element { my $self = shift; my ($element, $properties) = @_; my ($element_name, $parent) = parent_and_name($element); my $info = {context => $parent, message => "Rogue element '$element_name' in element '$parent'."}; if ($self->{keeplinenums}) { $info->{startline} = $properties->{TagStart}; $info->{endline} = $properties->{TagEnd}; } if ($self->{keepdata}) { $info->{new_value} = $properties->{CData}; } return $info; } sub missing_element { my $self = shift; my ($element, $properties) = @_; my ($element_name, $parent) = parent_and_name($element); my $info = {context => $parent, message => "Child element '$element_name' missing from element '$parent'."}; if ($self->{keeplinenums}) { $info->{startline} = $properties->{TagStart}; $info->{endline} = $properties->{TagEnd}; } if ($self->{keepdata}) { $info->{old_value} = $properties->{CData}; } return $info; } sub element_value { my $self = shift; my ($element, $new_properties, $old_properties) = @_; my ($element_name, $parent) = parent_and_name($element); my $info = {context => $element, message => "Character differences in element '$element_name'."}; if ($self->{keeplinenums}) { $info->{startline} = $new_properties->{TagStart}; $info->{endline} = $new_properties->{TagEnd}; } if ($self->{keepdata}) { $info->{old_value} = $old_properties->{CData}; $info->{new_value} = $new_properties->{CData}; } return $info; } sub rogue_attribute { my $self = shift; my ($attr, $element, $properties) = @_; my ($element_name, $parent) = parent_and_name($element); my $info = {context => $element, message => "Rogue attribute '$attr' in element '$element_name'."}; if ($self->{keeplinenums}) { $info->{startline} = $properties->{TagStart}; $info->{endline} = $properties->{TagEnd}; } if ($self->{keepdata}) { $info->{new_value} = $properties->{Attributes}->{$attr}; } return $info; } sub missing_attribute { my $self = shift; my ($attr, $element, $new_properties, $old_properties) = @_; my ($element_name, $parent) = parent_and_name($element); my $info = {context => $element, message => "Attribute '$attr' missing from element '$element_name'."}; if ($self->{keeplinenums}) { $info->{startline} = $new_properties->{TagStart}; $info->{endline} = $new_properties->{TagEnd}; } if ($self->{keepdata}) { $info->{old_value} = $old_properties->{Attributes}->{$attr}; } return $info; } sub attribute_value { my $self = shift; my ($attr, $element, $new_properties, $old_properties) = @_; my ($element_name, $parent) = parent_and_name($element); my $info = {context => $element, message => "Attribute '$attr' has different value in element '$element_name'."}; if ($self->{keeplinenums}) { $info->{startline} = $new_properties->{TagStart}; $info->{endline} = $new_properties->{TagEnd}; } if ($self->{keepdata}) { $info->{old_value} = $old_properties->{Attributes}->{$attr}; $info->{new_value} = $new_properties->{Attributes}->{$attr}; } return $info; } sub namespace_uri { my $self = shift; my ($element, $new_properties, $old_properties) = @_; my ($element_name, $parent) = parent_and_name($element); my $info = {context => $element, message => "Element '$element_name' within different namespace."}; if ($self->{keeplinenums}) { $info->{startline} = $new_properties->{TagStart}; $info->{endline} = $new_properties->{TagEnd}; } if ($self->{keepdata}) { $info->{old_value} = $old_properties->{NamspaceURI}; $info->{new_value} = $new_properties->{NamspaceURI}; } return $info; } sub parent_and_name { my $element = shift; my @steps = split('/', $element); my $element_name = pop (@steps); my $parent = join '/', @steps; $element_name =~ s/\[\d+\]$//; return ($element_name, $parent); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler - Default handler class for XML::SemanticDiff =head1 SYNOPSIS use XML::SemanticDiff; my $diff = XML::SemanticDiff->new(); foreach my $change ($diff->compare($file, $file2)) { print "$change->{message} in context $change->{context}\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This is the default event handler for XML::SemanticDiff. It implements nothing useful apart from the parent class and should never be used directly. Please run perldoc XML::SemanticDiff for more information. =head1 IMPLEMENTED METHODS (FOR INTERNAL USE) =head2 new =head2 rogue_element =head2 missing_element =head2 element_value =head2 rogue_attribute =head2 missing_attribute =head2 attribute_value =head2 namespace_uri =head2 parent_and_name =head1 AUTHOR Kip Hampton =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000 Kip Hampton. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO XML::SemanticDiff =cut