# $Id: Stream.pm,v 1.7 2005/10/14 20:31:20 matt Exp $ package XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::Stream; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); use XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader qw( EOF BUFFER LINE COLUMN ENCODING XML_VERSION ); use XML::SAX::Exception; @ISA = ('XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader'); # subclassed by adding 1 to last element use constant FH => 8; use constant BUFFER_SIZE => 4096; sub new { my $class = shift; my $ioref = shift; XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::set_raw_stream($ioref); my @parts; @parts[FH, LINE, COLUMN, BUFFER, EOF, XML_VERSION] = ($ioref, 1, 0, '', 0, '1.0'); return bless \@parts, $class; } sub read_more { my $self = shift; my $buf; my $bytesread = read($self->[FH], $buf, BUFFER_SIZE); if ($bytesread) { $self->[BUFFER] .= $buf; return 1; } elsif (defined($bytesread)) { $self->[EOF]++; return 0; } else { throw XML::SAX::Exception::Parse( Message => "Error reading from filehandle: $!", ); } } sub move_along { my $self = shift; my $discarded = substr($self->[BUFFER], 0, $_[0], ''); # Wish I could skip this lot - tells us where we are in the file my $lines = $discarded =~ tr/\n//; $self->[LINE] += $lines; if ($lines) { $discarded =~ /\n([^\n]*)$/; $self->[COLUMN] = length($1); } else { $self->[COLUMN] += $_[0]; } } sub set_encoding { my $self = shift; my ($encoding) = @_; # warn("set encoding to: $encoding\n"); XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::switch_encoding_stream($self->[FH], $encoding); XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::switch_encoding_string($self->[BUFFER], $encoding); $self->[ENCODING] = $encoding; } sub bytepos { my $self = shift; tell($self->[FH]); } 1;