=head1 NAME XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder - Building DOM trees from SAX events. =head1 SYNOPSIS use XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder; my $builder = XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder->new(); my $gen = XML::Generator::DBI->new(Handler => $builder, dbh => $dbh); $gen->execute("SELECT * FROM Users"); my $doc = $builder->result(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a SAX handler that generates a DOM tree from SAX events. Usage is as above. Input is accepted from any SAX1 or SAX2 event generator. Building DOM trees from SAX events is quite easy with XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder. The class is designed as a SAX2 final handler not as a filter! Since SAX is strictly stream oriented, you should not expect anything to return from a generator. Instead you have to ask the builder instance directly to get the document built. XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder's result() function holds the document generated from the last SAX stream. =head1 AUTHORS Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas =head1 VERSION 1.66 =head1 COPYRIGHT 2001-2007, AxKit.com Ltd; 2002-2006 Christian Glahn; 2006-2008 Petr Pajas, All rights reserved. =cut