# $Id: LibXML.pm 709 2008-01-29 21:01:32Z pajas $ package XML::LibXML; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $skipDTD $skipXMLDeclaration $setTagCompression $MatchCB $ReadCB $OpenCB $CloseCB ); use Carp; use XML::LibXML::Common qw(:encoding :libxml); use constant XML_XMLNS_NS => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'; use constant XML_XML_NS => 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'; use XML::LibXML::NodeList; use XML::LibXML::XPathContext; use IO::Handle; # for FH reads called as methods BEGIN { $VERSION = "1.66"; # VERSION TEMPLATE: DO NOT CHANGE require Exporter; require DynaLoader; @ISA = qw(DynaLoader Exporter); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # export information # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [qw( XML_ELEMENT_NODE XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE XML_TEXT_NODE XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE XML_ENTITY_NODE XML_PI_NODE XML_COMMENT_NODE XML_DOCUMENT_NODE XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE XML_NOTATION_NODE XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE XML_DTD_NODE XML_ELEMENT_DECL XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL XML_ENTITY_DECL XML_NAMESPACE_DECL XML_XINCLUDE_END XML_XINCLUDE_START encodeToUTF8 decodeFromUTF8 XML_XMLNS_NS XML_XML_NS )], libxml => [qw( XML_ELEMENT_NODE XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE XML_TEXT_NODE XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE XML_ENTITY_NODE XML_PI_NODE XML_COMMENT_NODE XML_DOCUMENT_NODE XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE XML_NOTATION_NODE XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE XML_DTD_NODE XML_ELEMENT_DECL XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL XML_ENTITY_DECL XML_NAMESPACE_DECL XML_XINCLUDE_END XML_XINCLUDE_START )], encoding => [qw( encodeToUTF8 decodeFromUTF8 )], ns => [qw( XML_XMLNS_NS XML_XML_NS )], ); @EXPORT_OK = ( @{$EXPORT_TAGS{all}}, ); @EXPORT = ( @{$EXPORT_TAGS{all}}, ); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # initialization of the global variables # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# $skipDTD = 0; $skipXMLDeclaration = 0; $setTagCompression = 0; $MatchCB = undef; $ReadCB = undef; $OpenCB = undef; $CloseCB = undef; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # bootstrapping # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# bootstrap XML::LibXML $VERSION; undef &AUTOLOAD; } # BEGIN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # test exact version (up to patch-level) # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# { my ($runtime_version) = LIBXML_RUNTIME_VERSION() =~ /^(\d+)/; if ( $runtime_version < LIBXML_VERSION ) { warn "Warning: XML::LibXML compiled against libxml2 ".LIBXML_VERSION. ", but runtime libxml2 is older $runtime_version\n"; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # parser constructor # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub new { my $class = shift; my %options = @_; if ( not exists $options{XML_LIBXML_KEEP_BLANKS} ) { $options{XML_LIBXML_KEEP_BLANKS} = 1; } if ( defined $options{catalog} ) { $class->load_catalog( $options{catalog} ); delete $options{catalog}; } my $self = bless \%options, $class; if ( defined $options{Handler} ) { $self->set_handler( $options{Handler} ); } $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXT_DTD} = 1; $self->{_State_} = 0; return $self; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Threads support methods # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # threads doc says CLONE's API may change in future, which would break # an XS method prototype sub CLONE { XML::LibXML::_CLONE( $_[0] ) } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # DOM Level 2 document constructor # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub createDocument { my $self = shift; if (!@_ or $_[0] =~ m/^\d\.\d$/) { # for backward compatibility return XML::LibXML::Document->new(@_); } else { # DOM API: createDocument(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype?) my $doc = XML::LibXML::Document-> new; my $el = $doc->createElementNS(shift, shift); $doc->setDocumentElement($el); $doc->setExternalSubset(shift) if @_; return $doc; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # callback functions # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub input_callbacks { my $self = shift; my $icbclass = shift; if ( defined $icbclass ) { $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK} = $icbclass; } return $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK}; } sub match_callback { my $self = shift; if ( ref $self ) { if ( scalar @_ ) { $self->{XML_LIBXML_MATCH_CB} = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK} = undef; } return $self->{XML_LIBXML_MATCH_CB}; } else { $MatchCB = shift if scalar @_; return $MatchCB; } } sub read_callback { my $self = shift; if ( ref $self ) { if ( scalar @_ ) { $self->{XML_LIBXML_READ_CB} = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK} = undef; } return $self->{XML_LIBXML_READ_CB}; } else { $ReadCB = shift if scalar @_; return $ReadCB; } } sub close_callback { my $self = shift; if ( ref $self ) { if ( scalar @_ ) { $self->{XML_LIBXML_CLOSE_CB} = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK} = undef; } return $self->{XML_LIBXML_CLOSE_CB}; } else { $CloseCB = shift if scalar @_; return $CloseCB; } } sub open_callback { my $self = shift; if ( ref $self ) { if ( scalar @_ ) { $self->{XML_LIBXML_OPEN_CB} = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK} = undef; } return $self->{XML_LIBXML_OPEN_CB}; } else { $OpenCB = shift if scalar @_; return $OpenCB; } } sub callbacks { my $self = shift; if ( ref $self ) { if (@_) { my ($match, $open, $read, $close) = @_; @{$self}{qw(XML_LIBXML_MATCH_CB XML_LIBXML_OPEN_CB XML_LIBXML_READ_CB XML_LIBXML_CLOSE_CB)} = ($match, $open, $read, $close); $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK} = undef; } else { return @{$self}{qw(XML_LIBXML_MATCH_CB XML_LIBXML_OPEN_CB XML_LIBXML_READ_CB XML_LIBXML_CLOSE_CB)}; } } else { if (@_) { ( $MatchCB, $OpenCB, $ReadCB, $CloseCB ) = @_; } else { return ( $MatchCB, $OpenCB, $ReadCB, $CloseCB ); } } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # member variable manipulation # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub validation { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_VALIDATION} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_VALIDATION}; } sub recover { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_RECOVER} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_RECOVER}; } sub recover_silently { my $self = shift; my $arg = shift; (($arg == 1) ? $self->recover(2) : $self->recover($arg)) if defined($arg); return ($self->recover() == 2) ? 1 : 0; } sub expand_entities { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXPAND_ENTITIES} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXPAND_ENTITIES}; } sub keep_blanks { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_KEEP_BLANKS} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_KEEP_BLANKS}; } sub pedantic_parser { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_PEDANTIC} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_PEDANTIC}; } sub line_numbers { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_LINENUMBERS} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_LINENUMBERS}; } sub no_network { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_NONET} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_NONET}; } sub load_ext_dtd { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXT_DTD} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXT_DTD}; } sub complete_attributes { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_COMPLETE_ATTR} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_COMPLETE_ATTR}; } sub expand_xinclude { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXPAND_XINCLUDE} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXPAND_XINCLUDE}; } sub base_uri { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_BASE_URI} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_BASE_URI}; } sub gdome_dom { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_GDOME} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_GDOME}; } sub clean_namespaces { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_NSCLEAN} = shift if scalar @_; return $self->{XML_LIBXML_NSCLEAN}; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # set the optional SAX(2) handler # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub set_handler { my $self = shift; if ( defined $_[0] ) { $self->{HANDLER} = $_[0]; $self->{SAX_ELSTACK} = []; $self->{SAX} = {State => 0}; } else { # undef SAX handling $self->{SAX_ELSTACK} = []; delete $self->{HANDLER}; delete $self->{SAX}; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # helper functions # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _auto_expand { my ( $self, $result, $uri ) = @_; $result->setBaseURI( $uri ) if defined $uri; if ( defined $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXPAND_XINCLUDE} and $self->{XML_LIBXML_EXPAND_XINCLUDE} == 1 ) { $self->{_State_} = 1; eval { $self->processXIncludes($result); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); $result = undef; croak $err; } } return $result; } sub _init_callbacks { my $self = shift; my $icb = $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK}; unless ( defined $icb ) { $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK} = XML::LibXML::InputCallback->new(); $icb = $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK}; } my $mcb = $self->match_callback(); my $ocb = $self->open_callback(); my $rcb = $self->read_callback(); my $ccb = $self->close_callback(); if ( defined $mcb and defined $ocb and defined $rcb and defined $ccb ) { $icb->register_callbacks( [$mcb, $ocb, $rcb, $ccb] ); } $icb->init_callbacks(); } sub _cleanup_callbacks { my $self = shift; $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK}->cleanup_callbacks(); my $mcb = $self->match_callback(); $self->{XML_LIBXML_CALLBACK_STACK}->unregister_callbacks( [$mcb] ); } sub __read { read($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); } sub __write { if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) { $_[0]->write( $_[1], $_[2] ); } else { $_[0]->write( $_[1] ); } } # currently this is only used in the XInlcude processor # but in the future, all parsing functions should turn to # the new libxml2 parsing API internally and this will # become handy sub _parser_options { my ($self,$opts)=@_; $opts = {} unless ref $opts; my $flags = 0; $flags |= 1 if exists $opts->{recover} ? $opts->{recover} : $self->recover; $flags |= 2 if exists $opts->{expand_entities} ? $opts->{expand_entities} : $self->expand_entities; $flags |= 4 if exists $opts->{load_ext_dtd} ? $opts->{load_ext_dtd} : $self->load_ext_dtd; $flags |= 8 if exists $opts->{complete_attributes} ? $opts->{complete_attributes} : $self->complete_attributes; $flags |= 16 if exists $opts->{validation} ? $opts->{validation} : $self->validation; $flags |= 32 if $opts->{suppress_errors}; $flags |= 64 if $opts->{suppress_warnings}; $flags |= 128 if exists $opts->{pedantic_parser} ? $opts->{pedantic_parser} : $self->pedantic_parser; $flags |= 256 if exists $opts->{no_blanks} ? $opts->{no_blanks} : !$self->keep_blanks(); $flags |= 1024 if exists $opts->{expand_xinclude} ? $opts->{expand_xinclude} : $self->expand_xinclude; $flags |= 2048 if exists $opts->{no_network} ? $opts->{no_network} : $self->no_network; $flags |= 8192 if exists $opts->{clean_namespaces} ? $opts->{clean_namespaces} : $self->clean_namespaces; $flags |= 16384 if $opts->{no_cdata}; $flags |= 32768 if $opts->{no_xinclude_nodes}; return ($flags); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # parsing functions # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # all parsing functions handle normal as SAX parsing at the same time. # note that SAX parsing is handled incomplete! use XML::LibXML::SAX for # complete parsing sequences #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub parse_string { my $self = shift; croak("parse_string is not a class method! Create a parser object with XML::LibXML->new first!") unless ref $self; croak("parse already in progress") if $self->{_State_}; unless ( defined $_[0] and length $_[0] ) { croak("Empty String"); } $self->{_State_} = 1; my $result; $self->_init_callbacks(); if ( defined $self->{SAX} ) { my $string = shift; $self->{SAX_ELSTACK} = []; eval { $result = $self->_parse_sax_string($string); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } } else { eval { $result = $self->_parse_string( @_ ); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } $result = $self->_auto_expand( $result, $self->{XML_LIBXML_BASE_URI} ); } $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); return $result; } sub parse_fh { my $self = shift; croak("parse_fh is not a class method! Create a parser object with XML::LibXML->new first!") unless ref $self; croak("parse already in progress") if $self->{_State_}; $self->{_State_} = 1; my $result; $self->_init_callbacks(); if ( defined $self->{SAX} ) { $self->{SAX_ELSTACK} = []; eval { $self->_parse_sax_fh( @_ ); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } } else { eval { $result = $self->_parse_fh( @_ ); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } $result = $self->_auto_expand( $result, $self->{XML_LIBXML_BASE_URI} ); } $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); return $result; } sub parse_file { my $self = shift; croak("parse_file is not a class method! Create a parser object with XML::LibXML->new first!") unless ref $self; croak("parse already in progress") if $self->{_State_}; $self->{_State_} = 1; my $result; $self->_init_callbacks(); if ( defined $self->{SAX} ) { $self->{SAX_ELSTACK} = []; eval { $self->_parse_sax_file( @_ ); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } } else { eval { $result = $self->_parse_file(@_); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } $result = $self->_auto_expand( $result ); } $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); return $result; } sub parse_xml_chunk { my $self = shift; # max 2 parameter: # 1: the chunk # 2: the encoding of the string croak("parse_xml_chunk is not a class method! Create a parser object with XML::LibXML->new first!") unless ref $self; croak("parse already in progress") if $self->{_State_}; my $result; unless ( defined $_[0] and length $_[0] ) { croak("Empty String"); } $self->{_State_} = 1; $self->_init_callbacks(); if ( defined $self->{SAX} ) { eval { $self->_parse_sax_xml_chunk( @_ ); # this is required for XML::GenericChunk. # in normal case is_filter is not defined, an thus the parsing # will be terminated. in case of a SAX filter the parsing is not # finished at that state. therefore we must not reset the parsing unless ( $self->{IS_FILTER} ) { $result = $self->{HANDLER}->end_document(); } }; } else { eval { $result = $self->_parse_xml_chunk( @_ ); }; } $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; croak $err; } return $result; } sub parse_balanced_chunk { my $self = shift; $self->_init_callbacks(); my $rv; eval { $rv = $self->parse_xml_chunk( @_ ); }; my $err = $@; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); if ( $err ) { chomp $err; croak $err; } return $rv } # java style sub processXIncludes { my $self = shift; my $doc = shift; my $opts = shift; my $options = $self->_parser_options($opts); if ( $self->{_State_} != 1 ) { $self->_init_callbacks(); } my $rv; eval { $rv = $self->_processXIncludes($doc || " ", $options); }; my $err = $@; if ( $self->{_State_} != 1 ) { $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); } if ( $err ) { chomp $err; croak $err; } return $rv; } # perl style sub process_xincludes { my $self = shift; my $doc = shift; my $opts = shift; my $options = $self->_parser_options($opts); my $rv; $self->_init_callbacks(); eval { $rv = $self->_processXIncludes($doc || " ", $options); }; my $err = $@; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); if ( $err ) { chomp $err; croak $@; } return $rv; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # HTML parsing functions # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _html_options { my ($self,$opts)=@_; $opts = {} unless ref $opts; # return (undef,undef) unless ref $opts; my $flags = 0; $flags |= 1 if exists $opts->{recover} ? $opts->{recover} : $self->recover; $flags |= 32 if $opts->{suppress_errors}; $flags |= 64 if $opts->{suppress_warnings}; $flags |= 128 if exists $opts->{pedantic_parser} ? $opts->{pedantic_parser} : $self->pedantic_parser; $flags |= 256 if exists $opts->{no_blanks} ? $opts->{no_blanks} : !$self->keep_blanks; $flags |= 2048 if exists $opts->{no_network} ? $opts->{no_network} : !$self->no_network; return ($opts->{URI},$opts->{encoding},$flags); } sub parse_html_string { my ($self,$str,$opts) = @_; croak("parse_html_string is not a class method! Create a parser object with XML::LibXML->new first!") unless ref $self; croak("parse already in progress") if $self->{_State_}; unless ( defined $str and length $str ) { croak("Empty String"); } $self->{_State_} = 1; my $result; $self->_init_callbacks(); eval { $result = $self->_parse_html_string( $str, $self->_html_options($opts) ); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); return $result; } sub parse_html_file { my ($self,$file,$opts) = @_; croak("parse_html_file is not a class method! Create a parser object with XML::LibXML->new first!") unless ref $self; croak("parse already in progress") if $self->{_State_}; $self->{_State_} = 1; my $result; $self->_init_callbacks(); eval { $result = $self->_parse_html_file($file, $self->_html_options($opts) ); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); return $result; } sub parse_html_fh { my ($self,$fh,$opts) = @_; croak("parse_html_fh is not a class method! Create a parser object with XML::LibXML->new first!") unless ref $self; croak("parse already in progress") if $self->{_State_}; $self->{_State_} = 1; my $result; $self->_init_callbacks(); eval { $result = $self->_parse_html_fh( $fh, $self->_html_options($opts) ); }; my $err = $@; $self->{_State_} = 0; if ($err) { chomp $err; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); croak $err; } $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); return $result; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # push parser interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub init_push { my $self = shift; if ( defined $self->{CONTEXT} ) { delete $self->{CONTEXT}; } if ( defined $self->{SAX} ) { $self->{CONTEXT} = $self->_start_push(1); } else { $self->{CONTEXT} = $self->_start_push(0); } } sub push { my $self = shift; $self->_init_callbacks(); if ( not defined $self->{CONTEXT} ) { $self->init_push(); } eval { foreach ( @_ ) { $self->_push( $self->{CONTEXT}, $_ ); } }; my $err = $@; $self->_cleanup_callbacks(); if ( $err ) { chomp $err; croak $err; } } # this function should be promoted! # the reason is because libxml2 uses xmlParseChunk() for this purpose! sub parse_chunk { my $self = shift; my $chunk = shift; my $terminate = shift; if ( not defined $self->{CONTEXT} ) { $self->init_push(); } if ( defined $chunk and length $chunk ) { $self->_push( $self->{CONTEXT}, $chunk ); } if ( $terminate ) { return $self->finish_push(); } } sub finish_push { my $self = shift; my $restore = shift || 0; return undef unless defined $self->{CONTEXT}; my $retval; if ( defined $self->{SAX} ) { eval { $self->_end_sax_push( $self->{CONTEXT} ); $retval = $self->{HANDLER}->end_document( {} ); }; } else { eval { $retval = $self->_end_push( $self->{CONTEXT}, $restore ); }; } delete $self->{CONTEXT}; my $err = $@; if ( $err ) { chomp $err; croak( $err ); } return $retval; } 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::Node Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::Node; sub isSupported { my $self = shift; my $feature = shift; return $self->can($feature) ? 1 : 0; } sub getChildNodes { my $self = shift; return $self->childNodes(); } sub childNodes { my $self = shift; my @children = $self->_childNodes(); return wantarray ? @children : XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@children , 1); } sub attributes { my $self = shift; my @attr = $self->_attributes(); return wantarray ? @attr : XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap->new( @attr ); } sub findnodes { my ($node, $xpath) = @_; my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath); if (wantarray) { return @nodes; } else { return XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@nodes, 1); } } sub findvalue { my ($node, $xpath) = @_; my $res; eval { $res = $node->find($xpath); }; if ( $@ ) { die $@; } return $res->to_literal->value; } sub find { my ($node, $xpath) = @_; my ($type, @params) = $node->_find($xpath); if ($type) { return $type->new(@params); } return undef; } sub setOwnerDocument { my ( $self, $doc ) = @_; $doc->adoptNode( $self ); } sub toStringC14N { my ($self, $comments, $xpath) = (shift, shift, shift); return $self->_toStringC14N( $comments || 0, (defined $xpath ? $xpath : undef), 0, undef ); } sub toStringEC14N { my ($self, $comments, $xpath, $inc_prefix_list) = @_; if (defined($inc_prefix_list) and !UNIVERSAL::isa($inc_prefix_list,'ARRAY')) { croak("toStringEC14N: inclusive_prefix_list must be undefined or ARRAY"); } return $self->_toStringC14N( $comments || 0, (defined $xpath ? $xpath : undef), 1, (defined $inc_prefix_list ? $inc_prefix_list : undef)); } *serialize_c14n = \&toStringC14N; *serialize_exc_c14n = \&toStringEC14N; 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::Document Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::Document; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Node'); sub actualEncoding { my $doc = shift; my $enc = $doc->encoding; return (defined $enc and length $enc) ? $enc : 'UTF-8'; } sub setDocumentElement { my $doc = shift; my $element = shift; my $oldelem = $doc->documentElement; if ( defined $oldelem ) { $doc->removeChild($oldelem); } $doc->_setDocumentElement($element); } sub toString { my $self = shift; my $flag = shift; my $retval = ""; if ( defined $XML::LibXML::skipXMLDeclaration and $XML::LibXML::skipXMLDeclaration == 1 ) { foreach ( $self->childNodes ){ next if $_->nodeType == XML::LibXML::XML_DTD_NODE() and $XML::LibXML::skipDTD; $retval .= $_->toString; } } else { $flag ||= 0 unless defined $flag; $retval = $self->_toString($flag); } return $retval; } sub serialize { my $self = shift; return $self->toString( @_ ); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # bad style xinclude processing # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub process_xinclude { my $self = shift; my $opts = shift; XML::LibXML->new->processXIncludes( $self, $opts ); } sub insertProcessingInstruction { my $self = shift; my $target = shift; my $data = shift; my $pi = $self->createPI( $target, $data ); my $root = $self->documentElement; if ( defined $root ) { # this is actually not correct, but i guess it's what the user # intends $self->insertBefore( $pi, $root ); } else { # if no documentElement was found we just append the PI $self->appendChild( $pi ); } } sub insertPI { my $self = shift; $self->insertProcessingInstruction( @_ ); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # DOM L3 Document functions. # added after robins implicit feature requst #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# *getElementsByTagName = \&XML::LibXML::Element::getElementsByTagName; *getElementsByTagNameNS = \&XML::LibXML::Element::getElementsByTagNameNS; *getElementsByLocalName = \&XML::LibXML::Element::getElementsByLocalName; 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Node'); sub toString { my $self = shift; my $retval = ""; if ( $self->hasChildNodes() ) { foreach my $n ( $self->childNodes() ) { $retval .= $n->toString(@_); } } return $retval; } *serialize = \&toString; 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::Element Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::Element; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Node'); use XML::LibXML qw(:ns :libxml); use Carp; sub setNamespace { my $self = shift; my $n = $self->nodeName; if ( $self->_setNamespace(@_) ){ if ( scalar @_ < 3 || $_[2] == 1 ){ $self->setNodeName( $n ); } return 1; } return 0; } sub getAttribute { my $self = shift; my $name = $_[0]; if ( $name =~ /^xmlns(?::|$)/ ) { # user wants to get a namespace ... (my $prefix = $name )=~s/^xmlns:?//; $self->_getNamespaceDeclURI($prefix); } else { $self->_getAttribute(@_); } } sub setAttribute { my ( $self, $name, $value ) = @_; if ( $name =~ /^xmlns(?::|$)/ ) { # user wants to set the special attribute for declaring XML namespace ... # this is fine but not exactly DOM conformant behavior, btw (according to DOM we should # probably declare an attribute which looks like XML namespace declaration # but isn't) (my $nsprefix = $name )=~s/^xmlns:?//; my $nn = $self->nodeName; if ( $nn =~ /^\Q${nsprefix}\E:/ ) { # the element has the same prefix $self->setNamespaceDeclURI($nsprefix,$value) || $self->setNamespace($value,$nsprefix,1); ## ## We set the namespace here. ## This is helpful, as in: ## ## | $e = XML::LibXML::Element->new('foo:bar'); ## | $e->setAttribute('xmlns:foo','http://yoyodine') ## } else { # just modify the namespace $self->setNamespaceDeclURI($nsprefix, $value) || $self->setNamespace($value,$nsprefix,0); } } else { $self->_setAttribute($name, $value); } } sub getAttributeNS { my $self = shift; my ($nsURI, $name) = @_; croak("invalid attribute name") if !defined($name) or $name eq q{}; if ( defined($nsURI) and $nsURI eq XML_XMLNS_NS ) { $self->_getNamespaceDeclURI($name eq 'xmlns' ? undef : $name); } else { $self->_getAttributeNS(@_); } } sub setAttributeNS { my ($self, $nsURI, $qname, $value)=@_; unless (defined $qname and length $qname) { croak("bad name"); } if (defined($nsURI) and $nsURI eq XML_XMLNS_NS) { if ($qname !~ /^xmlns(?::|$)/) { croak("NAMESPACE ERROR: Namespace declartions must have the prefix 'xmlns'"); } $self->setAttribute($qname,$value); # see implementation above return; } if ($qname=~/:/ and not (defined($nsURI) and length($nsURI))) { croak("NAMESPACE ERROR: Attribute without a prefix cannot be in a namespace"); } if ($qname=~/^xmlns(?:$|:)/) { croak("NAMESPACE ERROR: 'xmlns' prefix and qualified-name are reserved for the namespace ".XML_XMLNS_NS); } if ($qname=~/^xml:/ and not (defined $nsURI and $nsURI eq XML_XML_NS)) { croak("NAMESPACE ERROR: 'xml' prefix is reserved for the namespace ".XML_XML_NS); } $self->_setAttributeNS( defined $nsURI ? $nsURI : undef, $qname, $value ); } sub getElementsByTagName { my ( $node , $name ) = @_; my $xpath = $name eq '*' ? "descendant::*" : "descendant::*[name()='$name']"; my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath); return wantarray ? @nodes : XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@nodes, 1); } sub getElementsByTagNameNS { my ( $node, $nsURI, $name ) = @_; my $xpath; if ( $name eq '*' ) { if ( $nsURI eq '*' ) { $xpath = "descendant::*"; } else { $xpath = "descendant::*[namespace-uri()='$nsURI']"; } } elsif ( $nsURI eq '*' ) { $xpath = "descendant::*[local-name()='$name']"; } else { $xpath = "descendant::*[local-name()='$name' and namespace-uri()='$nsURI']"; } my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath); return wantarray ? @nodes : XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@nodes, 1); } sub getElementsByLocalName { my ( $node,$name ) = @_; my $xpath; if ($name eq '*') { $xpath = "descendant::*"; } else { $xpath = "descendant::*[local-name()='$name']"; } my @nodes = $node->_findnodes($xpath); return wantarray ? @nodes : XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@nodes, 1); } sub getChildrenByTagName { my ( $node, $name ) = @_; my @nodes; if ($name eq '*') { @nodes = grep { $_->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE() } $node->childNodes(); } else { @nodes = grep { $_->nodeName eq $name } $node->childNodes(); } return wantarray ? @nodes : XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@nodes, 1); } sub getChildrenByLocalName { my ( $node, $name ) = @_; my @nodes; if ($name eq '*') { @nodes = grep { $_->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE() } $node->childNodes(); } else { @nodes = grep { $_->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE() and $_->localName eq $name } $node->childNodes(); } return wantarray ? @nodes : XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@nodes, 1); } sub getChildrenByTagNameNS { my ( $node, $nsURI, $name ) = @_; my @nodes = $node->_getChildrenByTagNameNS($nsURI,$name); return wantarray ? @nodes : XML::LibXML::NodeList->new_from_ref(\@nodes, 1); } sub appendWellBalancedChunk { my ( $self, $chunk ) = @_; my $local_parser = XML::LibXML->new(); my $frag = $local_parser->parse_xml_chunk( $chunk ); $self->appendChild( $frag ); } 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::Text Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::Text; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Node'); sub attributes { return undef; } sub deleteDataString { my $node = shift; my $string = shift; my $all = shift; my $data = $node->nodeValue(); $string =~ s/([\\\*\+\^\{\}\&\?\[\]\(\)\$\%\@])/\\$1/g; if ( $all ) { $data =~ s/$string//g; } else { $data =~ s/$string//; } $node->setData( $data ); } sub replaceDataString { my ( $node, $left, $right,$all ) = @_; #ashure we exchange the strings and not expressions! $left =~ s/([\\\*\+\^\{\}\&\?\[\]\(\)\$\%\@])/\\$1/g; my $datastr = $node->nodeValue(); if ( $all ) { $datastr =~ s/$left/$right/g; } else{ $datastr =~ s/$left/$right/; } $node->setData( $datastr ); } sub replaceDataRegEx { my ( $node, $leftre, $rightre, $flags ) = @_; return unless defined $leftre; $rightre ||= ""; my $datastr = $node->nodeValue(); my $restr = "s/" . $leftre . "/" . $rightre . "/"; $restr .= $flags if defined $flags; eval '$datastr =~ '. $restr; $node->setData( $datastr ); } 1; package XML::LibXML::Comment; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Text'); 1; package XML::LibXML::CDATASection; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Text'); 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::Attribute Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::Attr; use vars qw( @ISA ) ; @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Node') ; sub setNamespace { my ($self,$href,$prefix) = @_; my $n = $self->nodeName; if ( $self->_setNamespace($href,$prefix) ) { $self->setNodeName($n); return 1; } return 0; } 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::Dtd Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # this is still under construction # package XML::LibXML::Dtd; use vars qw( @ISA ); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Node'); 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::PI Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::PI; use vars qw( @ISA ); @ISA = ('XML::LibXML::Node'); sub setData { my $pi = shift; my $string = ""; if ( scalar @_ == 1 ) { $string = shift; } else { my %h = @_; $string = join " ", map {$_.'="'.$h{$_}.'"'} keys %h; } # the spec says any char but "?>" [17] $pi->_setData( $string ) unless $string =~ /\?>/; } 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::Namespace Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::Namespace; # this is infact not a node! sub prefix { return "xmlns"; } sub getPrefix { return "xmlns"; } sub getNamespaceURI { return "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" }; sub getNamespaces { return (); } sub nodeName { my $self = shift; my $nsP = $self->localname; return ( defined($nsP) && length($nsP) ) ? "xmlns:$nsP" : "xmlns"; } sub name { goto &nodeName } sub getName { goto &nodeName } sub isEqualNode { my ( $self, $ref ) = @_; if ( ref($ref) eq "XML::LibXML::Namespace" ) { return $self->_isEqual($ref); } return 0; } sub isSameNode { my ( $self, $ref ) = @_; if ( $$self == $$ref ){ return 1; } return 0; } 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap; use XML::LibXML::Common qw(:libxml); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { Nodes => [@_] }, $class; $self->{NodeMap} = { map { $_->nodeName => $_ } @_ }; return $self; } sub length { return scalar( @{$_[0]->{Nodes}} ); } sub nodes { return $_[0]->{Nodes}; } sub item { $_[0]->{Nodes}->[$_[1]]; } sub getNamedItem { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; return $self->{NodeMap}->{$name}; } sub setNamedItem { my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $retval; if ( defined $node ) { if ( scalar @{$self->{Nodes}} ) { my $name = $node->nodeName(); if ( $node->nodeType() == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL ) { return; } if ( defined $self->{NodeMap}->{$name} ) { if ( $node->isSameNode( $self->{NodeMap}->{$name} ) ) { return; } $retval = $self->{NodeMap}->{$name}->replaceNode( $node ); } else { $self->{Nodes}->[0]->addSibling($node); } $self->{NodeMap}->{$name} = $node; push @{$self->{Nodes}}, $node; } else { # not done yet # can this be properly be done??? warn "not done yet\n"; } } return $retval; } sub removeNamedItem { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $retval; if ( $name =~ /^xmlns/ ) { warn "not done yet\n"; } elsif ( exists $self->{NodeMap}->{$name} ) { $retval = $self->{NodeMap}->{$name}; $retval->unbindNode; delete $self->{NodeMap}->{$name}; $self->{Nodes} = [grep {not($retval->isSameNode($_))} @{$self->{Nodes}}]; } return $retval; } sub getNamedItemNS { my $self = shift; my $nsURI = shift; my $name = shift; return undef; } sub setNamedItemNS { my $self = shift; my $nsURI = shift; my $node = shift; return undef; } sub removeNamedItemNS { my $self = shift; my $nsURI = shift; my $name = shift; return undef; } 1; package XML::LibXML::_SAXParser; # this is pseudo class!!! and it will be removed as soon all functions # moved to XS level use XML::SAX::Exception; # these functions will use SAX exceptions as soon i know how things really work sub warning { my ( $parser, $message, $line, $col ) = @_; my $error = XML::SAX::Exception::Parse->new( LineNumber => $line, ColumnNumber => $col, Message => $message, ); $parser->{HANDLER}->warning( $error ); } sub error { my ( $parser, $message, $line, $col ) = @_; my $error = XML::SAX::Exception::Parse->new( LineNumber => $line, ColumnNumber => $col, Message => $message, ); $parser->{HANDLER}->error( $error ); } sub fatal_error { my ( $parser, $message, $line, $col ) = @_; my $error = XML::SAX::Exception::Parse->new( LineNumber => $line, ColumnNumber => $col, Message => $message, ); $parser->{HANDLER}->fatal_error( $error ); } 1; package XML::LibXML::RelaxNG; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; my $self = undef; if ( defined $args{location} ) { $self = $class->parse_location( $args{location} ); } elsif ( defined $args{string} ) { $self = $class->parse_buffer( $args{string} ); } elsif ( defined $args{DOM} ) { $self = $class->parse_document( $args{DOM} ); } return $self; } 1; package XML::LibXML::Schema; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; my $self = undef; if ( defined $args{location} ) { $self = $class->parse_location( $args{location} ); } elsif ( defined $args{string} ) { $self = $class->parse_buffer( $args{string} ); } return $self; } 1; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # XML::LibXML::InputCallback Interface # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# package XML::LibXML::InputCallback; use vars qw($_CUR_CB @_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS @_CB_STACK); $_CUR_CB = undef; @_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS = (); @_CB_STACK = (); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # global callbacks # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _callback_match { my $uri = shift; my $retval = 0; # loop through the callbacks and and find the first matching # The callbacks are stored in execution order (reverse stack order) # any new global callbacks are shifted to the callback stack. foreach my $cb ( @_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS ) { # callbacks have to return 1, 0 or undef, while 0 and undef # are handled the same way. # in fact, if callbacks return other values, the global match # assumes silently that the callback failed. $retval = $cb->[0]->($uri); if ( defined $retval and $retval == 1 ) { # make the other callbacks use this callback $_CUR_CB = $cb; unshift @_CB_STACK, $cb; last; } } return $retval; } sub _callback_open { my $uri = shift; my $retval = undef; # the open callback has to return a defined value. # if one works on files this can be a file handle. But # depending on the needs of the callback it also can be a # database handle or a integer labeling a certain dataset. if ( defined $_CUR_CB ) { $retval = $_CUR_CB->[1]->( $uri ); # reset the callbacks, if one callback cannot open an uri if ( not defined $retval or $retval == 0 ) { shift @_CB_STACK; $_CUR_CB = $_CB_STACK[0]; } } return $retval; } sub _callback_read { my $fh = shift; my $buflen = shift; my $retval = undef; if ( defined $_CUR_CB ) { $retval = $_CUR_CB->[2]->( $fh, $buflen ); } return $retval; } sub _callback_close { my $fh = shift; my $retval = 0; if ( defined $_CUR_CB ) { $retval = $_CUR_CB->[3]->( $fh ); shift @_CB_STACK; $_CUR_CB = $_CB_STACK[0]; } return $retval; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # member functions and methods # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub new { my $CLASS = shift; return bless {'_CALLBACKS' => []}, $CLASS; } # add a callback set to the callback stack # synopsis: $icb->register_callbacks( [$match_cb, $open_cb, $read_cb, $close_cb] ); sub register_callbacks { my $self = shift; my $cbset = shift; # test if callback set is complete if ( ref $cbset eq "ARRAY" and scalar( @$cbset ) == 4 ) { unshift @{$self->{_CALLBACKS}}, $cbset; } } # remove a callback set to the callback stack # if a callback set is passed, this function will check for the match function sub unregister_callbacks { my $self = shift; my $cbset = shift; if ( ref $cbset eq "ARRAY" and scalar( @$cbset ) == 4 ) { $self->{_CALLBACKS} = [grep { $_->[0] != $cbset->[0] } @{$self->{_CALLBACKS}}]; } else { shift @{$self->{_CALLBACKS}}; } } # make libxml2 use the callbacks sub init_callbacks { my $self = shift; $_CUR_CB = undef; @_CB_STACK = (); @_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS = @{ $self->{_CALLBACKS} }; if ( defined $XML::LibXML::match_cb and defined $XML::LibXML::open_cb and defined $XML::LibXML::read_cb and defined $XML::LibXML::close_cb ) { push @_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS, [$XML::LibXML::match_cb, $XML::LibXML::open_cb, $XML::LibXML::read_cb, $XML::LibXML::close_cb]; } $self->lib_init_callbacks(); } # reset libxml2's callbacks sub cleanup_callbacks { my $self = shift; $_CUR_CB = undef; @_GLOBAL_CALLBACKS = (); @_CB_STACK = (); $self->lib_cleanup_callbacks(); } 1; __END__