=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::StatusBar - Create and manipulate status bar controls =head1 DESCRIPTION [TBD] =for comment $Id: per_package_method_section.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head1 METHODS L apply to most windows, controls and resources. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 new B Creates a new StatusBar object; can also be called as PARENT->AddStatusBar(%OPTIONS). Class specific B<%OPTIONS> are: -sizegrip => 0/1 (default 0) Set/Unset size grip style. See also the L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetBorders B Gets the border values for the status bar. Returns an array containing width of the horizontal border, width of the vertical border, and the width of the border between parts. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetIcon B Retrieves the icon for a part in a status bar. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetParts B Retrieves a count of the parts in a status window. In Array context, return an list of coordinates for the current parts. A value of -1 in the final coordinate means the last part will expand rightwards to fill the statusbar. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetRect B Gets the bounding rectangle for the given part of the status bar. Returns left, top, right, bottom co-ordinates, or undef on failure. This is useful for drawing in the status bar. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetText B Retrieves the text from the specified part of a status window. In array context, return an array (TEXT,STYLE) =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetTextLength B Retrieves the text from the specified part of a status window. In array context, return an array (LENGTH,STYLE) =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetTipText B Retrieves the tooltip text for a part in a status bar. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetUnicodeFormat B Retrieves the UNICODE character format flag for the control. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Icon B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 IsSimple B Checks a status bar control to determine if it is in simple mode. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Parts B Divides the statusbar into sections. The list of co-ordinates define the right-hand edge of each part. This method will return a list of co-ordinates for the current parts. A value of -1 in the final co-ordinate means the last part will expand rightwards to fill the statusbar. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 PartText B Sets or gets the text in a particular part of the status bar. Flags are as follows: 0 The text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the plane of the window. SBT_NOBORDERS = 256 The text is drawn without borders. SBT_POPOUT = 512 The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. SBT_RTLREADING = 1024 The text will be displayed in the opposite direction to the text in the parent window. SBT_OWNERDRAW = 4096 The text is drawn by the parent window. When called with no string or flags, in scalar context the method will return the text string in the specified part of the status bar. In array context, the method will return the text string and the style flags of the text in the specified part. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetBkColor B Sets the background color of the status bar. If no color is given, it sets the background color to the default background color. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetIcon B Sets or unsets the icon for a particular part of the status bar. If icon is set to 0 or less, the icon for the specified part of the status bar is removed. icon should be a Win32::GUI::Icon object. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetMinHeight B Sets the minimum height of a status window's drawing area, and redraws the status bar. The minimum height produced will be: height + (2 * vertical border width) =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetParts B Sets the number of parts in a status window and the coordinate of the right edge of each part. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetText B Sets the text in the specified part of a status window. Type of drawing operation : 0 = The text is drawn with a border to appear lower than the plane of the window. SBT_NOBORDERS = The text is drawn without borders. SBT_OWNERDRAW = The text is drawn by the parent window. SBT_POPOUT = The text is drawn with a border to appear higher than the plane of the window. SBT_RTLREADING = Displays text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetTipText B Sets the tooltip text for a particular part of the status bar. From SDK documentation: This ToolTip text is displayed in two situations: When the corresponding pane in the status bar contains only an icon. When the corresponding pane in the status bar contains text that is truncated due to the size of the pane. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetUnicodeFormat B Sets the UNICODE character format flag for the control. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Simple B If simplemode is not 0, turns simple mode on. Otherwise, turns simple mode off. Simple mode means the statusbar just shows text, with only one partition. Returns the status of simple mode (0 = off, non-zero = on) =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Tip B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_event_section.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head1 EVENTS L apply to most windows and controls. =for comment $Id: pod_postamble.tpl,v 1.2 2005/08/03 21:45:59 robertemay Exp $ =head1 VERSION Documentation for Win32::GUI v1.06 created 14 Feb 2008 This document is autogenerated by the build process. Edits made here will be lost. Edit F instead. =head1 SUPPORT Homepage: L. For further support join the users mailing list(C) from the website at L. There is a searchable list archive at L. =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENCE Copyright (c) 1997..2008 Aldo Calpini. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.