=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_1_06 - release notes for v1.06 of Win32::GUI =head1 Release Date 13th February, 2008. =head1 Summary of Changes This is a summary of changes between V1.05 and V1.06 See the CHANGELOG file in the distribution for the full detail. This release is a primarily a bug-fix release addressing the issues below. There are a small number of new features. Minor changes have been made to enable correct building with the new perl 5.10.0 Please note that this is intended to be the last release that is compatible with the Perl 5.6 series. =head2 New Features =over =item More constants Win32::GUI::Constants now has over 2000 constants. Please keep reporting any that you need that are missing. =item Win32::GUI::DC::DrawFrameControl can DFCS_ADJUSTRECT DrawFrameControl() will now adjust it's input parameters if the DFCS_ADJUSTRECT flag is set and the input parameters are not readonly. =item Dialog navigation for MDI Windows Salvadore Oritz submitted a patch to allow 'TAB' navigation between controls of an MDI child window. The '-dialogui' is now functional on MDI child windows. =item Confusion with GetParent() and TreeView windows The GetParent() method usually gets the parent window, but for the Treeview class it gets the parent node: $parent_node = $tree_view->GetParent($node); This made it difficult to get the parent window. Now, if the GetParent() method is called without an arguements it returns the parent window: $parent_window = $tree_view->GetParent(); =back =head2 Bug Fixes =over =item Balloon Tooltip info and warning icons swapped The info and warning icon for balloon tooltips were the wrong way round. This is fixed. (Tracker: 1709017) =item Textfield::GetLine() truncates lines Textfield::GetLine() has been re-written to stop it truncating lines, and to correctly return empty lines. =item '-prompt' option to Textfield The '-prompt' option to the Textfield constructor would generate warnings and place the label incorrectly when used to supply a label only: -prompt => 'Some Label:', This should now be fixed. Note that if you were relying on the previouly incorrect placement (always against the left border), then you may need to re-position your labels. (Tracker: 1734697) =item Warning During Global Destruction It was common to get a warning like: (in cleanup) Can't call method "DELETE" on an undefined value at C:/Perl /site/lib/Win32/GUI.pm line 3451 during global destruction. This is now, hopefully, fixed. Please report if you still see errors like this. =item Memory leaks Various memory leaks have been resolved. =item Win32::GUI::Scintilla buffer sizes There were several places in the Scintilla wrapper code where buffers of the wrong sizes were allocated. This has been fixed. =item Win32::GUI::Scroll return value On failure Win32::GUI::Scroll was supposed to return undef, but was returning random garbage. This has been fixed, along with updates to the documentation. =item Win32::GUI::RichEdit::LimitText() There was a typo in the function name (LimiteText()). Both spellings are now supported. =item ListView BeginLabelEdit event The second argument was being set incorrectly when the callback was made. This is now fixed. (Tracker: 1706901) =item ListView SelectedItems may now return an empty list Win32::GUI::ListView::SelectedItems used to return C when there were no items selected. It now returns an empty list, to better support things like: for my $item ($listview->SelectedItems()) { # do something with the selected $item } =item TreeView::GetItem may now return an empty list Win32::GUI::TreeView::GetItem (and Win32::GUI::TreeView::ItemInfo) used to return C when asked about a non-existing item. In now returns an empty list to better support things like: my %node_info = $treeview->GetItem($item); =item Crash when destroying a window during a callback It is possible to write code that destroys a window during one of it's one callbacks. This could crash perl. Hopefully this is now fixed. =item All Win32::GUI::DC::Poly* drawing functions broken Polygon(), PolyBezier(), PolyBezierTo(), PolyLine() and PolyLineTo() now all work. =item Comboxbox constructor - using multiple types The Win32::GUI::Combobox constructor has been updated to handle the '-simple', '-dropdown' and '-dropdownlist' options more intuatively. The docuentation has been updated to explain that only one of these options should be used, and what happens if more than one is used. =item Win32::GUI::Imagelist::AddMasked broken This call should now work. (Tracker: 1734697) =item Win32::GUI::Acceptfiles() generates warning The AcceptFiles() method was using some undefined constants. They have been removed. =item Build process fixes A number of warnings when building under cygwin were fixed - patches submitted by Reini Urban. =item Win32::GUI::BitmapInline wasn't using a suitable temporary directory Win32::GUI::BitmapInline was always using the current directory to create temporary files. This failed when the current directory wasn't writable (likely under limited user accounts in Win2K and above). It now uses C<< File::Spec->tmpdir() >> to get a writable temporary directory. (Tracker: 1586643) Further, the filename chosen wasn't thread-safe. This (unlikely) race-condition should also be fixed. =item Toolbar Addbitmap can't be called multiple times The Win32::GUI::Toolbar::AddBitmap() method failed when called a second time, reporting that you couldn't use it when an imagelist was already assigned (regardless of whether you had assigned an imagelist or not). It may now be called more than once to add individual bitmaps to the toolbar. =back =head1 Deprecated feature status This section documents features that have been deprecated in this release, or in recent releases, and feature that will be deprecated in up-coming releases. =head2 Win32::GUI::Constants The introduction of Win32::GUI::Constants in v1.04 means that we now have access to a very large number of constants, so the v1.03 behaviour of Win32::GUI to export all constants to the calling namespace by default is no longer appropriate. So, a bare use Win32::GUI; now generates a warning that the old default behaviour will be deprecated - although the export behaviour of Win32::GUI v1.03 is maintained except for this warning. To eliminate this warning and correct your script, do one of the following: =over =item If you don't need any constants, use the empty list: use Win32::GUI(); =item If you need some constants, name them explicitly: use Win32::GUI qw(ES_WANTRETURN CW_USEDEFAULT); # Two constants exported use Win32::GUI qw(/^MB_/); # Export all constants starting with MB_ =back See the L documentation for the full allowable syntax. You are advised to fix your scripts now, as a future version will stop exporting any constants by default. Although not advised, you can suppress the warnings by turning deprecated warnings off: no warnings 'deprecated'; Additionally accessing constants from within the Win32::GUI namespace is deprecated. I.e. -addstyle => Win32::GUI::WS_BORDER, will generate a warning with this release, and will stop working with a future release. Use one of the following methods instead: =over =item use the Win32::GUI::Constants namespace instead -addstyle => Win32::GUI::Constants::WS_BORDER, =item use any other namespace you fancy use Win32::GUI qw(-exportpkg => A::B -autoload); ... -addstyle => A::B::WS_BORDER, =item maintain compatibility of existing scripts use Win32::GUI::Constants qw(-exportpkg => Win32::GUI :compatibility_win32_gui); ... -addstyle => Win32::GUI::WS_BORDER, =back =head2 Win32::GUI::NotifyIcon It is no longer necessary to use the '-id' option to any of the Win32::GUI::NotifyIcon methods. The ID is now entirely handled internally. You will receive deprecated warnings if you use it. In particular, removing Icons from the system tray should be done using $NI->Remove(); and not by the (now deprecated) $NI->Delete(-id => 1); Use of the C<-id> option will generate a warning. =head1 Contributors to this release =over =item Robert May =item Brian Millham =item Glenn Munroe =item George =item Glenn Linderman =item Salvadore Oritz =item Joseph Cordero =item Reini Urban =item Jeremy White =back =cut