=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_1_03 - This is the release notes for Version 1.03 of Win32::GUI =head1 Release Date 22nd November, 2005 =head1 Summary of Changes This is a summary of changes between V1.02 and V1.03 See the CHANGELOG file in the distribution for the full detail. V1.03 is primarily a bug-fix release. =head2 New Features =head3 New Methods =over =item Win32::GUI GetParent, UserData =item Win32::GUI::DC StretchBlt =back =head3 New Events None. =head3 New Documentation As well as various minor documentation corrections and enhancements: =over =item Win32::GUI GetAsyncKeyState =item Win32::GUI::RichEdit SetCharFormat, GetCharFormat, SetEventMask =item Win32::GUI::Timer New documentation for Win32::GUI::Timer and all Timer methods. =item Win32::GUI::Tutorial Updated all the Tutorial documentation and added tutorial examples to the demos directory. =back =head3 Other Features =over =item Version information in GUI.dll Right-click the DLL to see Version information on the version tab. =item New tests Many tests added =item New samples Added listvew_drag_drop.pl to the samples demonstrating the use of drag/drop with a ListView =item Update ImageList support ImageList support is now complete under MinGW and Cygwin if headers are recent enough (w32api V3.2 or higher) =back =head2 Bug Fixes =head3 Reported Bugs Fix to 4 item call to TrackPopupMenu. Tracker 1241830 GUI.pm Fix to logic in Win32::GUI::Class::new for perl 5.8.6 and above. Tracker:1236053 GUI.pm fixed Win32::GUI::Brush to return undef on failure GUI_messageloops.cpp: Tracker 1246429 fixed WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC for handling readonly Edit controls Tooltip.xs, GUI.xs fixed Tooltip styles (Tracker: 1273134) GUI_MessageLoops.cpp change all mouse event handlers to use GET_X_LPARAM and GET_Y_LPARAM rather than HIWORD and LOWORD (Tracker: 1262098) GUI.xs fixed UnHook() to resolve perl 5.6/5.8 differences in av_delete, causing a warning in perl 5.8 (Tracker: 1164766) GUI.xs: Changed DoModal's use of GetParent to GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER). (Tracker: 1165626) GUI_messageloops.cpp: Tracker:1236283 Change to WM_ERASEBACKGROUND to allow -background to work with windows =head3 Other Bugs GUI_messageloops.cpp: Fixed WM_CTLCOLOR* to use window class background brush if there is one Richedit.xs fix SetCharFormat/GetCharFormat option GUI.pm Timer fixes (Reini Urban) GUI.pm fixed Win32::GUI::DC::new() with no params to return a correct object GUI_Constants.cpp: correct TMP_NONOTIFY to TPM_NONOTIFY (aschwarz1309) Listbox.xs: fixed buffer overrun in GetText causing crash (Jez White) Combobox.xs: fixed buffer overrun in GetLBText causing crash (Jez White) GUI.xs: fixed return value of GetAsyncKeyState Re-worked Win32::GUI::Timer package implementation. Now destruction works correctly. =head1 Contributors to this release =over =item Dan Dascalescu =item Reini Urban =item Jeremy White =item aschwarz1309 =item Robert May =back =cut