=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_1_00 - This is the release notes for Version 1.0 of Win32::GUI =head1 Release Date 12th November, 2004 =head1 Summary of Changes This version is a main development branch of Win32::GUI based on a rewritten base code. - Completely new base code. - Full NEM/OEM support. - Lot of control Win32 API method. - Preserved Perl context. - New DoModal. - More documentation. - MDI application support. - Add MonthCal control. =head1 CHANGELOG from v0.99_1 + [Laurent Rocher] : - GUI.pm, GUI.xs, Readme.txt, Readme + VERSION 1.0 + [Jeremy White] : - GUI.xs : + Fix SetEvent + [Laurent Rocher] : - GUI.xs : + Fix MessageBeep XS interface. - Button.xs + Fix -align option =head1 Contributors to this release =over =item Jeremy White =item Laurent Rocher =back =cut