=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_0_0_671 - This is the release notes for Version 0.0.671 of Win32::GUI =head1 Release Date 21st March, 2004 =head1 Summary of Changes This release of Win32::GUI introduces many bug fix and new features the most important being: New : - Add anti-flicker option (-noflicker). - Add new methods and documentation for TabStrip, StatusBar, Rebard, Toolbar. - Add new options for Menu. - Add loading ressources from exe file. - Add SetEvent and GetEvent for NEM event system. - Add support for scrollbar in Window and DialogBox. Fix : - Left() and Top() don't perform translation for non child window. - Update Hook for multiple hooks per message. - Fix some event handling problems. - Fix some doc generation problems. =head1 CHANGELOG + [Laurent Rocher] - GUI.pm : Change version to 0.0.671 - GUI.xs : Change version to 0.0.671 - README : Change version to 0.0.671 - Readme.txt : Change version to 0.0.671 - GUI.h : Add av_delete macro for perl 5.005 - GUI_Events.cpp : In DoEvent_NEM_Menu correct event test (use SvOK). - MANIFEST : Update file + [Steve Pick] - GUI.xs : LoadImage() now tries to find resources in the exe first, and only if that fails does it look on-disk. This means you can use ResHacker or some similar resource editor to add resources to your distributed exe. - GUI.xs : Win32::GUI::LoadResource(NAME) added - loads a resource from the current executable and returns it as a scalar. Resource type must be RCDATA (i.e. raw data). + [Steve Pick] - ListView.xs : Made ListViews aware of the -background option. - Toolbar.xs : Implemented all of Ramy's perl toolbar extension in XS code. Added constants as well. - GUI_Constants.cpp : Added tons of toolbar-related constants. Note that you should probably use the TBSTYLE_xxx constants instead of the BTNS_xxx constants for toolbar button styles right now as the latter doesnt work depending on your compiler. - GUI.pm : Added constants - GUI_Events.cpp : Fixed NeedText so it doesnt crash on exit (needed to extend memory reserved by one byte). Modified the way ButtonClick is handled for toolbars - If a dropdown menu should be expanded, there is a new second argument to ButtonClick which is set to 1. - TreeView.xs : Fix in InsertItem. Wasn't reserving enough memory for the strings form the -text option. - StatusBar.xs : Parts method now detects scalar/array context and returns # parts / list of parts as appropriate - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : Fix for noflicker (previously, the whole client area was not validated - now it is), also added onPaint event to NEM (for graphic objects). - GUI.xs : Added GetEvent() and SetEvent() methods. GetEvent(EVENTNAME) will return a coderef to the handler for the specified NEM event name (e.g. "Resize"), SetEvent(EVENTNAME,CODEREF) will set a handler for the event. Made AbsLeft() and AbsTop() accept co-ordinates. + [Laurent Rocher] - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : Revrite WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, WM_CTLCOLORBTN, WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX event handling in CommonMsgLoop. Correct Both event handling in NEM_WindowMsgLoop. + [Jez White & Laurent Rocher] - Rebar.xs : Added documentation for all the methods . New methods : ShowBand, HideBand, MoveBand, GetBandBorder, GetBarHeight. Fix BandInfo crash. + [Steve Pick & Laurent Rocher] - GUI.xs : Extended support for scrollbars in a window's non-client area. Added NEM event "onScroll" and OEM event "_Scroll" for Window and DialogBox. New functions for Window/Dialog: $w->ScrollRange(SCROLLBAR,[MIN,MAX]), $w->ScrollPos(SCROLLBAR,[POS]), $w->ScrollPage(SCROLLBAR,[PAGESIZE]), $w->Scroll(SCROLLBAR, OPERATION, POSITION). Docs in source as usual. Check GUI.xs. - GUI_Events and GUI.h : Support for _Scroll and onScroll events for windows / dialogs - GUI_MessageLoops : Fix for $object->Result(x) method, [thanks go to Glenn Linderman for pointing the problem out] - StatusBar.xs : Various fixes and optimizations by Laurent Rocher. - GUI_Constants.cpp : Added Scrollbar constants (SB_*) and statusbar constants (SBT_*) + [Steve Pick] - Added StatusBar.xs to handle new StatusBar methods. Each method is documented in this file, but the documentation has not been re-generated. + [Steve Pick] - GUI.xs : Made ProgressBar aware of -foreground and -background colour settings - GUI.xs : Added Result(handle, code) call for explicitly setting the returned LRESULT from a handler. (normally the value returned from Perl handlers was not returned from their calling wndproc, this allows you to specify a result that will be returned.) - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : If CommonMsgLoop must be called then it is called before any Hook handlers are called. + [Steve Pick] - GUI.xs : Huge update to Hook() and UnHook(). You can now add multiple hooks per message, catch WM_NOTIFY and WM_COMMAND messages, and it works with both New and Old Event Models. Documentation for both functions is present. - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : Addition of DoHook() function and DoHook() calls in NEM_WindowMsgLoop, WindowMsgLoop, and NEM_ChildMsgLoop. DoHook is internal. + [Glenn Linderman] - GUI.pm : In MakeMenu, Set a default event name to every item with an empty string. - GUI_Options.cpp : Added new menu options. + [Jeremy White & Laurent Rocher] - TabStip.xs : Add new methods and some documentation. + [Steve Pick] - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : Added anti-flicker code. - GUI_Options.cpp : Added -noflicker option to window/dialogbox. - GUI.h : Added flickerFree property to USERDATA and CREATESTRUCT structs - GUI.pm : Added documentation line for -noflicker option + [Steve Pick & Laurent Rocher] - GUI.xs : Left() and Top() now not perform ScreenToClient() on the rectangle for non child window. =head1 Contributors to this release =over =item Steve Pick =item Laurent Rocher =item Jez White =item Glenn Linderman =back =cut