=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::ReleaseNotes::RN_0_0_670 - This is the release notes for Version 0.0.670 of Win32::GUI =head1 Release Date 11th December, 2003 =head1 Summary of Changes This release of Win32::GUI introduces many bug fix and new features the most important being: New : - add Hook/UnHook methods - new DateTime styles and methods - new RichEdit methods - improve GetOpenFileName / GetSaveFileName. - new _DropFiles Events - SendMessage now support a pointer to a string or a struct in LPARAM. - NEM KeyDown and KeyUp receive new parameter with virtual key value. - NEM Timer event Bug: - Fix accelerator keys - Fix ImageList bug - Fix Windows XP Color - Fix options parsing for TextField - Fix -prompt support on Textfield with -pos and -size option. - Fix DoEvents double events - Fix PeekMessage warm message - Fix menu enabled option. Build : - MinGW support - ActivePerl 5.005 support =head1 CHANGELOG + [Laurent Rocher] - GUI.pm : Change version to 0.0.670 - GUI.h : Set NO_XSLOCKS for perl 5.005 - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : Fix for perl 5.005 + [Steve Pick] - GUI.xs : Update to Hook() - now returns previous handler coderef on hook reassignment, 0 if no previous assignment, and undef if error. - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : Added code to call Hook()ed handlers to NEM_ChildMsgLoop + [Laurent Rocher] - GUI.pm : Add AddDatetime, AddGraphics methods - GUI.xs : Fix DoEvents double event, add some DateTime methods (GetTime, SetTime, SetNone, IsNone). - GUI_Options.cpp : Add option parsing for DateTime control (-align, -format, -shownone, -updown) - Typemap : LPARAM handle as string or integer. + [Steve Pick] - GUI.xs : Added Hook and UnHook methods. These let you do $win->Hook(MsgID, \&somesub); to hook a message to a sub. The sub must be a coderef, and is called with self, wparam and lparam args when the message is received by the window. - GUI.h : Addition of avHooks to PERLWIN32GUI_CREATESTRUCT and PERLWIN32GUI_USERDATA. - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp : Addition of hook-calling code to NEM_WindowMsgLoop. + [Laurent Rocher] - GUI.pm : Fix -prompt option for TextField, correct color option for class (Win98SE). - GUI_Options.cpp : Correct -popstyle and -popexstyle like options. + [Glenn Linderman] GUI_Options.cpp : Correct menu -enabled option. + [Steve Pick] GUI.h : Added PERLWIN32GUI_NEM_TIMER event. - GUI.pm: fixed Win32::GUI::Class::new to avoid the "white background" syndrome on Windows 2000. Fixed conditional so that all operating systems with version above and including 5.1 have the no-white-background fix. - GUI_MessageLoops.cpp: added WM_TIMER event to NEM_WindowMsgLoop, now NEM handler -onTimer will be called whenever a timer added to the window triggers. The NAME of the timer is provided as an argument to the handler. - GUI_Options.cpp: Fix to allow -onTimer. - GUI_Events.cpp: NEM Events always returned PerlResult of -2, even if a handler was found and called for the event. Now it returns 0 if everything was successful, as it should judging by the rest of the code. + [Laurent Rocher] Add build with MinGW and ExtUtils-FakeConfig support. You can build Win32-GUI for ActiveState Perl with Free MingW Compiler. See HowTo : http://perso.club-internet.fr/rocherl/Win32GUI.html + [Steve Pick] GUI.pm: Fix ImageList bug + [Glenn Linderman] MessageLoops.cpp: Fix Window Cursor bug (Without return FALSE statement) + [Steve Pick] GUI.xs : Fix PeekMessage (move SvROK in inner if and remove sv_2mortal) + [Aldo Calpini] GUI.pm - fixed Win32::GUI::Class::new to avoid the "white background" syndrome on XP) - fixed a bug with options parsing in Win32::GUI::Textfield::new - reworked a little the code for Win32::GUI::AcceleratorTable + [Glenn Linderman] Accelerator key patch, Correct NotifyIcon DESTROY, add PM_* constants for use with TrackPopupMenu. + [Laurent Rocher] Fix some warnings, Remove unused variables, remove constants.c file. + [Trevor Garside] Add new RichEdit methods. + [Steve Pick & Laurent Rocher] Add parameters for WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP NEM events in NEM_ChildMsgLoop. + [Johan Lindstrom] Add WM_DROPFILES event in WindowMsgLoop. + [Laurent Rocher] Add new options for GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName. + [Jeremy White & Laurent Rocher] Add new datetime control methods and DTS_* styles constants. =head1 Contributors to this release =over =item Jeremy White =item Laurent Rocher =item Johan Lindstrom =item Steve Pick =item Trevor Garside =item Glenn Linderman =item Aldo Calpini =back =cut