=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::MDIFrame - Create and manipulate MDI Windows =head1 DESCRIPTION [TBD] =for comment $Id: per_package_method_section.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head1 METHODS L apply to most windows, controls and resources. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 new B Creates a new MDI Client object. Class specific B<%OPTIONS> are: See also the L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddMDIClient B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddMenu B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddNotifyIcon B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddRebar B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddSplitter B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddStatusBar B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddTimer B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 AddToolbar B See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Center B Center the window vertically and horizontally in the Parent (Default: the Desktop window). Parent can be either a Win32::GUI::Window or a hwind. Return 1 on success, else 0. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetDC B Returns the DC object associated with the window. =for comment $Id: per_package_event_section.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head1 EVENTS L apply to most windows and controls. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Activate (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when the window is activated. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Deactivate (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when the window is deactivated. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 InitMenu (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when a menu is about to become active. It occurs when the user clicks an item on the menu bar or presses a menu key. This allows the application to modify the menu before it is displayed. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Maximize (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when the window is maximized. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Minimize (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when the window is minimized. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Paint (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when the window needs to be repainted. Note that you get the DC of the window object in parameter, and then Validate() the DC to inform Windows that you painted the DC area (otherwise it will continue to call the Paint event continuously). Example: sub Graphic_Paint { my $DC = shift; $DC->MoveTo(0, 0); $DC->LineTo(100, 100); $DC->Validate(); } =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Resize (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when the window is resized. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Scroll (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when one of the window scrollbars is moved. SCROLLBAR identifies which bar was moved, 0 for horizontal and 1 for vertical. OPERATION can be compared against one of the following constants: SB_LINEUP, SB_LINELEFT, SB_LINEDOWN, SB_LINERIGHT, SB_PAGEUP SB_PAGELEFT, SB_PAGEDOWN, SB_PAGERIGHT, SB_THUMBPOSITION, SB_THUMBTRACK, SB_TOP, SB_LEFT, SB_BOTTOM, SB_RIGHT, SB_ENDSCROLL Related messages: WM_HSCROLL, WM_VSCROLL =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Terminate (Win32::GUI::Window) B Sent when the window is closed. The event should return -1 to terminate the interaction and return control to the perl script; see L. =for comment $Id: pod_postamble.tpl,v 1.2 2005/08/03 21:45:59 robertemay Exp $ =head1 VERSION Documentation for Win32::GUI v1.06 created 14 Feb 2008 This document is autogenerated by the build process. Edits made here will be lost. Edit F instead. =head1 SUPPORT Homepage: L. For further support join the users mailing list(C) from the website at L. There is a searchable list archive at L. =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENCE Copyright (c) 1997..2008 Aldo Calpini. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.