=head1 NAME Win32::GUI::ListView - Create and manipulate listview controls =head1 DESCRIPTION [TBD] =for comment $Id: per_package_method_section.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head1 METHODS L apply to most windows, controls and resources. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 new B Creates a new ListView object; can also be called as PARENT->AddListView(%OPTIONS). Class specific B<%OPTIONS> are: -align => left, top -imagelist => IMAGELIST -report => 0/1 -list => 0/1 -singlesel => 0/1 -showselalways => 0/1 -sortascending => 0/1 -sortdescending => 0/1 -nolabelwrap => 0/1 -autoarrange => 0/1 -editlabel => 0/1 -noscroll => 0/1 -alignleft => 0/1 -ownerdrawfixed => 0/1 -nocolumnheader => 0/1 -nosortheader => 0/1 -gridlines => 0/1 -subitemimages => 0/1 -checkboxes => 0/1 -hottrack => 0/1 -reordercolumns => 0/1 -fullrowselect => 0/1 -oneclickactivate => 0/1 -twoclickactivate => 0/1 -flatsb => 0/1 -regional => 0/1 -infotip => 0/1 -underlinehot => 0/1 -underlinecold => 0/1 -multiworkareas => 0/1 See also the L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Add B Inserts one or more items in the control; each item must be passed as an hash reference. See L for a list of the available key/values of these hashes. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ApproximateViewRect B Calculates the approximate width and height required to display a given number of items. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Arrange B LVA_ALIGNLEFT = Aligns items along the left edge of the window. LVA_ALIGNTOP = Aligns items along the top edge of the window. LVA_DEFAULT = Aligns items according to the ListView's current alignment styles (the default value). LVA_SNAPTOGRID = Snaps all icons to the nearest grid position. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ChangeItem B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Clear B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ColumnWidth B Gets or sets the width of the specified COLUMN; WIDTH can be the desired width in pixels or one of the following special values: -1 automatically size the column -2 automatically size the column to fit the header text =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Count B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 CreateDragImage B Creates a transparent version of an item image. The xcor and yxcor are the initial location of the upper-left corner of the image. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 DeleteAllItems B Deletes all items from the ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 DeleteColumn B Removes a column from a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 DeleteItem B Removes the zero-based INDEX item from the ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Deselect B Deselects the zero-based INDEX item from the ListView. Use Deselect(-1) to deselect all items. Focus is unchanged. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 DeselectAll B Alternate method to deselect all items from the ListView. Focus is unchanged. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 EditLabel B Begins in-place editing of the specified list view item's text. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 EnsureVisible B Ensures that a list view item is either entirely or partially visible, scrolling the ListView if necessary. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 FindItem B Searches for a list view item with the specified characteristics. B<%OPTIONS> : -string => STRING Item must exactly match the string. -prefix => 0/1 Find item text begins with the string. -wrap => 0/1 Continues the search at the beginning if no match is found. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetBkColor B Retrieves the background color of a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetBkImage B Retrieves the background image in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetCallbackMask B Retrieves the callback mask for a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetCheckState B Determines if an item in a ListView is selected. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetColumn B Retrieves the attributes of a ListView's column. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetColumnOrderArray B Retrieves the current left-to-right order of columns in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetColumnWidth B Retrieves the width of a column in report or list view. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetCountPerPage B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetEditControl B Retrieves the handle to the edit control being used to edit a list view item's text. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetExtendedListViewStyle B Retrieves the extended styles that are currently in use for a given ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetHeader B Retrieves the handle to the header control used by a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetHotCursor B Retrieves the cursor used when the pointer is over an item while hot tracking is enabled. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetHotItem B Retrieves the index of the hot item. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetHoverTime B Retrieves the amount of time that the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it is selected. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetImageList B Retrieves the handle to an image list used for drawing list view items. Type : LVSIL_NORMAL Image list with large icons. LVSIL_SMALL Image list with small icons. LVSIL_STATE Image list with state images. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetISearchString B Retrieves the incremental search string of a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetItem B Returns an associative array of information about the given zero-based B item. Return Hash : -image -state -text Optionally, a B (one-based index) can be given, to get the text for the specified column. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetItemCount B Returns the number of items in the ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetItemPosition B Retrieves the position of a list view item, in listview co-ordinates. See L to convert to client co-ordinates. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetItemRect B Retrieves the bounding rectangle for all or part of an item in the current view, in client co-ordinates. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetItemSpacing B Determines the spacing between items in a ListView. Flag is true to return the item spacing for the small icon view, and false to return the icon spacing for large icon view. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetItemState B Determines the spacing between items in a ListView. Index is the listview item for which to retrieve information. mask is a combination of the fllowing flags: LVIS_CUT The item is marked for a cut-and-paste operation. LVIS_DROPHILITED The item is highlighted as a drag-and-drop target. LVIS_FOCUSED The item has the focus, so it is surrounded by a standard focus rectangle. Although more than one item may be selected, only one item can have the focus. LVIS_SELECTED The item is selected. The appearance of a selected item depends on whether it has the focus and also on the system colors used for selection. LVIS_OVERLAYMASK Use this mask to retrieve the item's overlay image index. LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK Use this mask to retrieve the item's state image index. The only valid its in the response are those bits that correspond to bits set in mask. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetItemText B Retrieves the text of a ListView item or subitem =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetNextItem B Searches for a list view item that has the specified properties and bears the specified relationship to a specified item. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetNumberOfWorkAreas B Retrieves the number of working areas in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetOrigin B Retrieves the current view origin for a ListView. Use the values returned to convert between listview co-ordinates and client co-ordinates. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetSelectedCount B Determines the number of selected items in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetSelectionMark B Retrieves the selection mark from a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetStringWidth B Determines the width of a specified string using the specified ListView's current font. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetSubItemRect B Retrieves the bounding rectangle for all or part of an item in the current view, in client co-oridinates. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetTextBkColor B Retrieves the text background color of a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetTextColor B Retrieves the text color of a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetToolTips B Retrieves the tooltip control that the ListView uses to display tooltips. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetTopIndex B Retrieves the index of the topmost visible item when in list or report view. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetUnicodeFormat B Retrieves the UNICODE character format flag for the control. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 GetViewRect B Retrieves the bounding rectangle of all items in the ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 HitTest B Determine the index of the listview item at X,Y. X,Y are in client co-ordinates. In list context, returns a 2 member list, the first member containing the item index of the item under the tested position (or -1 of no such item), and the second member containing flags giving information about the result of the test: LVHT_ABOVE The position is above the control's client area. LVHT_BELOW The position is below the control's client area. LVHT_NOWHERE The position is inside the list-view control's client window, but it is not over a list item. LVHT_ONITEMICON The position is over a list-view item's icon. LVHT_ONITEMLABEL The position is over a list-view item's text. LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON The position is over the state image of a list-view item. LVHT_TOLEFT The position is to the left of the list-view control's client area. LVHT_TORIGHT The position is to the right of the list-view control's client area. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 InsertColumn B Inserts a new column in a ListView. B<%OPTIONS> : -text => Column text -align => [right,left,center] -width => width -index | -item => column index -subitem => subitem number -image => image index -bitmaponright => 0/1 -order => Column order =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 InsertItem B Inserts a new item in the control. B<%OPTIONS> : -image => NUMBER index of an image from the associated ImageList -indent => NUMBER how much the item must be indented; one unit is the width of an item image, so 2 is twice the width of the image, and so on. -item => NUMBER zero-based index for the new item; the default is to add the item at the end of the list. -selected => 0/1, default 0 -text => STRING the text for the item. If STRING an array refereence, then the array contains the text for item at position 0, and all other array members are treated as text for subitems. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Item B Return an Win32::GUI::ListView::Item. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ItemCheck B Set or Get item checked state. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ItemInfo B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ItemPosition B Get or set the position of an item in icon or small icon view. X,Y are in listview co-ordinates. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 MoveItem B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 RedrawItems B Forces a ListView to redraw a range of items. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Scroll B Scrolls the content of a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Select B Selects and sets focus to the zero-based INDEX item from the ListView. Use Select(-1) to select all items and set focus to item 0. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SelectAll B Alternate method to select all items. Sets focus to the zero-based INDEX item from the ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SelectCount B See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SelectedItems B Returns an array containing the zero-based indexes of selected items, or an empty list if no items are selected. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetBkColor B Sets the background color of a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetBkImage B Sets the background image in a ListView. B<%OPTIONS> : -url => STRING URL of the background image. -tiled => 0/1 The background image will be tiled to fill the entire background. -xOffsetPercent => NUMBER Percentage of the control's client area that the image should be offset horizontally. -yOffsetPercent => NUMBER Percentage of the control's client area that the image should be offset vertically. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetCallbackMask B Changes the callback mask for a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetColumn B Change column option in a ListView. B<%OPTIONS> : See L =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetColumnOrderArray B Sets the left-to-right order of columns in a ListView . =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetColumnWidth B Sets the width of the specified COLUMN; WIDTH can be the desired width in pixels or one of the following special values: -1 automatically size the column -2 automatically size the column to fit the header text =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetExtendedListViewStyle B Sets extended styles for ListViews. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetExtendedListViewStyleEx B Sets extended styles for ListView using the style mask =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetHotCursor B Sets the HCURSOR that the ListView uses when the pointer is over an item while hot tracking is enabled. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetHotItem B Sets the hot item in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetHoverTime B Sets the amount of time that the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it is selected. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetIconSpacing B Sets the spacing between icons in ListView set to the LVS_ICON style. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetImageList B Assigns an image list to a ListView. Type of image list. This parameter can be one of the following values: LVSIL_NORMAL (0) Image list with large icons. LVSIL_SMALL (1) Image list with small icons. LVSIL_STATE (2) Image list with state images. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetItem B Change item options. B<%OPTIONS> : See L. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetItemCount B Sets the amount of time that the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it is selected. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetItemCountEx B Sets the virtual number of items in a virtual ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetItemPosition B Moves an item to a specified position in a ListView (in icon or small icon view). X,Y are in listview co-ordinates. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetItemState B Changes the state of an item in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetItemText B Changes the text of an item in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetSelectionMark B Sets the selection mark in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetTextBkColor B Sets the background color of text in a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetTextColor B Sets the text color of a ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetToolTips B Sets the tooltip control that the ListView will use to display tooltips. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SetUnicodeFormat B Sets the UNICODE character format flag for the control. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 SubItemHitTest B Test to find which sub-item is at the position X,Y. X,Y are inclient-co-ordinates. Returns a 3 memeber list, giving the item number, subitem number and flags related to the test. the item number is -1 if no item or subitem is under X,Y. flags are a combination of: LVHT_ABOVE The position is above the control's client area. LVHT_BELOW The position is below the control's client area. LVHT_NOWHERE The position is inside the list-view control's client window, but it is not over a list item. LVHT_ONITEMICON The position is over a list-view item's icon. LVHT_ONITEMLABEL The position is over a list-view item's text. LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON The position is over the state image of a list-view item. LVHT_TOLEFT The position is to the left of the list-view control's client area. LVHT_TORIGHT The position is to the right of the list-view control's client area. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 TextBkColor B Gets or sets the background color for the text in the ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 TextColor B Gets or sets the text color for the ListView. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 Update B Updates a list view item. =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 View B [TBD] =for comment $Id: per_package_method.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 VisibleCount B Calculates the number of items that can fit vertically in the visible area of a ListView when in list or report view. =for comment $Id: per_package_event_section.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head1 EVENTS L apply to most windows and controls. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 BeginDrag B Notifies a list-view control that a drag-and-drop operation involving the left mouse button is being initiated. Passes the item being dragged. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 BeginLabelEdit B Sent when the user is about to edit the specified item of the ListView The event should return 0 to prevent the action, 1 to allow it. For a ListView to receive this event, -editlabels need to be set to true. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ColumnClick B Sent when the user clicks on a column header in the ListView; ITEM specifies the one-based index of the selected column. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 EndLabelEdit B Sent when the user has finished editing a label in the ListView control. You have explicitly set the text of the item to reflect the new changes. If the user cancels the edit, the text is undef. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ItemChanged B Sent for any change of state of an item in the ListView. ITEM specifies the zero-based index of the selected item. NEWSTATE specifies the new item state (LVIS_). OLDSTATE specifies the old item state (LVIS_). CHANGED specifies the item attributes that have changed (LVIF_). =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ItemChanging B Sent when the item is about to change state. The event should return 0 to prevent the action, 1 to allow it. ITEM specifies the zero-based index of the selected item. NEWSTATE specifies the new item state (LVIS_). OLDSTATE specifies the old item state (LVIS_). CHANGED specifies the item attributes that have changed (LVIF_). =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ItemCheck B Sent when the user changes the checkbox of an item in the ListView; ITEM specifies the zero-based index of the selected item. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 ItemClick B Sent when the user selects an item in the ListView; ITEM specifies the zero-based index of the selected item. =for comment $Id: per_package_event.tpl,v 1.3 2006/03/16 21:11:13 robertemay Exp $ =head2 KeyDown B Sent when the user presses a key while the ListView control has focus; KEY is the ASCII code of the key being pressed. =for comment $Id: pod_postamble.tpl,v 1.2 2005/08/03 21:45:59 robertemay Exp $ =head1 VERSION Documentation for Win32::GUI v1.06 created 14 Feb 2008 This document is autogenerated by the build process. Edits made here will be lost. Edit F instead. =head1 SUPPORT Homepage: L. For further support join the users mailing list(C) from the website at L. There is a searchable list archive at L. =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENCE Copyright (c) 1997..2008 Aldo Calpini. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.