package Win32::GUI::GridLayout; $Win32::GUI::GridLayout::VERSION = "0.06"; $Win32::GUI::GridLayout::VERSION = eval $Win32::GUI::GridLayout::VERSION; sub new { my($class, $c, $r, $w, $h, $xpad, $ypad) = @_; my $r_grid = { "cols" => $c, "rows" => $r, "width" => $w, "height" => $h, "xPad" => $xpad, "yPad" => $ypad, }; bless $r_grid, $class; return $r_grid; } sub apply { my($class, $to, $c, $r, $xpad, $ypad) = @_; my $w = $to->ScaleWidth(); my $h = $to->ScaleHeight(); my $r_grid = { "cols" => $c, "rows" => $r, "width" => $w, "height" => $h, "xPad" => $xpad, "yPad" => $ypad, "source" => $to, "content" => [], }; bless $r_grid, $class; return $r_grid; } sub add { my($grid, $o, $c, $r, $align) = @_; my @content = @{$grid->{'content'}}; my($halign, $valign) = split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/, $align); push(@content, [$o, $c, $r, $halign, $valign] ); $grid->{'content'} = [@content]; } sub recalc { my($grid) = @_; $grid->{'width'} = $grid->{'source'}->ScaleWidth(); $grid->{'height'} = $grid->{'source'}->ScaleHeight(); if(ref $grid->{'cols'} eq 'ARRAY') { my @colw = @{$grid->{'cols'}}; my @absw = grep(/^\d+$/, @colw); my $absw = 0; map($absw+=$_, @absw); my $relw = int(($grid->{'width'}-$absw)/($#colw-$#absw)); for my $i (0..$#colw) { $grid->{'_cols_w'}[$i] = ($colw[$i] eq '*') ? $relw : $colw[$i]; } } else { my $relw = int($grid->{'width'}/$grid->{'cols'}); for my $i (0..($grid->{'cols'}-1)) { $grid->{'_cols_w'}[$i] = $relw; } } if(ref $grid->{'rows'} eq 'ARRAY') { my @rowh = @{$grid->{'rows'}}; my @absh = grep(/^\d+$/, @rowh); my $absh = 0; map($absh+=$_, @absh); my $relh = int(($grid->{'height'}-$absh)/($#rowh-$#absh)); for my $i (0..$#rowh) { $grid->{'_rows_h'}[$i] = ($rowh[$i] eq '*') ? $relh : $rowh[$i]; } } else { my $relh = int($grid->{'height'}/$grid->{'rows'}); for my $i (0..($grid->{'rows'}-1)) { $grid->{'_rows_h'}[$i] = $relh; } } foreach my $inside (@{$grid->{'content'}}) { $grid->{'widgetWidth'} = $inside->[0]->Width(); $grid->{'widgetHeight'} = $inside->[0]->Height(); if($inside->[3] =~ /^j/i) { $inside->[0]->Resize( $grid->col_w($inside->[1]), $inside->[0]->Height, ); } if($inside->[4] =~ /^j/i) { $inside->[0]->Resize( $inside->[0]->Width, $grid->row_h($inside->[2]), ); } $inside->[0]->Move( $grid->col($inside->[1], $inside->[3]), $grid->row($inside->[2], $inside->[4]), ); } } sub draw { my($grid) = @_; return undef unless $grid->{'source'}; my $DC = $grid->{'source'}->GetDC(); my $colWidth = int($grid->{'width'} / $grid->{'cols'}); my $rowHeight = int($grid->{'height'} / $grid->{'rows'}); my($i, $s); $s = 0; for my $i (@{$grid->{'_cols_w'}}) { $s += $i; $DC->MoveTo($s, 0); $DC->LineTo($s, $grid->{'height'}); } $s = 0; for my $i (@{$grid->{'_rows_h'}}) { $s += $i; $DC->MoveTo(0, $s); $DC->LineTo($grid->{'width'}, $s); } } sub column { my($grid_param, $col, $align) = @_; $col = [$col] unless(ref $col); $col = [map($_-1, @$col)]; my $x = 0; my $colWidth = 0; if($grid_param->{'_cols_w'}) { my @colw = @{$grid_param->{'_cols_w'}}; for(@$col) { $colWidth += $colw[$_]; } for(my $i=0; $i<=$col->[0]-1; $i++) { $x += $colw[$i]; } $x += $grid_param->{'xPad'}; } else { $colWidth = int($grid_param->{'width'} / $grid_param->{'cols'} *($#$col+1)); $x = ($col->[0] * $colWidth) + ($grid_param->{'xPad'}); } $x += int(($colWidth - $grid_param->{'widgetWidth'}) / 2) if $align =~ /^c/i; $x += ($colWidth - $grid_param->{'widgetWidth'}) - 2*$grid_param->{'xPad'} if $align =~ /^r/i; $grid_param->{'widgetWidth'} = 0; # in case a width declaration is missed or not used return $x; } sub col { column @_; } sub row { my($grid_param, $row, $align) = @_; $row = [$row] unless(ref $row); $row = [map($_-1, @$row)]; my $y = 0; my $rowHeight = 0; if($grid_param->{'_rows_h'}) { my @rowh = @{$grid_param->{'_rows_h'}}; for(@$row) { $rowHeight = $rowh[$_]; } for(my $i=0; $i<=$row->[0]-1; $i++) { $y += $rowh[$i]; } $y += $grid_param->{'yPad'}; } else { $rowHeight = int($grid_param->{'height'} / $grid_param->{'rows'}) *($#$row+1); $y = ($row->[0] * $rowHeight) + ($grid_param->{'yPad'}); } $y += int(($rowHeight - $grid_param->{'widgetHeight'}) / 2) if $align =~ /^c/i; $y += ($rowHeight - $grid_param->{'widgetHeight'}) - 2*$grid_param->{'yPad'} if $align =~ /^b/i; $grid_param->{'widgetHeight'} = 0; # same reason as coment in &column return $y; } sub width { my ($grid_param,$w) = @_; $grid_param->{'widgetWidth'} = $w; return $grid_param->{'widgetWidth'}; } sub height { my ($grid_param,$h) = @_; $grid_param->{'widgetHeight'} = $h; return $grid_param->{'widgetHeight'}; } sub col_w { my($grid_param, $col) = @_; $col = [$col] unless(ref $col); my $w = 0; for my $col (@$col) { $w += $grid_param->{'_cols_w'}[$col-1]; } $w -= 2*$grid_param->{'xPad'}; return $w; } sub row_h { my($grid_param, $row) = @_; $row = [$row] unless(ref $row); my $h = 0; for my $row (@$row) { $h += $grid_param->{'_rows_h'}[$row-1]; } $h -= 2*$grid_param->{'yPad'}; return $h; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Win32::GUI::GridLayout - Grid layout support for Win32::GUI =head1 SYNOPSIS use Win32::GUI:: use Win32::GUI::GridLayout; # 1. make a "static" grid $grid = new Win32::GUI::GridLayout(400, 300, 3, 3, 0, 0); $win = new Win32::GUI::Window( $win->AddLabel( -name => "label1", -text => "Label 1", -width => $grid->width(35), -height => $grid->height(11), -left => $grid->col(1, "left"), -top => $grid->row(1, "top"), ); # 2. make a "dynamic" grid $grid = apply Win32::GUI::GridLayout($win, 3, 3, 0, 0); or $grid = apply Win32::GUI::GridLayout($win, [qw(10 * * 10)], [qw(10 * 40)], 0, 0); $win->AddLabel( -name => "label1", -text => "Label 1", ); $grid->add($win->label1, 1, 1, "left top"); or $grid->add($win->label1, [2..3], 1, "justify justify"); $grid->recalc(); =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Constructors =over 4 =item new Win32::GUI::GridLayout(COLS, ROWS, WIDTH, HEIGHT, XPAD, YPAD) =item apply Win32::GUI::GridLayout(WINDOW, COLS, ROWS, XPAD, YPAD) COLS - quantity of columns or arrayref of width colomns (number - absolute width, * - relative width) ROWS - quantity of rows or arrayref of height rows (number - absolute height, * - relative height) =back =head2 Methods =over 4 =item add(CONTROL, COL, ROW, ALIGN) Adds CONTROL to the grid at (COL, ROW). ALIGN can specify both horizontal and vertical alignment (see the col() and row() methods), separated by at least one blank and/or a comma. Example: $grid->add($win->label1, 1, 1, "left top"); or $grid->add($win->label1, [2..3], 1, "justify top"); COL and ROW may be arrayref for adds CONTROL into more than one cell. If ALIGN is justify (j) than CONTROL expands up to cell. =item col(N, ALIGN) Positions the control at the Nth column in the grid, optionally with an ALIGN; this can be feed to a C<-left> option when creating a control. ALIGN can be C, C
or C (can be shortened to C, C, C); default is C. Note that for alignment to work properly, the width() and height() methods must have been previously called. Example: $win->AddLabel( -name => "label1", -text => "Label 1", -width => $grid->width(35), -height => $grid->height(11), -left => $grid->col(1, "left"), -top => $grid->row(1, "top"), ); =item draw() Draws the GridLayout in the associated window (may be useful for debugging); is only meaningful if the GridLayout was created with the apply() constructor. =item height(N) Sets the height of the control for subsequent alignment; this can be feed to a C<-height> option when creating a control. Example: see col(). =item recalc() Recalculates the grid and repositions all the add()ed controls, taking into account the actual window and controls sizes; is only meaningful if the GridLayout was created with the apply() constructor. Example: sub Window_Resize { $grid->recalc(); } =item row(N, ALIGN) Positions the control at the Nth row in the grid, optionally with an ALIGN; this can be feed to a C<-top> option when creating a control. ALIGN can be C, C
or C (can be shortened to t, c, b); default is top. Note that for alignment to work properly, the width() and height() methods must have been previously called. Example: see col(). =item width(N) Sets the width of the control for subsequent alignment; this can be feed to a C<-width> option when creating a control. Example: see col(). =back =head1 VERSION =over =item Win32::GUI::GridLayout version 0.06, June 2006. =item Win32::GUI::GridLayout version 0.05, 24 June 2005. =item Win32::GUI::GridLayout version 0.04, 06 April 2005. =item Win32::GUI::GridLayout version 0.03, 13 April 1999. =back =head1 AUTHOR Original Author Mike Kangas ( C ); additional coding by Aldo Calpini ( C ), Alexander Romanenko ( C ), Robert May ( C ). =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 1999..2005 by Mike Kangas Copyright (C) 2006 by Robert May This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut