package Win32::GUI::AxWindow; # $Id:,v 1.4 2006/10/15 14:07:45 robertemay Exp $ use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Win32::GUI qw(WS_CHILD WS_CLIPCHILDREN WS_VISIBLE WS_TABSTOP WS_HSCROLL WS_VSCROLL WS_DISABLED); require DynaLoader; our @ISA = qw(DynaLoader Win32::GUI::Window); our $VERSION = '0.09'; my $XS_VERSION = $VERSION; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; bootstrap Win32::GUI::AxWindow $XS_VERSION; # Initialise Win32::GUI::AxWindow::_Initialise(); # DeInitialise END { Win32::GUI::AxWindow::_DeInitialise(); } # # new : Create a new ActiveX Window # sub new { my $class = shift; my %in = @_; ### Control option croak("-parent undefined") unless exists $in{-parent}; croak("-name undefined") unless exists $in{-name}; croak("-control undefined") unless exists $in{-control}; my $parent = $in{-parent}; my $name = $in{-name}; my $clsid = $in{-control}; # print "Parent = $parent->{-name}\n"; # print "Name = $name\n"; # print "Control = $clsid\n"; ### Size my ($x, $y, $w, $h) = (0,0,1,1); $x = $in{-left} if exists $in{-left}; $y = $in{-top} if exists $in{-top}; $w = $in{-width} if exists $in{-width}; $h = $in{-height} if exists $in{-height}; ($x, $y) = ($in{-pos}[0] , $in{-pos}[1]) if exists $in{-pos}; ($w, $h) = ($in{-size}[0],$in{-size}[1]) if exists $in{-size}; # print "(x,y) = ($x,$y)\n(w,h) = ($w,$h)\n"; ### Window Style my $style = WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; $style = $in{-style} if exists $in{-style}; $style |= $in{-pushstyle} if exists $in{-pushstyle}; $style ^= $in{-popstyle} if exists $in{-popstyle}; $style |= $in{-addstyle} if exists $in{-addstyle}; $style ^= $in{-remstyle} if exists $in{-remstyle}; $style |= WS_VISIBLE unless exists $in{-visible} && $in{-visible} == 0; $style |= WS_TABSTOP unless exists $in{-tabstop} && $in{-tabstop} == 0; $style |= WS_DISABLED if exists $in{-enable} && $in{-enable} == 0; $style |= WS_HSCROLL if exists $in{-hscroll} && $in{-hscroll} == 1; $style |= WS_VSCROLL if exists $in{-vscroll} && $in{-vscroll} == 1; # print "Style = $style\n"; ### Window ExStyle my $exstyle = 0; $exstyle = $in{-exstyle} if exists $in{-exstyle}; $exstyle |= $in{-pushexstyle} if exists $in{-pushexstyle}; $exstyle ^= $in{-popexstyle} if exists $in{-popexstyle}; $exstyle |= $in{-addexstyle} if exists $in{-addexstyle}; $exstyle ^= $in{-remexstyle} if exists $in{-remexstyle}; # print "ExStyle = $exstyle\n"; ### Create Window and ActiveX Object my $self = {}; bless $self, $class; if ( $self->_Create($parent, $clsid, $style, $exstyle, $x, $y, $w, $h) ) { ### Store Data (Win32::GUI glue) $self->{-name} = $in{-name}; $parent->{$name} = $self; return $self; } return undef; } # # CallMethod : Use Invoke with DISPATCH_METHOD # sub CallMethod { my $self = shift; return $self->Invoke (0x01, @_); } # # GetProperty : Use Invoke with DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET # sub GetProperty { my $self = shift; return $self->Invoke (0x02, @_); } # # PutProperty : Use Invoke with DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT # sub SetProperty { my $self = shift; return $self->Invoke (0x04, @_); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Win32::GUI::AxWindow - Host ActiveX Controls in Win32::GUI windows =head1 SYNOPSIS use Win32::GUI(); use Win32::GUI::AxWindow; # Main Window $Window = new Win32::GUI::Window( -name => "Window", -title => "Win32::GUI::AxWindow test", -pos => [100, 100], -size => [400, 400], ); # Add a WebBrowser AxtiveX $Control = new Win32::GUI::AxWindow ( -parent => $Window, -name => "Control", -control => "Shell.Explorer", -pos => [0, 0], -size => [400, 400], ); # Register some event $Control->RegisterEvent("StatusTextChange", sub { $self = shift; $eventid = shift; print "Event : ", @_, "\n"; } ); # Call Method $Control->CallMethod("Navigate", ''); # Event loop $Window->Show(); Win32::GUI::Dialog(); # Main window event handler sub Window_Resize { if (defined $Window) { ($width, $height) = ($Window->GetClientRect)[2..3]; $Control->Move (0, 0); $Control->Resize ($width, $height); } } =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 AxWindow =over =item C<new> (...) Create a new ActiveX window. options : -parent => parent window (Required) -name => window name (Required) -size => window size [ width, heigth ] -pos => window pos [ left, top ] -width => window width -height => window height -left => window left -top => window top -control => clisd (see below) (Required). C<clsid> is a string identifier to create the control. Must be formatted in one of the following ways: - A ProgID such as "MSCAL.Calendar.7" - A CLSID such as "{8E27C92B-1264-101C-8A2F-040224009C02}" - A URL such as "" - A reference to an Active document such as 'file://Documents/MyDoc.doc' - A fragment of HTML such as "MSHTML:<HTML><BODY>This is a line of text</BODY></HTML>" Note that "MSHTML:" must precede the HTML fragment so that it is designated as being an MSHTML stream. styles: -visible => 0/1 -tabstop => 0/1 -hscroll => 0/1 -vscroll => 0/1 -style, -addstyle, -pushstyle, -remstyle, -popstyle -exstyle, -exaddstyle, -expushstyle, -exremstyle, -expopstyle Default style is : C<WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN> =item C<Release> () If you have a crash when exiting, call this function before all the windows are destroyed (i.e. before C<Win32::GUI::Dialog();> exits). Generaly, call this function in the Window_Terminate event handler. =back =head2 Property =over =item C<EnumPropertyID> () Return a list of all the Property IDs of the control. =item C<EnumPropertyName> () Return a list of all the Property names of the control. =item C<GetPropertyInfo> (ID_or_Name) Return a hash with information about the Property from C<ID_or_Name>. Hash entry : -Name => Property Name. -ID => Property ID. -VarType => Property Type (Variant type). -EnumValue => A formated string of enum value ( enum1=value1,enum2=value2,... ). -ReadOnly => Indicate if a property can only be read. -Description => Property Description. -Prototype => Prototype =item C<GetProperty> (ID_or_Name, [index, ...]) Get property value. For indexed property, add index list. =item C<SetProperty> (ID_or_Name, [index, ...], value) Set property value For indexed property, add index list before value. =back =head2 Method =over =item C<EnumMethodID> () Return a list of all the Method IDs of the control. =item C<EnumMethodName> () Return a list of all the Method names of the control. =item C<GetMethodInfo> (ID_Name) Return a hash with information about the Method from ID or Name. Hash entry : -Name => Method Name. -ID => Method ID. -Description => Method Description. -Prototype => Method Prototype. =item C<CallMethod> (ID_or_Name, ...) Invoke a method of an ActiveX control. =back =head2 Event =over =item C<EnumEventID> () Return a list of all the Event IDs of the control. =item C<EnumEventName> () Return a list of all the Event Names of the control. =item C<GetEventInfo> (ID_or_Name) Return a hash with information about the Event from C<ID_or_Name>. Hash entry : -Name => Method Name. -ID => Method ID. -Description => Method Description. -Prototype => Method Prototype. =item C<RegisterEvent> (ID_or_Name, Callback) Associate a Callback for an ActiveX Event. =back =head2 Win32::OLE =over =item C<GetOLE> () Return a Win32::OLE object of Hosted ActiveX Control. You MUST add C<use Win32::OLE;> in your script. =back =head1 AUTHOR Laurent Rocher ( =head1 SEE ALSO L<Win32::GUI|Win32::GUI> L<> =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: =over =item L<Win32::GUI|Win32::GUI> =item Active Template Library (ATL) =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright 2003 by Laurent Rocher ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<> =cut