package Win32::Capture; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(CaptureScreen CaptureRect CaptureWindow CaptureWindowRect IsWindowVisible FindWindowLike SearchWindowText GetWindowText GetWindowRect GetClassName); use Win32::API; use Win32::GUI::DIBitmap; $VERSION = '1.1'; BEGIN { $GetDC = new Win32::API('user32','GetDC',['N'],'N'); $GetTopWindow = new Win32::API('user32','GetTopWindow',['N'],'N'); $FindWindow = new Win32::API('user32','FindWindow',['P','P'],'N'); $GetWindow = new Win32::API('user32','GetWindow', ['N', 'N'], 'N'); $GetDesktopWindow = new Win32::API('user32','GetDesktopWindow', [], 'N'); $GetClassName = new Win32::API('user32','GetClassName', ['N', 'P', 'N'], 'N'); $GetWindowText = new Win32::API('user32','GetWindowText', ['N', 'P', 'N'], 'N'); $GetWindowRect = new Win32::API('user32','GetWindowRect', ['N', 'P'], 'N'); $SetForegroundWindow = new Win32::API('user32','SetForegroundWindow', ['N'], 'N'); $IsWindowVisible = new Win32::API('user32','IsWindowVisible', ['N'], 'N'); } sub IsWindowVisible { return $IsWindowVisible->Call($_[0]); } sub CaptureScreen() { my $dc = $GetDC->Call(0); my $dib = newFromDC Win32::GUI::DIBitmap ($dc) or return undef; return $dib; } sub CaptureRect($$$$) { my $dc = $GetDC->Call(0); my $dib = newFromDC Win32::GUI::DIBitmap ($dc,$_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$_[3]) or return undef; return $dib; } sub CaptureWindow($$$) { my $win = $_[0]; $SetForegroundWindow->Call($win); sleep $_[1]; my $dib = newFromWindow Win32::GUI::DIBitmap ($win,$_[2]) or return undef; return $dib; } sub CaptureWindowRect($$$$$$) { my $win = $_[0]; $SetForegroundWindow->Call($win); sleep $_[1]; my $dc = $GetDC->Call($win); my $dib = newFromDC Win32::GUI::DIBitmap ($dc,$_[2],$_[3],$_[4],$_[5]) or return undef; return $dib; } sub FindWindowLike { my $pattern = shift; my @array=(); my $parent = $GetDesktopWindow->Call(); my $hwnd = $GetWindow->Call($parent, 5); while($hwnd) { my $windowname = SearchWindowText($hwnd,$pattern); if($windowname ne '') { push(@array,$hwnd); } $hwnd = $GetWindow->Call($hwnd, 2); } return @array; } sub SearchWindowText { my $hwnd = shift; my $pattern = shift; my $title = " " x 1024; my $titleLen = 1024; my $result = $GetWindowText->Call($hwnd, $title, $titleLen); $title=~s/\s+$//; if($title=~/\Q$pattern\E/i) { return $title; }else{ return ''; } } sub GetWindowText { my $hwnd = shift; my $title = " " x 1024; my $titlelen = 1024; my $result = $GetWindowText->Call($hwnd, $title, $titlelen); $title=~s/\s+$//; return $title; } sub GetWindowRect { my $hwnd = shift; my $RECT = pack("iiii", 0, 0); $GetWindowRect->Call($hwnd, $RECT); return wantarray ? unpack("iiii", $RECT) : $RECT; } sub GetClassName { my $hwnd = shift; my $name = " " x 1024; my $namelen = 1024; my $result = $GetClassName->Call($hwnd, $name, $namelen); $name=~s/\s+$//; return $name; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Win32::Capture - Capature Win32 screen with lightweight Win32::GUI::DIBitmap. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Win32::Capture; $image = CaptureScreen(); # Capture Whole screen. $image->SaveToFile('screenshot.png'); #or $image = CaptureRect( $x, $y, $width, $height ); # Capture a part of window. $image->SaveToFile('screenshot.png'); #or @WIN = FindWindowLike('CPAN'); # Find the HWND to be captured. if($#WIN<0) { print "Not found"; }else{ foreach(@WIN) { my $image = CaptureWindowRect($_,2,0,0,400,300); $image->SaveToFile("$_.jpg",JPEG_QUALITYSUPERB); } } =head1 DESCRIPTION The package is similar to L<Win32::Screenshot|Win32::Screenshot>, also using Win32 API function, but with Image Process in L<Win32::GUI::DIBitmap|Win32::GUI::DIBitmap> to let you capture the screen, a window or a part of it. The C<Capture*(...)> functions returns a new L<Win32::GUI::DIBitmap|Win32::GUI::DIBitmap> object which you can easily use to modify the screenshot or to store it in the file. =head2 Screen capture functions All these functions return a new L<Win32::GUI::DIBitmap|Win32::GUI::DIBitmap> object on success or undef on failure. These function are exported by default. =over 8 =item CaptureRect( $x, $y, $width, $height ) Captures part of the screen. The [0, 0] coordinate is the upper-left corner of the screen. The [$x, $y] defines the the upper-left corner of the rectangle to be captured. =item CaptureScreen( ) Captures whole screen including the taskbar. =item CaptureWindow( $HWND , $sec , $flag ) Captures whole window including title and border or only for Client Window. The second parameter is how many time wait for the Window be Changed to Top. TIPS: You can using FindWindowLike to find the HWND. flag = 0 : All the window is capture (with border) flag = 1 : Only the Client window is capture =item CaptureWindowRect( $HWND , $sec , $x, $y, $width, $height ) Captures a part of the window. Pass the window handle with the function parameter. The second parameter is how many time wait for the Window be Changed to Top. TIPS: You can using FindWindowLike to find the HWND element(s). =back =head2 Capturing helper functions Functions for find the Window HWND to capture. =over 8 =item FindWindowLike( $pattern ) @WIN = FindWindowLike('CPAN'); if($#WIN<0) { print "Not found"; }else{ foreach(@WIN) { my $image = CaptureWindowRect($_,2,0,0,400,300); $image->SaveToFile("$_.jpg",JPEG_QUALITYSUPERB); } } The parameter is a part of window title, and FindWindowLike will Return an Array including HWND. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over 8 =item Win32::Screenshot Some documentation refer from here. =item Win32::GUI::DIBitmap The raw data from the screen are loaded into Win32::GUI::DIBitmap object. You have a lot of possibilities what to do with the captured image. =item MSDN =back =head1 INSTALL With ActiveState PPM ppm install =head1 AUTHOR Lilo Huang =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006 by Lilo Huang All Rights Reserved. You can use this module under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut