# plot.pl use Plot; use vars qw/$TOP/; sub plot { # Create a top-level window containing a canvas displaying a simple # graph with data points that can be dragged with the pointing device. my($demo) = @_; $TOP = $MW->WidgetDemo( -name => $demo, -text => "This window displays a canvas widget containing a simple 2-dimensional plot. You can doctor the data by dragging any of the points with mouse button 1.\n\nYou can also select a printable area with the mouse button 2.", -title => 'Plot Demonstration', -iconname => 'plot', ); my $c = $TOP->Plot( -title_color => 'Brown', -inactive_highlight => 'Skyblue2', -active_highlight => 'red', ); $c->pack(qw/-fill x/); } # end plot 1;