package Test::YAML; use Test::Base 0.47 -Base; use lib 'lib'; our $VERSION = '0.57'; our $YAML = 'YAML'; our @EXPORT = qw( no_diff run_yaml_tests run_roundtrip_nyn roundtrip_nyn run_load_passes load_passes dumper Load Dump LoadFile DumpFile XXX ); delimiters('===', '+++'); sub Dump() { YAML(Dump => @_) } sub Load() { YAML(Load => @_) } sub DumpFile() { YAML(DumpFile => @_) } sub LoadFile() { YAML(LoadFile => @_) } sub YAML() { load_yaml_pm(); my $meth = shift; my $code = $YAML->can($meth) or die "$YAML cannot do $meth"; goto &$code; } sub load_yaml_pm { my $file = "$"; $file =~ s{::}{/}g; require $file; } sub run_yaml_tests() { run { my $block = shift; &{_get_function($block)}($block) unless _skip_tests_for_now($block) or _skip_yaml_tests($block); }; } sub run_roundtrip_nyn() { my @options = @_; run { my $block = shift; roundtrip_nyn($block, @options); }; } sub roundtrip_nyn() { my $block = shift; my $option = shift || ''; die "'perl' data section required" unless exists $block->{perl}; my @values = eval $block->perl; die "roundtrip_nyn eval perl error: $@" if $@; my $config = $block->config || ''; my $result = eval "$config; Dump(\@values)"; die "roundtrip_nyn YAML::Dump error: $@" if $@; if (exists $block->{yaml}) { is $result, $block->yaml, $block->description . ' (n->y)'; } else { pass $block->description . ' (n->y)'; } return if exists $block->{no_round_trip} or not exists $block->{yaml}; if ($option eq 'dumper') { is dumper(Load($block->yaml)), dumper(@values), $block->description . ' (y->n)'; } else { is_deeply [Load($block->yaml)], [@values], $block->description . ' (y->n)'; } } sub count_roundtrip_nyn() { my $block = shift or die "Bad call to count_roundtrip_nyn"; return 1 if exists $block->{skip_this_for_now}; my $count = 0; $count++ if exists $block->{perl}; $count++ unless exists $block->{no_round_trip} or not exists $block->{yaml}; die "Invalid test definition" unless $count; return $count; } sub run_load_passes() { run { my $block = shift; my $yaml = $block->yaml; eval { YAML(Load => $yaml) }; is("$@", ""); }; } sub load_passes() { my $block = shift; my $yaml = $block->yaml; eval { YAML(Load => $yaml) }; is "$@", "", $block->description; } sub count_load_passes() {1} sub dumper() { require Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; return Data::Dumper::Dumper(@_); } { no warnings; sub XXX { YAML::Base::XXX(@_); } } sub _count_tests() { my $block = shift or die "Bad call to _count_tests"; no strict 'refs'; &{'count_' . _get_function_name($block)}($block); } sub _get_function_name() { my $block = shift; return $block->function || 'roundtrip_nyn'; } sub _get_function() { my $block = shift; no strict 'refs'; \ &{_get_function_name($block)}; } sub _skip_tests_for_now() { my $block = shift; if (exists $block->{skip_this_for_now}) { _skip_test( $block->description, _count_tests($block), ); return 1; } return 0; } sub _skip_yaml_tests() { my $block = shift; if ($block->skip_unless_modules) { my @modules = split /[\s\,]+/, $block->skip_unless_modules; for my $module (@modules) { eval "require $module"; if ($@) { _skip_test( "This test requires the '$module' module", _count_tests($block), ); return 1; } } } return 0; } sub _skip_test() { my ($message, $count) = @_; SKIP: { skip($message, $count); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package Test::YAML::Filter; use base 'Test::Base::Filter'; sub yaml_dump { Test::YAML::Dump(@_); } sub yaml_load { Test::YAML::Load(@_); } sub Dump { goto &Test::YAML::Dump } sub Load { goto &Test::YAML::Load } sub DumpFile { goto &Test::YAML::DumpFile } sub LoadFile { goto &Test::YAML::LoadFile } sub yaml_load_or_fail { my ($result, $error, $warning) = $self->_yaml_load_result_error_warning(@_); return $error || $result; } sub yaml_load_error_or_warning { my ($result, $error, $warning) = $self->_yaml_load_result_error_warning(@_); return $error || $warning || ''; } sub perl_eval_error_or_warning { my ($result, $error, $warning) = $self->_perl_eval_result_error_warning(@_); return $error || $warning || ''; } sub _yaml_load_result_error_warning { $self->assert_scalar(@_); my $yaml = shift; my $warning = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = join '', @_ }; my $result = eval { $self->yaml_load($yaml); }; return ($result, $@, $warning); } sub _perl_eval_result_error_warning { $self->assert_scalar(@_); my $perl = shift; my $warning = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = join '', @_ }; my $result = eval $perl; return ($result, $@, $warning); } 1; =head1 NAME Test::YAML - Testing Module for YAML Implementations =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::YAML tests => 1; pass; =head1 DESCRIPTION Test::YAML is a subclass of Test::Base with YAML specific support. =head1 AUTHOR Ingy döt Net =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006. Ingy döt Net. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut