package Test::XML::Twig;
# @(#) $Id:,v 1.5 2005/07/21 20:10:12 dom Exp $
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Test::More;
use Test::XML;
use Test::Builder;
use XML::Twig;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
sub import {
my $self = shift;
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs';
*{ $caller . '::get_twig' } = \&get_twig;
*{ $caller . '::test_twig_handler' } = \&test_twig_handler;
*{ $caller . '::test_twig_handlers' } = \&test_twig_handlers;
$Test->exported_to( $caller );
$Test->plan( @_ );
# Just a useful convenience function.
sub get_twig {
my ( $input, %args ) = @_;
croak "get_twig: no input provided"
unless defined $input;
my $t = XML::Twig->new( keep_spaces => 1, %args );
eval { $t->parse( $input ) };
return $@ ? undef: $t;
sub test_twig_handler {
my ( $handler, $input, $expected, $test_name, $cond ) = @_;
croak "usage: test_twig_handler(twig_args,input,expected,test_name[,cond])"
unless $handler
&& ref($handler) eq 'CODE'
&& $input
&& $expected
&& $test_name;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my $t = get_twig( $input );
if ( $t ) {
my $el = ( $cond ? $t->root->first_child( $cond ) : $t->root );
eval { $handler->( $t, $el ) };
if ( $@ ) {
$Test->ok( 0, $test_name );
$Test->diag( "handler said: $@" );
return 0;
} elsif ( ref $expected ) {
return $Test->like( $t->sprint, $expected, $test_name );
} else {
return is_xml( $t->sprint, $expected, $test_name );
} else {
$Test->ok( 0, $test_name );
$Test->diag( "during parse of: '$input'$@" );
return 0;
# Test multiple twig handlers in combination.
sub test_twig_handlers {
my ( $twig_args, $input, $expected, $test_name ) = @_;
croak "usage: test_twig_handlers(twig_args,input,expected,test_name)"
unless $twig_args
&& ref($twig_args) eq 'HASH'
&& $input
&& $expected
&& $test_name;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my $t = get_twig( $input, %$twig_args );
if ( $t ) {
if (ref $expected) {
return $Test->like( $t->sprint, $expected, $test_name );
} else {
return is_xml( $t->sprint, $expected, $test_name );
} else {
$Test->ok( 0, $test_name );
$Test->diag( "during parse of: '$input'$@" );
return 0;
=head1 NAME
Test::XML::Twig - Test XML::Twig handlers
use Test::XML::Twig tests => 2;
use My::Twig qw( handler );
'', '',
'turns foo to bar',
{ twig_handlers => { 'foo' => \&handler } },
'', '',
'turns foo into bar',
This module is for testing XML::Twig handlers.
All functions are exported.
=over 4
=item get_twig ( INPUT [, ARGS ] )
Return a parsed twig of INPUT, or undef on parse failure. Optionally,
ARGS may be supplied as a set of hash-like parameters to be passed into
the twig constructor.
=item test_twig_handler ( HANDLER, INPUT, EXPECTED, TESTNAME [, COND ] )
Parse INPUT, using HANDLER as a I (i.e: it gets called
after the parse tree has been built). Tests that the result is the same
as EXPECTED (which can be either a string of XML or a quoted regex).
HANDLER must be a code ref.
Optionally, COND can be supplied. Instead of the handler being called
with the root element of INPUT, COND will be used with first_child() to
select an alternative element.
Returns true / false depending upon test success.
=item test_twig_handlers ( ARGS, INPUT, EXPECTED, TESTNAME )
This is similiar to test_twig_handler(), but with more flexibility. The
first argument, ARGS, is a hash reference which can be used to specify
any of the ordinary parameters to twig's constructor. This lets you
test things like I, as well as multiple
Is together.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L, L, L.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dominic Mitchell, Ecpan2 (at) semantico.comE
Copyright 2002 by semantico
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
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