package Template::Plugin::Handy; use warnings; use strict; use base qw( Template::Plugin::VMethods ); use Carp; use Data::Dump; use JSON::XS; our $VERSION = '0.002'; our @SCALAR_OPS = our @LIST_OPS = our @HASH_OPS = qw( as_json dump_stderr dump_data ); push( @SCALAR_OPS, qw( increment decrement ) ); push( @LIST_OPS, qw( sort_by ) ); push( @HASH_OPS, qw( sort_by ) ); =head1 NAME Template::Plugin::Handy - handy vmethods for Template Toolkit =head1 SYNOPSIS [% USE Handy; mything.dump_data; mything.dump_stderr; mything.as_json; %] =head1 DESCRIPTION Handy virtual methods I always use in my Template Toolkit files, especially for debugging. =head1 METHODS Only new or overridden method are documented here. =cut # package object my $JSON = JSON::XS->new; $JSON->convert_blessed(1); $JSON->allow_blessed(1); # mysql serial fields are rendered with Math::BigInt objects in RDBO. # monkeypatch per JSON::XS docs sub Math::BigInt::TO_JSON { my ($self) = @_; return $self . ''; } # same with URI objets sub URI::TO_JSON { my ($uri) = @_; return $uri . ''; } =head2 dump_data Replacement for the Dumper plugin. You can call this method on any variable to see its Data::Dump representation in HTML-safe manner. [% myvar.dump_data %] =cut # virt method replacements for Dumper plugin sub dump_data { my $s = shift; my $d = Data::Dump::dump($s); $d =~ s/&/&/g; $d =~ s//>/g; $d =~ s,\n,
\n,g; return "
"; } =head2 dump_stderr Like dump_data but prints to STDERR instead of returning HTML-escaped string. Returns undef. =cut sub dump_stderr { my $s = shift; print STDERR Data::Dump::dump($s); return; } =head2 as_json Encode the variable as a JSON string. Wrapper around the JSON->encode method. The string will be encoded as UTF-8, and the special JSON flags for converted_blessed and allow_blessed are C by default. =cut sub as_json { my $v = shift; if (@_) { $JSON->pretty(1); } my $j = $JSON->encode($v); if (@_) { $JSON->pretty(0); } return $j; } =head2 increment( I ) Increment a scalar number by one. Aliased as a scalar vmethod as 'inc'. =cut sub increment { $_[0]++; return; } =head2 decrement( I ) Decrement a scalar number by one. Aliased as a scalar vmethod as 'dec'. =cut sub decrement { $_[0]--; return; } =head2 sort_by( I ) Sort an array or hash ref of objects according to I. The sort assumes a C comparison and the return value of I is run through lc() first. Returns a new sorted arrayref. =cut sub sort_by { my $stuff = shift; my $method = shift; if ( ref $stuff eq 'HASH' ) { return [ sort { lc( $stuff->{$a}->$method ) cmp lc( $stuff->{$b}->$method ) } keys %$stuff ]; } elsif ( ref $stuff eq 'ARRAY' ) { return [ sort { lc( $a->$method ) cmp lc( $b->$method ) } @$stuff ]; } else { croak "sort_by only works with ARRAY or HASH references"; } } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Peter Karman, C<< >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Minnesota Supercomputing Institute C<< >> sponsored the development of this software. =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut