package Template::Extract::Compile; $Template::Extract::Compile::VERSION = '0.41'; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; our ( $DEBUG, $EXACT ); my ( $paren_id, $block_id ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; return bless( $self, $class ); } sub compile { my ( $self, $template, $parser ) = @_; $self->_init(); if ( defined $template ) { $parser->{FACTORY} = ref($self); $template = $$template if UNIVERSAL::isa( $template, 'SCALAR' ); $template =~ s/\n+$//; $template =~ s/\[%\s*(?:\.\.\.|_|__)\s*%\]/[% \/.*?\/ %]/g; $template =~ s/\[%\s*(\/.*?\/)\s*%\]/'[% "' . quotemeta($1) . '" %]'/eg; $template =~ s{ \[%\s*([a-zA-z0-9]+)\s*\=\~\s*(/.*?/)\s*%\] }{ '[% SET ' . $1 . ' = "' . quotemeta($2) . '" %]' }mxegi; return $parser->parse($template)->{BLOCK}; } return undef; } # initialize temporary variables sub _init { $paren_id = 0; $block_id = 0; } # utility function to add regex eval brackets sub _re { "(?{\n @_\n})" } # --- Factory API implementation begins here --- sub template { my $regex = $_[1]; $regex =~ s/\*\*//g; $regex =~ s/\+\+/+/g; $regex = "^$regex\$" if $EXACT; # Deal with backtracking here -- substitute repeated occurences of # the variable into backtracking sequences like (\1) my %seen; $regex =~ s{( # entire sequence [1] \(\.\*\?\) # matching regex \(\?\{ # post-matching regex... \s* # whitespaces _ext\( # capturing handler... \( # inner cluster of... \[ (.+?) \],\s* # var name [2] \$.*?,\s* # dollar with ^N/counter (\d+) # counter [3] \) # ...end inner cluster (.*?) # outer loop stack [4] \) # ...end capturing handler \s* # whitespaces \}\) # ...end post-maching regex )}{ if ($seen{$2, $4}) { # if var reoccured in the same loop "(\\$seen{$2, $4})"; # replace it with backtracker } else { $seen{$2, $4} = $3; if ($+[0] == length $regex) { # otherwise, if it is the end '(.*)' . substr( $1, 5 ); # make it greedy } else { $1; # otherwise, preserve the sequence } } }gex; return $regex; } sub foreach { my $regex = $_[4]; # find out immediate children my %vars = reverse( $regex =~ /_ext\(\(\[(\[?)('\w+').*?\], [^,]+, \d+\)\*\*/g ); my $vars = join( ',', map { $vars{$_} ? "\\$_" : $_ } sort keys %vars ); # append this block's id into the _get calling chain ++$block_id; ++$paren_id; $regex =~ s/\*\*/, $block_id**/g; $regex =~ s/\+\+/*/g; return ( # sets $cur_loop _re("_enter_loop($_[2], $block_id)") . # match loop content "(?:\\n*?$regex)++()" . # weed out partial matches _re("_ext(([[$_[2],[$vars]]], \\'leave_loop', $paren_id)**)") . # optional, implicit newline "\\n*?" ); } sub get { return "(?:$1)" if $_[1] =~ m{^/(.*)/$}; ++$paren_id; # ** is the placeholder for parent loop ids return "(.*?)" . _re("_ext(([$_[1]], \$$paren_id, $paren_id)\*\*)"); } sub set { my $regex = undef; ++$paren_id; if ( $_[1][1] =~ m|^/(.*)/$| ) { $regex = $1; } my $val = $_[1][1]; $val =~ s/^'(.*)'\z/$1/; $val = quotemeta($val); my $parents = join( ',', map { $_[1][0][ $_ * 2 ] } ( 0 .. $#{ $_[1][0] } / 2 ) ); if ( defined($regex) ) { return $1 . _re("_ext(([$parents], \$$paren_id, $paren_id)\*\*)"); } else { return '()' . _re("_ext(([$parents], \\\\'$val', $paren_id)\*\*)"); } } sub textblock { return quotemeta( $_[1] ); } sub block { my $rv = ''; foreach my $chunk ( map "$_", @{ $_[1] || [] } ) { $chunk =~ s/^#line .*\n//; $rv .= $chunk; } return $rv; } sub quoted { my $rv = ''; foreach my $token ( @{ $_[1] } ) { if ( $token =~ m/^'(.+)'$/ ) { # nested hash traversal $rv .= '$'; $rv .= "{$_}" foreach split( /','/, $1 ); } else { $rv .= $token; } } return $rv; } sub ident { return join( ',', map { $_[1][ $_ * 2 ] } ( 0 .. $#{ $_[1] } / 2 ) ); } sub text { return $_[1]; } # debug routine to catch unsupported directives sub AUTOLOAD { $DEBUG or return; require Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; our $AUTOLOAD; print "\n$AUTOLOAD -"; for my $arg ( 1 .. $#_ ) { print "\n [$arg]: "; print ref( $_[$arg] ) ? Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $_[$arg] ], ['__'] ) : $_[$arg]; } return ''; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Template::Extract::Compile - Compile TT2 templates into regular expressions =head1 SYNOPSIS use Template::Extract::Compile; my $template = << '.'; . my $regex = Template::Extract::Compile->new->compile($template); open FH, '>', 'stored_regex' or die $!; print FH $regex; close FH; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module utilizes B to transform a TT2 template into a regular expression suitable for the B module. =head1 METHODS =head2 new() Constructor. Currently takes no parameters. =head2 compile($template) Returns the regular expression compiled from C<$template>. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHORS Audrey Tang Ecpan@audreyt.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004, 2005, 2007 by Audrey Tang Ecpan@audreyt.orgE. This software is released under the MIT license cited below. =head2 The "MIT" License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut