package Template::Alloy::Play; =head1 NAME Template::Alloy::Play - Play role - allows for playing out the AST =cut use strict; use warnings; use Template::Alloy; use Template::Alloy::Iterator; use Template::Alloy::Context; our $VERSION = $Template::Alloy::VERSION; our $QR_NUM = '(?:\d*\.\d+ | \d+)'; our $DIRECTIVES = { BLOCK => \&play_BLOCK, BREAK => \&play_control, CALL => \&play_CALL, CASE => undef, CATCH => undef, CLEAR => \&play_CLEAR, '#' => sub {}, COMMENT => sub {}, CONFIG => \&play_CONFIG, DEBUG => \&play_DEBUG, DEFAULT => \&play_DEFAULT, DUMP => \&play_DUMP, ELSE => undef, ELSIF => undef, END => sub {}, EVAL => \&play_EVAL, FILTER => \&play_FILTER, '|' => \&play_FILTER, FINAL => undef, FOR => \&play_FOR, FOREACH => \&play_FOR, GET => \&play_GET, IF => \&play_IF, INCLUDE => \&play_INCLUDE, INSERT => \&play_INSERT, LAST => \&play_control, LOOP => \&play_LOOP, MACRO => \&play_MACRO, META => \&play_META, NEXT => \&play_control, PERL => \&play_PERL, PROCESS => \&play_PROCESS, RAWPERL => \&play_RAWPERL, RETURN => \&play_RETURN, SET => \&play_SET, STOP => \&play_control, SWITCH => \&play_SWITCH, TAGS => sub {}, THROW => \&play_THROW, TRY => \&play_TRY, UNLESS => \&play_UNLESS, USE => \&play_USE, VIEW => \&play_VIEW, WHILE => \&play_WHILE, WRAPPER => \&play_WRAPPER, }; sub new { die "This class is a role for use by packages such as Template::Alloy" } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub play_tree { my ($self, $tree, $out_ref) = @_; return $self->stream_tree($tree) if $self->{'STREAM'}; # node contains (0: DIRECTIVE, # 1: start_index, # 2: end_index, # 3: parsed tag details, # 4: sub tree for block types # 5: continuation sub trees for sub continuation block types (elsif, else, etc) # 6: flag to capture next directive for my $node (@$tree) { ### text nodes are just the bare text if (! ref $node) { $$out_ref .= $node if defined $node; next; } $$out_ref .= $self->debug_node($node) if $self->{'_debug_dirs'} && ! $self->{'_debug_off'}; $DIRECTIVES->{$node->[0]}->($self, $node->[3], $node, $out_ref); } } sub _is_empty_named_args { my ($hash_ident) = @_; # [[undef, '{}', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2, 'val2'], 0] return @{ $hash_ident->[0] } <= 2; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub play_BLOCK { my ($self, $block_name, $node, $out_ref) = @_; ### store a named reference - but do nothing until something processes it $self->{'BLOCKS'}->{$block_name} = { _tree => $node->[4], name => $self->{'_component'}->{'name'} .'/'. $block_name, }; return; } sub play_CALL { my ($self, $ident, $node) = @_; my $var = $self->play_expr($ident); $var = $self->undefined_get($ident, $node) if ! defined $var; return; } sub play_control { my ($self, $undef, $node) = @_; $self->throw(lc($node->[0]), 'Control exception', $node); } sub play_CLEAR { my ($self, $undef, $node, $out_ref) = @_; $$out_ref = ''; return; } sub play_CONFIG { my ($self, $config, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my %rtime = map {$_ => 1} @Template::Alloy::CONFIG_RUNTIME; ### do runtime config - not many options get these my ($named, @the_rest) = @$config; $named = $self->play_expr($named); @{ $self }{keys %$named} = @{ $named }{keys %$named}; ### show what current values are $$out_ref .= join("\n", map { $rtime{$_} ? ("CONFIG $_ = ".(defined($self->{$_}) ? $self->{$_} : 'undef')) : $_ } @the_rest); return; } sub play_DEBUG { my ($self, $ref) = @_; if ($ref->[0] eq 'on') { delete $self->{'_debug_off'}; } elsif ($ref->[0] eq 'off') { $self->{'_debug_off'} = 1; } elsif ($ref->[0] eq 'format') { $self->{'_debug_format'} = $ref->[1]; } return; } sub play_DEFAULT { my ($self, $set) = @_; foreach (@$set) { my ($op, $set, $default) = @$_; next if ! defined $set; my $val = $self->play_expr($set); if (! $val) { $default = defined($default) ? $self->play_expr($default) : ''; $self->set_variable($set, $default); } } return; } sub play_DUMP { my ($self, $dump, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $conf = $self->{'DUMP'}; return if ! $conf && defined $conf; # DUMP => 0 $conf = {} if ref $conf ne 'HASH'; ### allow for handler override my $handler = $conf->{'handler'}; if (! $handler) { require Data::Dumper; my $obj = Data::Dumper->new([]); my $meth; foreach my $prop (keys %$conf) { $obj->$prop($conf->{$prop}) if $prop =~ /^\w+$/ && ($meth = $obj->can($prop)) } my $sort = defined($conf->{'Sortkeys'}) ? $obj->Sortkeys : 1; $obj->Sortkeys(sub { my $h = shift; [grep {! $Template::Alloy::QR_PRIVATE || $_ !~ $Template::Alloy::QR_PRIVATE} ($sort ? sort keys %$h : keys %$h)] }); $handler = sub { $obj->Values([@_]); $obj->Dump } } my ($named, @dump) = @$dump; push @dump, $named if ! _is_empty_named_args($named); # add named args back on at end - if there are some $_ = $self->play_expr($_) foreach @dump; ### look for the text describing what to dump my $info = $self->node_info($node); my $out; if (@dump) { $out = $handler->(@dump && @dump == 1 ? $dump[0] : \@dump); my $name = $info->{'text'}; $name =~ s/^[+=~-]?\s*DUMP\s+//; $name =~ s/\s*[+=~-]?$//; $out =~ s/\$VAR1/$name/; } elsif (defined($conf->{'EntireStash'}) && ! $conf->{'EntireStash'}) { $out = ''; } else { $out = $handler->($self->{'_vars'}); $out =~ s/\$VAR1/EntireStash/g; } if ($conf->{'html'} || (! defined($conf->{'html'}) && $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'})) { $out = $Template::Alloy::SCALAR_OPS->{'html'}->($out); $out = "
$out"; $out = "DUMP: File \"$info->{file}\" line $info->{line}$out" if $conf->{'header'} || ! defined $conf->{'header'}; } else { $out = "DUMP: File \"$info->{file}\" line $info->{line}\n $out" if $conf->{'header'} || ! defined $conf->{'header'}; } $$out_ref .= $out; return; } sub play_EVAL { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($named, @strs) = @$ref; foreach my $str (@strs) { $str = $self->play_expr($str); next if ! defined $str; $str = $self->play_expr([[undef, '-temp-', $str], 0, '|', 'eval', [$named]]); $$out_ref .= $str if defined $str; } return; } sub play_FILTER { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($name, $filter) = @$ref; return '' if ! @$filter; $self->{'FILTERS'}->{$name} = $filter if length $name; my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; ### play the block my $out = ''; eval { local $self->{'STREAM'} = undef; $self->play_tree($sub_tree, \$out) }; die $@ if $@ && ! UNIVERSAL::can($@, 'type'); # TODO - shouldn't they all die ? $out = $self->play_expr([[undef, '-temp-', $out], 0, '|', @$filter]); $$out_ref .= $out if defined $out; return; } sub play_FOR { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; ### get the items - make sure it is an arrayref my ($var, $items) = @$ref; $items = $self->play_expr($items); return '' if ! defined $items; if (ref($items) !~ /Iterator$/) { $items = $self->iterator($items); } my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; local $self->{'_vars'}->{'loop'} = $items; ### if the FOREACH tag sets a var - then nothing but the loop var gets localized if (defined $var) { my ($item, $error) = $items->get_first; while (! $error) { $self->set_variable($var, $item); eval { $self->play_tree($sub_tree, $out_ref) }; if (my $err = $@) { die $err if ! UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type'); last if $err->type =~ /last|break/; die if $err->type ne 'next'; } ($item, $error) = $items->get_next; } die $error if $error && $error != 3; # Template::Constants::STATUS_DONE; ### if the FOREACH tag doesn't set a var - then everything gets localized } else { ### localize variable access for the foreach my $swap = $self->{'_vars'}; local $self->{'_vars'} = my $copy = {%$swap}; ### iterate use the iterator object #foreach (my $i = $items->index; $i <= $#$vals; $items->index(++ $i)) { my ($item, $error) = $items->get_first; while (! $error) { @$copy{keys %$item} = values %$item if ref($item) eq 'HASH'; eval { $self->play_tree($sub_tree, $out_ref) }; if (my $err = $@) { die $err if ! UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type'); last if $err->type =~ /last|break/; die if $err->type ne 'next'; } ($item, $error) = $items->get_next; } die $error if $error && $error != 3; # Template::Constants::STATUS_DONE; } return; } sub play_GET { my ($self, $ident, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $var = $self->play_expr($ident); if (defined $var) { $$out_ref .= $var; } else { $var = $self->undefined_get($ident, $node); $$out_ref .= $var if defined $var; } return; } sub play_IF { my ($self, $var, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $val = $self->play_expr($var); if ($val) { my $body_ref = $node->[4] ||= []; $self->play_tree($body_ref, $out_ref); return; } while ($node = $node->[5]) { # ELSE, ELSIF's if ($node->[0] eq 'ELSE') { my $body_ref = $node->[4] ||= []; $self->play_tree($body_ref, $out_ref); return; } my $var = $node->[3]; my $val = $self->play_expr($var); if ($val) { my $body_ref = $node->[4] ||= []; $self->play_tree($body_ref, $out_ref); return; } } return; } sub play_INCLUDE { my ($self, $str_ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; ### localize the swap my $swap = $self->{'_vars'} || {}; local $self->{'_vars'} = {%$swap}; ### localize the blocks my $blocks = $self->{'BLOCKS'} || {}; local $self->{'BLOCKS'} = {%$blocks}; return $DIRECTIVES->{'PROCESS'}->($self, $str_ref, $node, $out_ref); } sub play_INSERT { my ($self, $args, $node, $out_ref) = @_; if ($self->{'NO_INCLUDES'}) { $self->throw('file', "NO_INCLUDES was set during a $node->[0] directive"); } my ($named, @files) = @$args; foreach my $name (@files) { my $file = $self->play_expr($name); my $ref = $self->slurp($self->include_filename($file)); $$out_ref .= $$ref; } return; } sub play_LOOP { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $var = $self->play_expr(ref($ref) ? $ref : [$ref,0]); # allow for "string" identified loops my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; my $global = ! $self->{'SYNTAX'} || $self->{'SYNTAX'} ne 'ht' || $self->{'GLOBAL_VARS'}; my $items = ref($var) eq 'ARRAY' ? $var : ref($var) eq 'HASH' ? [$var] : []; my $i = 0; for my $ref (@$items) { ### setup the loop $self->throw('loop', 'Scalar value used in LOOP') if $ref && ref($ref) ne 'HASH'; local $self->{'_vars'} = (! $global) ? ($ref || {}) : (ref($ref) eq 'HASH') ? {%{ $self->{'_vars'} }, %$ref} : $self->{'_vars'}; if ($self->{'LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS'} && ! $Template::Alloy::QR_PRIVATE) { $self->{'_vars'}->{'__counter__'} = ++$i; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__first__'} = $i == 1 ? 1 : 0; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__last__'} = $i == @$items ? 1 : 0; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__inner__'} = $i == 1 || $i == @$items ? 0 : 1; $self->{'_vars'}->{'__odd__'} = ($i % 2) ? 1 : 0; } ### execute the sub tree $self->play_tree($sub_tree, $out_ref); } return; } sub play_MACRO { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($name, $args) = @$ref; ### get the sub tree my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; if (! $sub_tree || ! $sub_tree->[0]) { $self->set_variable($name, undef); return; } elsif (ref($sub_tree->[0]) && $sub_tree->[0]->[0] eq 'BLOCK') { $sub_tree = $sub_tree->[0]->[4]; } ### install a closure in the stash that will handle the macro $self->set_variable($name, $self->_macro_sub($args, $sub_tree, $out_ref)); return; } sub _macro_sub { my ($self, $args, $sub_tree, $out_ref) = @_; my $self_copy = $self; my $sub = sub { ### macros localize my $copy = $self_copy->{'_vars'}; local $self_copy->{'_vars'}= {%$copy}; ### prevent recursion local $self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} = $self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} || 0; my $max = $self_copy->{'MAX_MACRO_RECURSE'} || $Template::Alloy::MAX_MACRO_RECURSE; $self_copy->throw('macro_recurse', "MAX_MACRO_RECURSE $max reached") if ++$self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} > $max; ### set arguments my $named = pop(@_) if $_[-1] && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1],'HASH') && $#_ > $#$args; my @positional = @_; foreach my $var (@$args) { $self_copy->set_variable($var, shift(@positional)); } foreach my $name (sort keys %$named) { $self_copy->set_variable([$name, 0], $named->{$name}); } local $self->{'STREAM'} = undef; ### finally - run the sub tree my $out = ''; eval { $self_copy->play_tree($sub_tree, \$out) }; if (my $err = $@) { die $err if $err->type ne 'return'; return $err->info->{'return_val'} if UNIVERSAL::isa($err->info, 'HASH'); return; } return $out; }; eval {require Scalar::Util; Scalar::Util::weaken($self_copy)}; return $sub; } sub play_META { my ($self, $hash) = @_; return if ! $hash; my @keys = keys %$hash; my $ref; if ($self->{'_top_level'}) { $ref = $self->{'_template'} ||= {}; } else { $ref = $self->{'_component'} ||= {}; } @{ $ref }{ @keys } = @{ $hash }{ @keys }; return; } sub play_PERL { my ($self, $info, $node, $out_ref) = @_; $self->throw('perl', 'EVAL_PERL not set') if ! $self->{'EVAL_PERL'}; ### fill in any variables my $perl = $node->[4] || return; my $out = ''; { local $self->{'STREAM'} = undef; $self->play_tree($perl, \$out); }; $out = $1 if $out =~ /^(.+)$/s; # blatant untaint - shouldn't use perl anyway ### try the code my $err; eval { package Template::Alloy::Perl; my $context = $self->context; my $stash = $context->stash; ### setup a fake handle local *PERLOUT; tie *PERLOUT, 'Template::Alloy::EvalPerlHandle', $out_ref; my $old_fh = select PERLOUT; eval $out; $err = $@; ### put the handle back select $old_fh; }; $err ||= $@; if ($err) { $self->throw('undef', $err) if ! UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type'); die $err; } return; } sub play_PROCESS { my ($self, $info, $node, $out_ref) = @_; if ($self->{'NO_INCLUDES'}) { $self->throw('file', "NO_INCLUDES was set during a $node->[0] directive"); } my ($args, @files) = @$info; ### process files first foreach my $ref (@files) { $ref = $self->play_expr($ref) if defined $ref; } ### set passed args # [[undef, '{}', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2'], 0] $args = $args->[0]; foreach (my $i = 2; $i < @$args; $i+=2) { my $key = $args->[$i]; my $val = $self->play_expr($args->[$i+1]); if (ref($key) && @$key == 2 && $key->[0] eq 'import' && UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'HASH')) { # import ?! - whatever foreach my $key (keys %$val) { $self->set_variable([$key,0], $val->{$key}); } next; } $self->set_variable($key, $val); } ### iterate on any passed block or filename foreach my $filename (@files) { next if ! defined $filename; my $out = ''; # have temp item to allow clear to correctly clear ### normal blocks or filenames if (! ref($filename) || ref($filename) eq 'SCALAR') { eval { $self->_process($filename, $self->{'_vars'}, \$out) }; # restart the swap - passing it our current stash ### allow for $template which is used in some odd instances } else { my $doc = $filename; $self->throw('process', "Recursion detected in $node->[0] \$template") if $self->{'_process_dollar_template'}; local $self->{'_process_dollar_template'} = 1; local $self->{'_component'} = $doc; ### run the document however we can if (ref($doc) ne 'HASH' || (! $doc->{'_perl'} && ! $doc->{'_tree'})) { $self->throw('process', "Passed item doesn't appear to be a valid document"); } elsif ($doc->{'_perl'}) { eval { $doc->{'_perl'}->{'code'}->($self, \$out) }; } else { eval { $self->play_tree($doc->{'_tree'}, \$out) }; } if ($self->{'TRIM'}) { $out =~ s{ \s+ $ }{}x; $out =~ s{ ^ \s+ }{}x; } ### handle exceptions if (my $err = $@) { $err = $self->exception('undef', $err) if ! UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type'); $err->doc($doc) if $doc && $err->can('doc') && ! $err->doc; } } ### append any output $$out_ref .= $out; if (my $err = $@) { die $err if ! UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type') || $err->type !~ /return/; } } return; } sub play_RAWPERL { my ($self, $info, $node, $out_ref) = @_; $self->throw('perl', 'EVAL_PERL not set') if ! $self->{'EVAL_PERL'}; ### fill in any variables my $tree = $node->[4] || return; my $perl = ''; { local $self->{'STREAM'} = undef; $self->play_tree($tree, \$perl); } $perl = $1 if $perl =~ /^(.+)$/s; # blatant untaint - shouldn't use perl anyway ### try the code my $err; my $output = ''; eval { package Template::Alloy::Perl; my $context = $self->context; my $stash = $context->stash; eval $perl; $err = $@; }; $err ||= $@; $$out_ref .= $output; if ($err) { $self->throw('undef', $err) if ! UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type'); die $err; } return; } sub play_RETURN { my ($self, $undef, $node) = @_; my $var = $node->[3]; $var = {return_val => $self->play_expr($var)} if defined $var; $self->throw('return', $var, $node); } sub play_SET { my ($self, $set, $node) = @_; foreach (@$set) { my ($op, $set, $val) = @$_; if (! defined $val) { # not defined # do nothing - allow for setting to undef } elsif ($node->[4] && $val == $node->[4]) { # a captured directive my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; $sub_tree = $sub_tree->[0]->[4] if $sub_tree->[0] && $sub_tree->[0]->[0] eq 'BLOCK'; $val = ''; local $self->{'STREAM'} = undef; $self->play_tree($sub_tree, \$val); } else { # normal var $val = $self->play_expr($val); } $self->set_variable($set, $val); } return; } sub play_SWITCH { my ($self, $var, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $val = $self->play_expr($var); $val = '' if ! defined $val; ### $node->[4] is thrown away my $default; while ($node = $node->[5]) { # CASES my $var = $node->[3]; if (! defined $var) { $default = $node->[4]; next; } my $val2 = $self->play_expr($var); $val2 = [$val2] if ! UNIVERSAL::isa($val2, 'ARRAY'); for my $test (@$val2) { # find matching values next if ! defined $val && defined $test; next if defined $val && ! defined $test; next if $val ne $test; my $body_ref = $node->[4] ||= []; $self->play_tree($body_ref, $out_ref); return; } } if ($default) { $self->play_tree($default, $out_ref); } return; } sub play_THROW { my ($self, $ref, $node) = @_; my ($name, $args) = @$ref; $name = $self->play_expr($name); my ($named, @args) = @$args; push @args, $named if ! _is_empty_named_args($named); # add named args back on at end - if there are some @args = map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args; $self->throw($name, \@args, $node); # dies return; # but return just in case } sub play_TRY { my ($self, $foo, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $out = ''; my $body_ref = $node->[4]; eval { $self->play_tree($body_ref, \$out) }; my $err = $@; if (! $node->[5]) { # no catch or final if (! $err) { # no final block and no error $$out_ref .= $out; return; } $self->throw('parse.missing', "Missing CATCH block", $node); } if ($err) { $err = $self->exception('undef', $err) if ! UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type'); if ($err->type =~ /stop|return/) { $$out_ref .= $out; die $err; } } ### loop through the nested catch and final blocks my $catch_body_ref; my $last_found; my $type = $err ? $err->type : ''; my $final; while ($node = $node->[5]) { # CATCH if ($node->[0] eq 'FINAL') { $final = $node->[4]; next; } next if ! $err; my $name = $self->play_expr($node->[3]); $name = '' if ! defined $name || lc($name) eq 'default'; if ($type =~ / ^ \Q$name\E \b /x && (! defined($last_found) || length($last_found) < length($name))) { # more specific wins $catch_body_ref = $node->[4] || []; $last_found = $name; } } ### play the best catch block if ($err) { if (! $catch_body_ref) { $$out_ref .= $out; die $err; } local $self->{'_vars'}->{'error'} = $err; local $self->{'_vars'}->{'e'} = $err; eval { $self->play_tree($catch_body_ref, \$out) }; if (my $err = $@) { $$out_ref .= $out; die $err; } } ### the final block $self->play_tree($final, \$out) if $final; $$out_ref .= $out; return; } sub play_UNLESS { return $DIRECTIVES->{'IF'}->(@_) } sub play_USE { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($var, $module, $args) = @$ref; ### get the stash storage location - default to the module $var = $module if ! defined $var; my @var = map {($_, 0, '.')} split /(?:\.|::)/, $var; pop @var; # remove the trailing '.' my ($named, @args) = @$args; push @args, $named if ! _is_empty_named_args($named); # add named args back on at end - if there are some ### try and load the module - fall back to bare module if allowed my $obj; if (my $fact = $self->{'PLUGIN_FACTORY'}->{$module} || $self->{'PLUGIN_FACTORY'}->{lc $module}) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($fact, 'CODE')) { $obj = $fact->($self->context, map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); } } elsif (my $pkg = $self->{'PLUGINS'}->{$module} || $self->{'PLUGINS'}->{lc $module}) { (my $req = "$") =~ s|::|/|g; if (UNIVERSAL::isa($pkg, 'UNIVERSAL') || eval { require $req }) { my $shape = $pkg->load; $obj = $shape->new($self->context, map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); } } elsif (lc($module) eq 'iterator') { # use our iterator if none found (TT's works fine too) $obj = $self->iterator($args[0]); } else { my $found; my $BASE = $self->{'PLUGIN_BASE'}; foreach my $base ((ref($BASE) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$BASE : $BASE), (my $e = 'TP-Fallback')) { if ($base && $base eq 'TP-Fallback' && eval { require Template::Plugins }) { # want to allow Template::Plugins without requiring we use them $base = $Template::Plugins::PLUGIN_BASE || next; if ($Template::Plugins::STD_PLUGINS && (my $pkg = $Template::Plugins::STD_PLUGINS->{lc $module})) { (my $req = "$") =~ s|::|/|g; $found = 1; if (eval { require $req }) { my $shape = $pkg->load; $obj = $shape->new($self->context, map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); } last; } } next if ! $base; my $pkg = "${base}::${module}"; (my $req = "$") =~ s|::|/|g; if (UNIVERSAL::isa($pkg, 'UNIVERSAL') || eval { require $req }) { my $shape = $pkg->load; $obj = $shape->new($self->context, map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); $found = 1; last; } } if (! $found && $self->{'LOAD_PERL'}) { (my $req = "$") =~ s|::|/|g; if (UNIVERSAL::isa($module, 'UNIVERSAL') || eval { require $req }) { $obj = $module->new(map { $self->play_expr($_) } @args); } } } if (! defined $obj) { my $err = "$module: plugin not found"; $self->throw('plugin', $err); } $self->set_variable(\@var, $obj); return; } sub play_VIEW { my ($self, $ref, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my ($blocks, $args, $name) = @$ref; ### get args ready # [[undef, '{}', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2'], 0] $args = $args->[0]; my $hash = {}; foreach (my $i = 2; $i < @$args; $i+=2) { my $key = $args->[$i]; my $val = $self->play_expr($args->[$i+1]); if (ref $key) { if (@$key == 2 && ! ref($key->[0]) && ! $key->[1]) { $key = $key->[0]; } else { $self->set_variable($key, $val); next; # what TT does } } $hash->{$key} = $val; } ### prepare the blocks my $prefix = $hash->{'prefix'} || (ref($name) && @$name == 2 && ! $name->[1] && ! ref($name->[0])) ? "$name->[0]/" : ''; foreach my $key (keys %$blocks) { $blocks->{$key} = {name => "${prefix}${key}", _tree => $blocks->{$key}}; } $hash->{'blocks'} = $blocks; ### get the view if (! eval { require Template::View }) { $self->throw('view', 'Could not load Template::View library'); } my $view = Template::View->new($self->context, $hash) || $self->throw('view', $Template::View::ERROR); ### 'play it' my $old_view = $self->play_expr(['view', 0]); $self->set_variable($name, $view); $self->set_variable(['view', 0], $view); if ($node->[4]) { my $out = ''; $self->play_tree($node->[4], \$out); # throw away $out } $self->set_variable(['view', 0], $old_view); $view->seal; return; } sub play_WHILE { my ($self, $var, $node, $out_ref) = @_; return if ! defined $var; my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; ### iterate use the iterator object my $count = $Template::Alloy::WHILE_MAX; while (--$count > 0) { $self->play_expr($var) || last; ### execute the sub tree eval { $self->play_tree($sub_tree, $out_ref) }; if (my $err = $@) { if (UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type')) { next if $err->type =~ /next/; last if $err->type =~ /last|break/; } die $err; } } die "WHILE loop terminated (> $Template::Alloy::WHILE_MAX iterations)\n" if ! $count; return; } sub play_WRAPPER { my ($self, $args, $node, $out_ref) = @_; my $sub_tree = $node->[4] || return; my ($named, @files) = @$args; my $out = ''; { local $self->{'STREAM'} = undef; $self->play_tree($sub_tree, \$out); foreach my $name (reverse @files) { local $self->{'_vars'}->{'content'} = $out; $out = ''; $DIRECTIVES->{'INCLUDE'}->($self, [$named, $name], $node, \$out); } } if ($self->{'STREAM'}) { print $out; $out = ''; } $$out_ref .= $out; return; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### package Template::Alloy::EvalPerlHandle; sub TIEHANDLE { my ($class, $out_ref) = @_; return bless [$out_ref], $class; } sub PRINT { my $self = shift; ${ $self->[0] } .= $_ for grep {defined && length} @_; return 1; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION The Template::Alloy::Play role allows for taking the AST returned by the Parse role, and executes it directly. This is in contrast Template::Alloy::Compile which translates the AST into perl code and then executes the perl code. =head1 ROLE METHODS =over 4 =item C