package Template::Alloy::Compile; =head1 NAME Template::Alloy::Compile - Compile role - allows for compiling the AST to perl code =cut use strict; use warnings; use Template::Alloy; use Template::Alloy::Iterator; our $VERSION = $Template::Alloy::VERSION; our $INDENT = ' ' x 4; our $DIRECTIVES = { BLOCK => \&compile_BLOCK, BREAK => \&compile_LAST, CALL => \&compile_CALL, CASE => undef, CATCH => undef, CLEAR => \&compile_CLEAR, '#' => sub {}, COMMENT => sub {}, CONFIG => \&compile_CONFIG, DEBUG => \&compile_DEBUG, DEFAULT => \&compile_DEFAULT, DUMP => \&compile_DUMP, ELSE => undef, ELSIF => undef, END => sub {}, EVAL => \&compile_EVAL, FILTER => \&compile_FILTER, '|' => \&compile_FILTER, FINAL => undef, FOR => \&compile_FOR, FOREACH => \&compile_FOR, GET => \&compile_GET, IF => \&compile_IF, INCLUDE => \&compile_INCLUDE, INSERT => \&compile_INSERT, LAST => \&compile_LAST, LOOP => \&compile_LOOP, MACRO => \&compile_MACRO, META => \&compile_META, NEXT => \&compile_NEXT, PERL => \&compile_PERL, PROCESS => \&compile_PROCESS, RAWPERL => \&compile_RAWPERL, RETURN => \&compile_RETURN, SET => \&compile_SET, STOP => \&compile_STOP, SWITCH => \&compile_SWITCH, TAGS => sub {}, THROW => \&compile_THROW, TRY => \&compile_TRY, UNLESS => \&compile_UNLESS, USE => \&compile_USE, VIEW => \&compile_VIEW, WHILE => \&compile_WHILE, WRAPPER => \&compile_WRAPPER, }; sub new { die "This class is a role for use by packages such as Template::Alloy" } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub compile_template { my ($self, $doc) = @_; local $self->{'_component'} = $doc; my $tree = $doc->{'_tree'} ||= $self->load_tree($doc); local $self->{'_blocks'} = ''; local $self->{'_meta'} = ''; my $code = $self->compile_tree($tree, $INDENT); $self->{'_blocks'} .= "\n" if $self->{'_blocks'}; $self->{'_meta'} .= "\n" if $self->{'_meta'}; my $str = "# Generated by ".__PACKAGE__." v$VERSION on ".localtime()." # From file ".($doc->{'_filename'} || $doc->{'name'})." my \$blocks = {$self->{'_blocks'}}; my \$meta = {$self->{'_meta'}}; my \$code = sub { ${INDENT}my (\$self, \$out_ref, \$var) = \@_;" .($self->{'_blocks'} ? "\n${INDENT}\@{ \$self->{'BLOCKS'} }{ keys %\$blocks } = values %\$blocks;" : "") .($self->{'_meta'} ? "\n${INDENT}\@{ \$self->{'_component'} }{ keys %\$meta } = values %\$meta;" : "") ."$code ${INDENT}return 1; }; { ${INDENT}blocks => \$blocks, ${INDENT}meta => \$meta, ${INDENT}code => \$code, };\n"; # print $str; return \$str; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub _node_info { my ($self, $node, $indent) = @_; my $doc = $self->{'_component'} || return ''; $doc->{'_content'} ||= $self->slurp($doc->{'_filename'}); my ($line, $char) = $self->get_line_number_by_index($doc, $node->[1], 'include_chars'); return "\n\n${indent}# \"$node->[0]\" Line $line char $char (chars $node->[1] to $node->[2])"; } sub compile_tree { my ($self, $tree, $indent) = @_; my $code = ''; # node contains (0: DIRECTIVE, # 1: start_index, # 2: end_index, # 3: parsed tag details, # 4: sub tree for block types # 5: continuation sub trees for sub continuation block types (elsif, else, etc) # 6: flag to capture next directive my @doc; my $func; for my $node (@$tree) { # text nodes are just the bare text if (! ref $node) { $node =~ s/([\'\\])/\\$1/g; $code .= "\n\n${indent}\$\$out_ref .= '$node';"; next; } if ($self->{'_debug_dirs'} && ! $self->{'_debug_off'}) { my $info = $self->node_info($node); my ($file, $line, $text) = @{ $info }{qw(file line text)}; s/\'/\\\'/g foreach $file, $line, $text; $code .= "\n ${indent}if (\$self->{'_debug_dirs'} && ! \$self->{'_debug_off'}) { # DEBUG ${indent}${INDENT}my \$info = {file => '$file', line => '$line', text => '$text'}; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$format = \$self->{'_debug_format'} || \$self->{'DEBUG_FORMAT'} || \"\\n## \\\$file line \\\$line : [% \\\$text %] ##\\n\"; ${indent}${INDENT}\$format =~ s{\\\$(file|line|text)}{\$info->{\$1}}g; ${indent}${INDENT}\$\$out_ref .= \$format; ${indent}}"; } $code .= _node_info($self, $node, $indent); if ($func = $DIRECTIVES->{$node->[0]}) { $func->($self, $node, \$code, $indent); } else { ### if the method isn't defined - delegate to the play directive (if there is one) require Template::Alloy::Play; if ($func = $Template::Alloy::Play::DIRECTIVES->{$node->[0]}) { _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, \$code, $indent); } else { die "Couldn't find compile or play method for directive \"$node->[0]\""; } } } return $code; } sub compile_expr { my ($self, $var, $indent) = @_; return "\$self->play_expr(".$self->ast_string($var).")"; } sub _compile_defer_to_play { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my $directive = $node->[0]; die "Invalid node name \"$directive\"" if $directive !~ /^\w+$/; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}require Template::Alloy::Play; ${indent}\$var = ".$self->ast_string($node->[3])."; ${indent}\$Template::Alloy::Play::DIRECTIVES->{'$directive'}->(\$self, \$var, ".$self->ast_string($node).", \$out_ref);"; return; } sub _is_empty_named_args { my ($hash_ident) = @_; # [[undef, '{}', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2, 'val2'], 0] return @{ $hash_ident->[0] } <= 2; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### sub compile_BLOCK { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my $ref = \ $self->{'_blocks'}; my $name = $node->[3]; $name =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; my $name2 = $self->{'_component'}->{'name'} .'/'. $node->[3]; $name2 =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; my $code = $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$INDENT$INDENT$INDENT"); $$ref .= " ${INDENT}'$name' => { ${INDENT}${INDENT}name => '$name2', ${INDENT}${INDENT}_perl => {code => sub { ${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}my (\$self, \$out_ref, \$var) = \@_;$code ${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}return 1; ${INDENT}${INDENT}}}, ${INDENT}},"; return; } sub compile_CALL { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}scalar ".$self->compile_expr($node->[3], $indent).";"; return; } sub compile_CLEAR { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$\$out_ref = '';"; } sub compile_CONFIG { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_DEBUG { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my $text = $node->[3]->[0]; if ($text eq 'on') { $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}delete \$self->{'_debug_off'};"; } elsif ($text eq 'off') { $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}\$self->{'_debug_off'} = 1;"; } elsif ($text eq 'format') { my $format = $node->[3]->[1]; $format =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}\$self->{'_debug_format'} = '$format';"; } return; } sub compile_DEFAULT { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; local $self->{'_is_default'} = 1; $DIRECTIVES->{'SET'}->($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_DUMP { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_GET { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; $$str_ref .= " $indent\$var = ".$self->compile_expr($node->[3], $indent)."; $indent\$\$out_ref .= defined(\$var) ? \$var : \$self->undefined_get(".$self->ast_string($node->[3]).");"; return; } sub compile_EVAL { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my ($named, @strs) = @{ $node->[3] }; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}foreach (".join(",\n", map {$self->ast_string($_)} @strs).") { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$str = \$self->play_expr(\$_); ${indent}${INDENT}next if ! defined \$str; ${indent}${INDENT}\$\$out_ref .= \$self->play_expr([[undef, '-temp-', \$str], 0, '|', 'eval', [".$self->ast_string($named)."]]); ${indent}}"; } sub compile_FILTER { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my ($name, $filter) = @{ $node->[3] }; return if ! @$filter; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$var = do { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$filter = ".$self->ast_string($filter).";"; ### allow for alias if (length $name) { $name =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}${INDENT}\$self->{'FILTERS'}->{'$name'} = \$filter; # alias for future calls\n"; } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out = ''; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out_ref = \\\$out;" .$self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT")." ${indent}\$out = \$self->play_expr([[undef, '-temp-', \$out], 0, '|', \@\$filter]); ${indent}${INDENT}\$out; ${indent}}; ${indent}\$\$out_ref .= \$var if defined \$var;"; } sub compile_FOR { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my ($name, $items) = @{ $node->[3] }; local $self->{'_in_loop'} = 'FOREACH'; my $code = $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}do { ${indent}my \$loop = ".$self->compile_expr($items, $indent)."; ${indent}\$loop = [] if ! defined \$loop; ${indent}\$loop = \$self->iterator(\$loop) if ref(\$loop) !~ /Iterator\$/; ${indent}local \$self->{'_vars'}->{'loop'} = \$loop;"; if (! defined $name) { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}my \$swap = \$self->{'_vars'}; ${indent}local \$self->{'_vars'} = my \$copy = {%\$swap};"; } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}my (\$var, \$error) = \$loop->get_first; ${indent}FOREACH: while (! \$error) {"; if (defined $name) { $$str_ref .= "\n$indent$INDENT\$self->set_variable(".$self->ast_string($name).", \$var);"; } else { $$str_ref .= "\n$indent$INDENT\@\$copy{keys %\$var} = values %\$var if ref(\$var) eq 'HASH';"; } $$str_ref .= "$code ${indent}${INDENT}(\$var, \$error) = \$loop->get_next; ${indent}} ${indent}};"; return; } sub compile_FOREACH { shift->compile_FOR(@_) } sub compile_IF { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}if (".$self->compile_expr($node->[3], $indent).") {"; $$str_ref .= $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); while ($node = $node->[5]) { # ELSE, ELSIF's $$str_ref .= _node_info($self, $node, $indent); if ($node->[0] eq 'ELSE') { $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}} else {"; $$str_ref .= $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); last; } else { $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}} elsif (".$self->compile_expr($node->[3], $indent).") {"; $$str_ref .= $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); } } $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}}"; } sub compile_INCLUDE { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_INSERT { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_LAST { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my $type = $self->{'_in_loop'} || die "Found LAST while not in FOR, FOREACH or WHILE"; $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}last $type;"; return; } sub compile_LOOP { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my $ref = $node->[3]; $ref = [$ref, 0] if ! ref $ref; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$var = ".$self->compile_expr($ref, $indent)."; ${indent}if (\$var) { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$global = ! \$self->{'SYNTAX'} || \$self->{'SYNTAX'} ne 'ht' || \$self->{'GLOBAL_VARS'}; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$items = ref(\$var) eq 'ARRAY' ? \$var : ref(\$var) eq 'HASH' ? [\$var] : []; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$i = 0; ${indent}${INDENT}for my \$ref (\@\$items) { ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}\$self->throw('loop', 'Scalar value used in LOOP') if \$ref && ref(\$ref) ne 'HASH'; ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}local \$self->{'_vars'} = (! \$global) ? (\$ref || {}) : (ref(\$ref) eq 'HASH') ? {%{ \$self->{'_vars'} }, %\$ref} : \$self->{'_vars'}; ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}\@{ \$self->{'_vars'} }{qw(__counter__ __first__ __last__ __inner__ __odd__)} ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}= (++\$i, (\$i == 1 ? 1 : 0), (\$i == \@\$items ? 1 : 0), (\$i == 1 || \$i == \@\$items ? 0 : 1), (\$i % 2) ? 1 : 0) ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}if \$self->{'LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS'} && ! \$Template::Alloy::QR_PRIVATE;" .$self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT$INDENT")." ${indent}${INDENT}} ${indent}}"; } sub compile_MACRO { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my ($name, $args) = @{ $node->[3] }; ### get the sub tree my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; if (! $sub_tree || ! $sub_tree->[0]) { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$self->set_variable(".$self->ast_string($name).", undef);"; return; } elsif (ref($sub_tree->[0]) && $sub_tree->[0]->[0] eq 'BLOCK') { $sub_tree = $sub_tree->[0]->[4]; } my $code = $self->compile_tree($sub_tree, "$indent$INDENT"); $$str_ref .= " ${indent}do { ${indent}my \$self_copy = \$self; ${indent}eval {require Scalar::Util; Scalar::Util::weaken(\$self_copy)}; ${indent}\$var = sub { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$copy = \$self_copy->{'_vars'}; ${indent}${INDENT}local \$self_copy->{'_vars'}= {%\$copy}; ${indent}${INDENT}local \$self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} = \$self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} || 0; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$max = \$self_copy->{'MAX_MACRO_RECURSE'} || \$Template::Alloy::MAX_MACRO_RECURSE; ${indent}${INDENT}\$self_copy->throw('macro_recurse', \"MAX_MACRO_RECURSE \$max reached\") ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}if ++\$self_copy->{'_macro_recurse'} > \$max; "; foreach my $var (@$args) { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}\$self_copy->set_variable("; $$str_ref .= $self->ast_string($var); $$str_ref .= ", shift(\@_));"; } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}if (\@_ && \$_[-1] && UNIVERSAL::isa(\$_[-1],'HASH')) { ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}my \$named = pop \@_; ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}foreach my \$name (sort keys %\$named) { ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}\$self_copy->set_variable([\$name, 0], \$named->{\$name}); ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}} ${indent}${INDENT}} ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out = ''; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out_ref = \\\$out;$code ${indent}${INDENT}return \$out; ${indent}}; ${indent}\$self->set_variable(".$self->ast_string($name).", \$var); ${indent}};"; return; } sub compile_META { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; if ($node->[3]) { while (my($key, $val) = each %{ $node->[3] }) { s/\'/\\\'/g foreach $key, $val; $self->{'_meta'} .= "\n${indent}'$key' => '$val',"; } } return; } sub compile_NEXT { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my $type = $self->{'_in_loop'} || die "Found next while not in FOR, FOREACH or WHILE"; $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}(\$var, \$error) = \$loop->get_next;" if $type eq 'FOREACH'; $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}next $type;"; return; } sub compile_PERL{ my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; ### fill in any variables my $perl = $node->[4] || return; my $code = $self->compile_tree($perl, "$indent$INDENT"); $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$self->throw('perl', 'EVAL_PERL not set') if ! \$self->{'EVAL_PERL'}; ${indent}require Template::Alloy::Play; ${indent}\$var = do { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out = ''; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out_ref = \\\$out;$code ${indent}${INDENT}\$out; ${indent}}; ${indent}#\$var = \$1 if \$var =~ /^(.+)\$/s; # blatant untaint ${indent}my \$err; ${indent}eval { ${indent}${INDENT}package Template::Alloy::Perl; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$context = \$self->context; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$stash = \$context->stash; ${indent}${INDENT}local *PERLOUT; ${indent}${INDENT}tie *PERLOUT, 'Template::Alloy::EvalPerlHandle', \$out_ref; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$old_fh = select PERLOUT; ${indent}${INDENT}eval \$var; ${indent}${INDENT}\$err = \$\@; ${indent}${INDENT}select \$old_fh; ${indent}}; ${indent}\$err ||= \$\@; ${indent}if (\$err) { ${indent}${INDENT}\$self->throw('undef', \$err) if ! UNIVERSAL::can(\$err, 'type'); ${indent}${INDENT}die \$err; ${indent}}"; return; } sub compile_PROCESS { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_RAWPERL { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_RETURN { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; if (defined($node->[3])) { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$var = {return_val => ".$self->compile_expr($node->[3])."}; ${indent}\$self->throw('return', \$var);"; } else { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$self->throw('return', undef);"; } } sub compile_SET { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my $sets = $node->[3]; my $out = ''; foreach (@$sets) { my ($op, $set, $val) = @$_; if ($self->{'_is_default'}) { $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}if (! ".$self->compile_expr($set, $indent).") {"; $indent .= $INDENT; } $$str_ref .= "\n$indent\$var = "; if (! defined $val) { # not defined $$str_ref .= 'undef'; } elsif ($node->[4] && $val == $node->[4]) { # a captured directive my $sub_tree = $node->[4]; $sub_tree = $sub_tree->[0]->[4] if $sub_tree->[0] && $sub_tree->[0]->[0] eq 'BLOCK'; my $code = $self->compile_tree($sub_tree, "$indent$INDENT"); $$str_ref .= "${indent}do { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out = ''; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out_ref = \\\$out;$code ${indent}${INDENT}\$out; ${indent}}" } else { # normal var $$str_ref .= $self->compile_expr($val, $indent); } if ($Template::Alloy::OP_DISPATCH->{$op}) { $$str_ref .= ' }'; } $$str_ref .= "; $indent\$self->set_variable(".$self->ast_string($set).", \$var);"; if ($self->{'_is_default'}) { substr($indent, -length($INDENT), length($INDENT), ''); $$str_ref .= "\n$indent}"; } $$str_ref .= ";"; } return $out; } sub compile_STOP { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$self->throw('stop', 'Control Exception');"; } sub compile_SWITCH { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$var = ".$self->compile_expr($node->[3], $indent).";"; my $default; my $i = 0; while ($node = $node->[5]) { # CASES if (! defined $node->[3]) { $default = $node; next; } $$str_ref .= _node_info($self, $node, $indent); $$str_ref .= "\n$indent" .($i++ ? "} els" : ""). "if (do { ${indent}${INDENT}no warnings; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$var2 = ".$self->compile_expr($node->[3], "$indent$INDENT")."; ${indent}${INDENT}scalar grep {\$_ eq \$var} (UNIVERSAL::isa(\$var2, 'ARRAY') ? \@\$var2 : \$var2); ${indent}${INDENT}}) { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$var;"; $$str_ref .= $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); } if ($default) { $$str_ref .= _node_info($self, $default, $indent); $$str_ref .= "\n$indent" .($i++ ? "} else {" : "if (1) {"); $$str_ref .= $self->compile_tree($default->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); } $$str_ref .= "\n$indent}" if $i; return; } sub compile_THROW { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my ($name, $args) = @{ $node->[3] }; my ($named, @args) = @$args; push @args, $named if ! _is_empty_named_args($named); # add named args back on at end - if there are some $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$self->throw(".$self->compile_expr($name, $indent).", [".join(", ", map{$self->compile_expr($_, $indent)} @args)."]);"; return; } sub compile_TRY { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}do { ${indent}my \$out = ''; ${indent}eval { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out_ref = \\\$out;" . $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT") ." ${indent}}; ${indent}my \$err = \$\@; ${indent}\$\$out_ref .= \$out; ${indent}if (\$err) {"; my $final; my $i = 0; my $catches_str = ''; my @names; while ($node = $node->[5]) { # CATCHES if ($node->[0] eq 'FINAL') { $final = $node; next; } $catches_str .= _node_info($self, $node, "$indent$INDENT"); $catches_str .= "\n${indent}${INDENT}} elsif (\$index == ".(scalar @names).") {"; $catches_str .= $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT$INDENT"); push @names, $node->[3]; } if (@names) { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}\$err = \$self->exception('undef', \$err) if ! UNIVERSAL::can(\$err, 'type'); ${indent}${INDENT}my \$type = \$err->type; ${indent}${INDENT}die \$err if \$type =~ /stop|return/; ${indent}${INDENT}local \$self->{'_vars'}->{'error'} = \$err; ${indent}${INDENT}local \$self->{'_vars'}->{'e'} = \$err; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$index; ${indent}${INDENT}my \@names = ("; $i = 0; foreach $i (0 .. $#names) { if (defined $names[$i]) { $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}scalar(".$self->compile_expr($names[$i], "$indent$INDENT$INDENT")."), # $i;"; } else { $$str_ref .= "\n${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}undef, # $i"; } } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}); ${indent}${INDENT}for my \$i (0 .. \$#names) { ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}my \$name = (! defined(\$names[\$i]) || lc(\$names[\$i]) eq 'default') ? '' : \$names[\$i]; ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}\$index = \$i if \$type =~ m{^ \\Q\$name\\E \\b}x && (! defined(\$index) || length(\$names[\$index]) < length(\$name)); ${indent}${INDENT}} ${indent}${INDENT}if (! defined \$index) { ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}die \$err;" .$catches_str." ${indent}${INDENT}}"; } else { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$self->throw('throw', 'Missing CATCH block');"; } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}}"; if ($final) { $$str_ref .= _node_info($self, $final, $indent); $$str_ref .= $self->compile_tree($final->[4], "$indent"); } $$str_ref .=" ${indent}};"; return; } sub compile_UNLESS { $DIRECTIVES->{'IF'}->(@_) } sub compile_USE { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; _compile_defer_to_play($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent); } sub compile_VIEW { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my ($blocks, $args, $name) = @{ $node->[3] }; my $_name = $self->ast_string($name); # [[undef, '{}', 'key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2'], 0] $args = $args->[0]; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}do { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$name = $_name; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$hash = {};"; foreach (my $i = 2; $i < @$args; $i+=2) { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}\$var = ".$self->compile_expr($args->[$i+1], $indent)."; ${indent}${INDENT}"; my $key = $args->[$i]; if (ref $key) { if (@$key == 2 && ! ref($key->[0]) && ! $key->[1]) { $key = $key->[0]; } else { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}\$self->set_variable(".$self->compile_expr($key, $indent).", \$var);"; next; } } $key =~ s/([\'\\])/\\$1/g; $$str_ref .= "\$hash->{'$key'} = \$var;"; } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}my \$prefix = \$hash->{'prefix'} || (ref(\$name) && \@\$name == 2 && ! \$name->[1] && ! ref(\$name->[0])) ? \"\$name->[0]/\" : ''; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$blocks = \$hash->{'blocks'} = {};"; foreach my $key (keys %$blocks) { my $code = $self->compile_tree($blocks->{$key}, "$indent$INDENT$INDENT$INDENT"); $key =~ s/([\'\\])/\\$1/g; $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}\$blocks->{'$key'} = { ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}name => \$prefix . '$key', ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}_perl => {code => sub { ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}my (\$self, \$out_ref, \$var) = \@_;$code ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}${INDENT}return 1; ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}} }, ${indent}${INDENT}};"; } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}\$self->throw('view', 'Could not load Template::View library') ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT} if ! eval { require Template::View }; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$view = Template::View->new(\$self->context, \$hash) ${indent}${INDENT}${INDENT}|| \$self->throw('view', \$Template::View::ERROR); ${indent}${INDENT}my \$old_view = \$self->play_expr(['view', 0]); ${indent}${INDENT}\$self->set_variable(\$name, \$view); ${indent}${INDENT}\$self->set_variable(['view', 0], \$view);"; if ($node->[4]) { $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out = ''; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out_ref = \\\$out;" .$self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); } $$str_ref .= " ${indent}${INDENT}\$self->set_variable(['view', 0], \$old_view); ${indent}${INDENT}\$view->seal; ${indent}};"; return; } sub compile_WHILE { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; local $self->{'_in_loop'} = 'WHILE'; my $code = $self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT"); $$str_ref .= " ${indent}my \$count = \$Template::Alloy::WHILE_MAX; ${indent}WHILE: while (--\$count > 0) { ${indent}my \$var = ".$self->compile_expr($node->[3], $indent)."; ${indent}last if ! \$var;$code ${indent}}"; return; } sub compile_WRAPPER { my ($self, $node, $str_ref, $indent) = @_; my ($named, @files) = @{ $node->[3] }; $named = $self->ast_string($named); $$str_ref .= " ${indent}\$var = do { ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out = ''; ${indent}${INDENT}my \$out_ref = \\\$out;" .$self->compile_tree($node->[4], "$indent$INDENT")." ${indent}${INDENT}\$out; ${indent}}; ${indent}for my \$file (reverse(" .join(",${indent}${INDENT}", map {"\$self->play_expr(".$self->ast_string($_).")"} @files).")) { ${indent}${INDENT}local \$self->{'_vars'}->{'content'} = \$var; ${indent}${INDENT}\$var = ''; ${indent}${INDENT}require Template::Alloy::Play; ${indent}\$Template::Alloy::Play::DIRECTIVES->{'INCLUDE'}->(\$self, [$named, \$file], ['$node->[0]', $node->[1], $node->[2]], \\\$var); ${indent}} ${indent}\$\$out_ref .= \$var if defined \$var;"; return; } ###----------------------------------------------------------------### 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION The Template::Alloy::Compile role allows for taking the AST returned by the Parse role, and translating it into a perl code document. This is in contrast Template::Alloy::Play which executes the AST directly. =head1 TODO =over 4 =item Translate compile_RAWPERL to actually output rather than calling play_RAWPERL. =back =head1 ROLE METHODS =over 4 =item C Takes an AST returned by parse_tree and translates it into perl code using functions stored in the $DIRECTIVES hashref. A template that looked like the following: Foo [% GET foo %] [% GET bar %] Bar would parse to the following perl code: # Generated by Template::Alloy::Compile v1.001 on Thu Jun 7 12:58:33 2007 # From file /home/paul/ my $blocks = {}; my $meta = {}; my $code = sub { my ($self, $out_ref, $var) = @_; $$out_ref .= 'Foo'; # "GET" Line 2 char 2 (chars 6 to 15) $var = $self->play_expr(['foo', 0]); $$out_ref .= defined($var) ? $var : $self->undefined_get(['foo', 0]); # "GET" Line 3 char 2 (chars 22 to 31) $var = $self->play_expr(['bar', 0]); $$out_ref .= defined($var) ? $var : $self->undefined_get(['bar', 0]); $$out_ref .= 'Bar'; return 1; }; { blocks => $blocks, meta => $meta, code => $code, }; As you can see the output is quite a bit more complex than the AST, but under mod_perl conditions, the perl will run faster than playing the AST each time. =item C Takes an AST variable or expression and returns perl code that can lookup the variable. =back =head1 AUTHOR Paul Seamons =head1 LICENSE This module may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut