package Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::OLEwriter; ############################################################################### # # OLEwriter - A writer class to store BIFF data in a OLE compound storage file. # # # Used in conjunction with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel # # Copyright 2000-2008, John McNamara, # # Documentation after __END__ # use Exporter; use strict; use Carp; use FileHandle; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); @ISA = qw(Exporter); $VERSION = '2.20'; ############################################################################### # # new() # # Constructor # sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { _olefilename => $_[0], _filehandle => "", _fileclosed => 0, _internal_fh => 0, _biff_only => 0, _size_allowed => 0, _biffsize => 0, _booksize => 0, _big_blocks => 0, _list_blocks => 0, _root_start => 0, _block_count => 4, }; bless $self, $class; $self->_initialize(); return $self; } ############################################################################### # # _initialize() # # Create a new filehandle or use the provided filehandle. # sub _initialize { my $self = shift; my $olefile = $self->{_olefilename}; my $fh; # If the filename is a reference it is assumed that it is a valid # filehandle, if not we create a filehandle. # if (ref($olefile)) { $fh = $olefile; } else{ # Create a new file, open for writing $fh = FileHandle->new("> $olefile"); # also checks this but something may have happened since # then. if (not defined $fh) { croak "Can't open $olefile. It may be in use or protected.\n"; } # binmode file whether platform requires it or not binmode($fh); $self->{_internal_fh} = 1; } # Store filehandle $self->{_filehandle} = $fh; } ############################################################################### # # set_size($biffsize) # # Set the size of the data to be written to the OLE stream # # $big_blocks = (109 depot block x (128 -1 marker word) # - (1 x end words)) = 13842 # $maxsize = $big_blocks * 512 bytes = 7087104 # sub set_size { my $self = shift; my $maxsize = 7_087_104; # Use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big to exceed this if ($_[0] > $maxsize) { return $self->{_size_allowed} = 0; } $self->{_biffsize} = $_[0]; # Set the min file size to 4k to avoid having to use small blocks if ($_[0] > 4096) { $self->{_booksize} = $_[0]; } else { $self->{_booksize} = 4096; } return $self->{_size_allowed} = 1; } ############################################################################### # # _calculate_sizes() # # Calculate various sizes needed for the OLE stream # sub _calculate_sizes { my $self = shift; my $datasize = $self->{_booksize}; if ($datasize % 512 == 0) { $self->{_big_blocks} = $datasize/512; } else { $self->{_big_blocks} = int($datasize/512) +1; } # There are 127 list blocks and 1 marker blocks for each big block # depot + 1 end of chain block $self->{_list_blocks} = int(($self->{_big_blocks})/127) +1; $self->{_root_start} = $self->{_big_blocks}; } ############################################################################### # # close() # # Write root entry, big block list and close the filehandle. # This routine is used to explicitly close the open filehandle without # having to wait for DESTROY. # sub close { my $self = shift; return if not $self->{_size_allowed}; $self->_write_padding() if not $self->{_biff_only}; $self->_write_property_storage() if not $self->{_biff_only}; $self->_write_big_block_depot() if not $self->{_biff_only}; my $close = 1; # Default to no error for external filehandles. # Close the filehandle if it was created internally. $close = CORE::close($self->{_filehandle}) if $self->{_internal_fh}; $self->{_fileclosed} = 1; return $close; } ############################################################################### # # DESTROY() # # Close the filehandle if it hasn't already been explicitly closed. # sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; local ($@, $!, $^E, $?); $self->close() unless $self->{_fileclosed}; } ############################################################################### # # write($data) # # Write BIFF data to OLE file. # sub write { my $self = shift; # Protect print() from -l on the command line. local $\ = undef; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $_[0]; } ############################################################################### # # write_header() # # Write OLE header block. # sub write_header { my $self = shift; return if $self->{_biff_only}; $self->_calculate_sizes(); my $root_start = $self->{_root_start}; my $num_lists = $self->{_list_blocks}; my $id = pack("NN", 0xD0CF11E0, 0xA1B11AE1); my $unknown1 = pack("VVVV", 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); my $unknown2 = pack("vv", 0x3E, 0x03); my $unknown3 = pack("v", -2); my $unknown4 = pack("v", 0x09); my $unknown5 = pack("VVV", 0x06, 0x00, 0x00); my $num_bbd_blocks = pack("V", $num_lists); my $root_startblock = pack("V", $root_start); my $unknown6 = pack("VV", 0x00, 0x1000); my $sbd_startblock = pack("V", -2); my $unknown7 = pack("VVV", 0x00, -2 ,0x00); my $unused = pack("V", -1); # Protect print() from -l on the command line. local $\ = undef; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $id; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown1; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown2; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown3; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown4; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown5; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $num_bbd_blocks; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $root_startblock; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown6; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $sbd_startblock; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown7; for (1..$num_lists) { $root_start++; print {$self->{_filehandle}} pack("V", $root_start); } for ($num_lists..108) { print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unused; } } ############################################################################### # # _write_big_block_depot() # # Write big block depot. # sub _write_big_block_depot { my $self = shift; my $num_blocks = $self->{_big_blocks}; my $num_lists = $self->{_list_blocks}; my $total_blocks = $num_lists *128; my $used_blocks = $num_blocks + $num_lists +2; my $marker = pack("V", -3); my $end_of_chain = pack("V", -2); my $unused = pack("V", -1); # Protect print() from -l on the command line. local $\ = undef; for my $i (1..$num_blocks-1) { print {$self->{_filehandle}} pack("V",$i); } print {$self->{_filehandle}} $end_of_chain; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $end_of_chain; for (1..$num_lists) { print {$self->{_filehandle}} $marker; } for ($used_blocks..$total_blocks) { print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unused; } } ############################################################################### # # _write_property_storage() # # Write property storage. TODO: add summary sheets # sub _write_property_storage { my $self = shift; my $rootsize = -2; my $booksize = $self->{_booksize}; ################# name type dir start size $self->_write_pps('Root Entry', 0x05, 1, -2, 0x00); $self->_write_pps('Workbook', 0x02, -1, 0x00, $booksize); $self->_write_pps('', 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0000); $self->_write_pps('', 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0000); } ############################################################################### # # _write_pps() # # Write property sheet in property storage # sub _write_pps { my $self = shift; my $name = $_[0]; my @name = (); my $length = 0; if ($name ne '') { $name = $_[0] . "\0"; # Simulate a Unicode string @name = map(ord, split('', $name)); $length = length($name) * 2; } my $rawname = pack("v*", @name); my $zero = pack("C", 0); my $pps_sizeofname = pack("v", $length); #0x40 my $pps_type = pack("v", $_[1]); #0x42 my $pps_prev = pack("V", -1); #0x44 my $pps_next = pack("V", -1); #0x48 my $pps_dir = pack("V", $_[2]); #0x4c my $unknown1 = pack("V", 0); my $pps_ts1s = pack("V", 0); #0x64 my $pps_ts1d = pack("V", 0); #0x68 my $pps_ts2s = pack("V", 0); #0x6c my $pps_ts2d = pack("V", 0); #0x70 my $pps_sb = pack("V", $_[3]); #0x74 my $pps_size = pack("V", $_[4]); #0x78 # Protect print() from -l on the command line. local $\ = undef; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $rawname; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $zero x (64 -$length); print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_sizeofname; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_type; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_prev; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_next; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_dir; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown1 x 5; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_ts1s; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_ts1d; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_ts2d; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_ts2d; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_sb; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $pps_size; print {$self->{_filehandle}} $unknown1; } ############################################################################### # # _write_padding() # # Pad the end of the file # sub _write_padding { my $self = shift; my $biffsize = $self->{_biffsize}; my $min_size; if ($biffsize < 4096) { $min_size = 4096; } else { $min_size = 512; } # Protect print() from -l on the command line. local $\ = undef; if ($biffsize % $min_size != 0) { my $padding = $min_size - ($biffsize % $min_size); print {$self->{_filehandle}} "\0" x $padding; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME OLEwriter - A writer class to store BIFF data in a OLE compound storage file. =head1 SYNOPSIS See the documentation for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is used in conjunction with Spreadsheet::WriteExcel. =head1 AUTHOR John McNamara =head1 COPYRIGHT © MM-MMVIII, John McNamara. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.