package Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big;

# WriteExcel::Big
# Spreadsheet::WriteExcel - Write formatted text and numbers to a
# cross-platform Excel binary file.
# Copyright 2000-2008, John McNamara.

require Exporter;

use strict;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WorkbookBig;

use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
@ISA = qw(Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WorkbookBig Exporter);

$VERSION = '2.20';

# new()
# Constructor. Wrapper for a Workbook object.
# uses: Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::BIFFwriter
#       Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::OLEwriter
#       Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WorkbookBig
#       Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Worksheet
#       Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Format
sub new {

    my $class = shift;
    my $self  = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::WorkbookBig->new($_[0]);

    bless  $self, $class;
    return $self;



=head1 NAME

Big - A class for creating Excel files > 7MB.


The direct use of this module is deprecated. See below.


The module is a sub-class of Spreadsheet::WriteExcel used for creating Excel files greater than 7MB.

Direct use of this module is deprecated. As of version 2.17 Spreadsheet::WriteExcel can create files larger than 7MB if OLE::Storage_Lite is installed.

This module only exists for backwards compatibility.

    use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big;

    my $workbook  = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big->new("file.xls");
    my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

    # Same as Spreadsheet::WriteExcel



=head1 AUTHOR

John McNamara


© MM-MMVIII, John McNamara.

All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.