package Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; use IO::Scalar; use IO::File; use XML::Writer; our $VERSION = '1.9'; our $errstr = ''; sub new{ my ($class,%opts) = @_; my $self = {}; $self->{worksheets} = $opts{-worksheets} || []; $self->{type} = 'application/'; $self->{BIG} = $opts{-big} || 0; $self->{FILE} = $opts{-filename} || ''; bless($self,$class); for my $sheet( @{ $self->{worksheets} } ){ if( length($sheet->[0]) > 31 ){ warn "length of worksheet name is greater than 31. It is truncated..."; $sheet->[0] = substr $sheet->[0], 0, 30; } } $self->_last_sheet(''); return $self; }# end new sub current_sheet{ my ($self) = @_; return $self->_last_sheet; } sub add_worksheet{ my ($self,@array) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); unless(defined $array[0]){ $errstr = qq~No worksheet defined at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_worksheet() from $filename line $line\n~; $array[0] = 'unknown' unless defined $array[0]; return undef; } if( length( $array[0] ) > 31 ){ $errstr = qq~Length of worksheet name has be at most 31~; return undef; } $self->_last_sheet($array[0]); if(grep{$_->[0] eq $array[0]}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Duplicate worksheet-title at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_worksheet() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } push(@{$self->{worksheets}},[@array]); return 1; }# end add_worksheet sub _last_sheet{ my ($self,$title) = @_; $self->{last_sheet} = $title if defined $title; return $self->{last_sheet}; } sub del_worksheet{ my ($self,$title) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); $title = $self->_last_sheet unless defined $title; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(defined $title){ $errstr = qq~No worksheet-title defined at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel del_worksheet() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } my @worksheets = grep{$_->[0] ne $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}; $self->{worksheets} = [@worksheets]; }# end del_worksheet sub add_row{ my ($self,$title,$arref,$props) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); if(ref $title eq 'ARRAY'){ $props = $arref; $arref = $title; $title = $self->_last_sheet; } $title = $self->_last_sheet unless $title; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Worksheet $title does not exist at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_row() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } unless(ref($arref) eq 'ARRAY'){ $errstr = qq~Is not an arrayref at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_row() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } foreach my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ if($worksheet->[0] eq $title){ push(@{$worksheet->[1]->{'-data'}},$arref); last; } } return 1; }# end add_data sub set_headers{ my ($self,$title,$arref,$props) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); if(ref $title eq 'ARRAY'){ $props = $arref; $arref = $title; $title = $self->_last_sheet; } $title ||= $self->_last_sheet; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Worksheet $title does not exist at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel set_headers() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } unless(ref($arref) eq 'ARRAY'){ $errstr = qq~Is not an arrayref at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel set_headers() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } foreach my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ if($worksheet->[0] eq $title){ $worksheet->[1]->{'-headers'} = $arref; last; } } return 1; }# end add_headers sub set_headers_format{ my ($self,$title,$arref) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); if(ref $title eq 'ARRAY'){ $arref = $title; $title = $self->_last_sheet; } $title = $self->_last_sheet unless defined $title; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Worksheet $title does not exist at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel set_headers_format() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } unless(ref($arref) eq 'ARRAY'){ $errstr = qq~Is not an arrayref at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel set_headers_format() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } foreach my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ if($worksheet->[0] eq $title){ $worksheet->[1]->{'-headers_format'} = $arref; last; } } return 1; }# end add_headers sub set_data_format{ my ($self,$title,$arref) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); if(ref $title eq 'ARRAY'){ $arref = $title; $title = $self->_last_sheet; } $title = $self->_last_sheet unless defined $title; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Worksheet $title does not exist at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel set_data_format() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } unless(ref($arref) eq 'ARRAY'){ $errstr = qq~Is not an arrayref at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel set_data_format() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } foreach my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ if($worksheet->[0] eq $title){ $worksheet->[1]->{'-data_format'} = $arref; last; } } return 1; }# end add_headers sub add_row_at{ my ($self,$title,$index,$arref,$props) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); if(ref $index eq 'ARRAY'){ $props = $arref; $arref = $index; $index = $title; $title = $self->_last_sheet; } $title = $self->_last_sheet unless defined $title; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Worksheet $title does not exist at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_row_at() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } unless(ref($arref) eq 'ARRAY'){ $errstr = qq~Is not an arrayref at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_row() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } foreach my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ if($worksheet->[0] eq $title){ my @array = @{$worksheet->[1]->{'-data'}}; if($index =~ /[^\d]/ || $index > $#array){ $errstr = qq~Index not in Array at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_row_at() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } splice(@array,$index,0,$arref); $worksheet->[1]->{'-data'} = \@array; last; } } return 1; }# end add_row_at sub sort_data{ my ($self,$title,$index,$type) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); if(scalar @_ == 1){ $errstr = qq~at least column index is missing ($filename line $line)~; return undef; } elsif(scalar @_ == 2){ if($title =~ /\D/){ $errstr = qq~Index not in Array at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel sort_data() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } else{ $index = $title; $title = $self->_last_sheet; } } elsif(scalar @_ == 3){ if($title =~ /^\d+$/ and $index =~ /^ASC|DESC$/){ $type = $index; $index = $title; $title = $self->_last_sheet; } } $title = $self->_last_sheet unless defined $title; $type ||= 'ASC'; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Worksheet $title does not exist at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel sort_data() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } foreach my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ if($worksheet->[0] eq $title){ $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} = '' unless(exists $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring}); my $join = $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} =~ /\w/ ? ' || ' : ''; my @array = @{$worksheet->[1]->{'-data'}}; last unless(scalar(@array) > 0); if($index >= scalar(@{$array[0]})){ $errstr = qq~Index not in Array at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel sort_data() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } if(not defined $index || $index =~ /\D/){ $errstr = qq~Index not in Array at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel sort_data() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } if(_is_numeric(\@array,$index)){ if($type && $type eq 'DESC'){ $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} .= "$join \$b->[$index] <=> \$a->[$index]"; } else{ $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} .= "$join \$a->[$index] <=> \$b->[$index]"; } } else{ if($type && $type eq 'DESC'){ $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} .= "$join \$b->[$index] cmp \$a->[$index]"; } else{ $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} .= "$join \$a->[$index] cmp \$b->[$index]"; } } last; } } return 1; }# end sort_data sub reset_sort{ my ($self,$title) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); $title = $self->_last_sheet unless defined $title; $self->_last_sheet( $title ); unless(grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}){ $errstr = qq~Worksheet $title does not exist at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel add_row_at() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } my (@worksheets) = grep{$_->[0] eq $title}@{$self->{worksheets}}; for my $sheet(@worksheets){ $sheet->[1]->{sortstring} = ''; } }# reset_sort sub errstr{ return $errstr; }# end errstr sub sort_worksheets{ my ($self,$type) = @_; $type ||= 'ASC'; my @title_array = map{$_->[0]}@{$self->{worksheets}}; if( _is_title_numeric(\@title_array) ){ @{$self->{worksheets}} = sort{$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]}@{$self->{worksheets}}; } else{ @{$self->{worksheets}} = sort{$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]}@{$self->{worksheets}}; } @{$self->{worksheets}} = reverse(@{$self->{worksheets}}) if($type && $type eq 'DESC'); return @{$self->{worksheets}}; }# end sort_worksheets sub _is_numeric{ my ($arref,$index) = @_; foreach(@$arref){ return 0 if($_->[$index] =~ /[^\d\.]/); } return 1; }# end _is_numeric sub _is_title_numeric{ my ($arref,$index) = @_; foreach(@$arref){ return 0 if($_ =~ /[^\d\.]/); } return 1; }# end _is_numeric sub _do_sort{ my ($worksheet) = @_; my @array = @{$worksheet->[1]->{'-data'}}; if(exists $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} && defined $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} && $worksheet->[1]->{sortstring} =~ /\w/){ $worksheet->[1]->{-data} = [sort{eval($worksheet->[1]->{sortstring})}@array]; } }# _do_sort sub output{ my ($self,$lines) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); $lines ||= 32000; $lines =~ s/\D//g; my $excel = $self->_make_excel($lines); unless(defined $excel){ $errstr = qq~Could not create Spreadsheet at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel output() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } print "Content-type: ".$self->{type}."\n\n", $excel; }# end output sub output_as_string{ my ($self,$lines) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); $lines ||= 32000; $lines =~ s/\D//g; my $excel = $self->_make_excel($lines); unless(defined $excel){ $errstr = qq~Could not create Spreadsheet at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel output_to_file() from $filename line $line\n~; return undef; } return $excel; }# end output_as_string sub output_to_file{ my ($self,$filename,$lines) = @_; my ($package,$file,$line) = caller(); $lines ||= 32000; $lines =~ s/\D//g; unless($filename){ if($self->{FILE}){ $filename = $self->{FILE}; } else{ $errstr = qq~No filename specified at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel output_to_file() from $file line $line\n~; return undef; } } #$filename =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\.\/]//g; #/ my $excel = $self->_make_excel($lines); unless(defined $excel){ $errstr = qq~Could not create $filename at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel output_to_file() from $file line $line\n~; return undef; } open(EXCEL,">$filename") or die $!; binmode EXCEL; print EXCEL $excel; close EXCEL; return 1; }# end output_to_file sub output_to_XML{ my ($self,$filename) = @_; my ($package,$file,$line) = caller(); unless($filename){ $errstr = qq~No filename specified at Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel output_to_XML() from $file line $line\n~; return undef; } unless(scalar(@{$self->{worksheets}}) >= 1){ $errstr = qq~No worksheets in Spreadsheet~; return undef; } my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename"); my $xml = XML::Writer->new(OUTPUT => $fh, DATA_MODE => 1, DATA_INDENT => 2); $xml->xmlDecl('UTF-8','yes'); $xml->startTag('workbook'); for my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ my $name = $worksheet->[0]; $name =~ s~[^\w]~_~g; $xml->startTag($name); my @headers; my @datasets = @{$worksheet->[1]->{-data}}; if(exists $worksheet->[1]->{-headers}){ @headers = (@{$worksheet->[1]->{-headers}}); for(@headers){ s~[^\w]~_~g; } } else{ my $var = 'A'; for(0..scalar(@{$datasets[0]})-1){ ++$var; push(@headers,$var); } } my $row = 0; for my $data(@datasets){ $xml->startTag('Row'.(++$row)); for my $i(0..scalar(@$data)-1){ $xml->startTag($headers[$i]); $xml->characters($data->[$i]); $xml->endTag($headers[$i]); } $xml->endTag('Row'.$row); } $xml->endTag($name); } $xml->endTag('workbook'); $xml->end(); $fh->close(); }# output_to_XML sub _make_excel{ my ($self,$nr_of_lines) = @_; my ($package,$filename,$line) = caller(); my $c_lines = $nr_of_lines || 32000; unless(scalar(@{$self->{worksheets}}) >= 1){ $errstr = qq~No worksheets in Spreadsheet~; return undef; } my $output; tie(*XLS,'IO::Scalar',\$output); my $excel; unless($excel = new Spreadsheet::WriteExcel(\*XLS)){ $errstr = qq~Could not create spreadsheet object ($!) from $filename line $line~; return undef; } if($self->{BIG}){ eval{require Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big}; if($@){ $errstr = $@; return undef; } unless($excel = new Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big(\*XLS)){#$fname)){ $errstr = qq~Could not create spreadsheet object ($!) from $filename line $line~; return undef; } } #else{ my @titles = map{$_->[0]}@{$self->{worksheets}}; foreach my $worksheet(@{$self->{worksheets}}){ my $sheet = $excel->addworksheet($worksheet->[0]); _do_sort($worksheet); my $col = 0; my $row = 0; my $page = 2; _header2sheet($sheet,$worksheet->[1]->{-headers},$worksheet->[1]->{-headers_format}); $row++ if(exists $worksheet->[1]->{'-headers'} && scalar(@{$worksheet->[1]->{'-headers'}}) > 0); foreach my $data(@{$worksheet->[1]->{-data}}){ $col = 0; if($row >= $c_lines){ my $title = $worksheet->[0].'_p'.$page; while(grep{$_ eq $title}@titles){ $page++; $title = $worksheet->[0].'_p'.$page; } push(@titles,$title); $sheet = $excel->addworksheet($title); $row = 0; if(scalar(@{$worksheet->[1]->{'-headers'}}) > 0){ $row = 1; _header2sheet($sheet,$worksheet->[1]->{-headers},$worksheet->[1]->{-headers_format}); } } my $formatref = $worksheet->[1]->{-data_format}; foreach my $value(@$data){ if(defined $formatref && defined $formatref->[$col]){ if($formatref->[$col] eq 's'){ $sheet->write_string($row,$col,$value); } elsif($formatref->[$col] eq 'n'){ $sheet->write_number($row,$col,$value); } else{ $sheet->write($row,$col,$value); } } #elsif($value =~ /^=/){ # $sheet->write_string($row,$col,$value); #} else{ $sheet->write($row,$col,$value); } $col++; } $row++; } } $excel->close(); #} return $output; }# end _make_excel sub _header2sheet{ my ($sheet,$arref,$formatref) = @_; my $col = 0; foreach(@$arref){ unless(defined $formatref && defined $formatref->[$col]){ $sheet->write(0,$col,$_); } else{ if($formatref->[$col] eq 's'){ $sheet->write_string(0,$col,$_); } elsif($formatref->[$col] eq 'n'){ $sheet->write_number(0,$col,$_); } else{ $sheet->write(0,$col,$_); } } $col++; } }# end _header2sheet sub sheets{ my ($self) = @_; my @titles = map{$_->[0]}@{$self->{worksheets}}; return wantarray ? @titles : \@titles; }# end sheets 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel - Create Excel files with Perl =head1 SYNOPSIS use Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel; binmode(\*STDOUT); # data for spreadsheet my @header = qw(Header1 Header2); my @data = (['Row1Col1', 'Row1Col2'], ['Row2Col1', 'Row2Col2']); # create a new instance my $excel = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(); # add worksheets $excel->add_worksheet('Name of Worksheet',{-headers => \@header, -data => \@data}); $excel->add_worksheet('Second Worksheet',{-data => \@data}); $excel->add_worksheet('Test'); # add a row into the middle $excel->add_row_at('Name of Worksheet',1,[qw/new row/]); # sort data of worksheet - ASC or DESC $excel->sort_data('Name of Worksheet',0,'DESC'); # remove a worksheet $excel->del_worksheet('Test'); # sort worksheets $excel->sort_worksheets('DESC'); # create the spreadsheet $excel->output(); # print sheet-names print join(", ",$excel->sheets()),"\n"; # get the result as a string my $spreadsheet = $excel->output_as_string(); # print result into a file and handle error $excel->output_to_file("my_excel.xls") or die $excel->errstr(); $excel->output_to_file("my_excel2.xls",45000) or die $excel->errstr(); ## or # data my @data2 = (['Row1Col1', 'Row1Col2'], ['Row2Col1', 'Row2Col2']); my $worksheet = ['NAME',{-data => \@data2}]; # create a new instance my $excel2 = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(-worksheets => [$worksheet]); # add headers to 'NAME' $excel2->set_headers('NAME',[qw/this is a test/]); # append data to 'NAME' $excel2->add_row('NAME',[qw/new row/]); $excel2->output(); $excel2->output_to_XML('test.xml'); =head1 DESCRIPTION Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel simplifies the creation of excel-files in the web. It does provide simple cell-formats, but only three types of formats (to keep the module simple). =head1 METHODS Added in version 1.4: If you want a method to do the functionality for the last inserted worksheet (current sheet), you don't have to pass the title as a parameter for the method. So now you can do something like this: $excel->add_worksheet("Test"); $excel->add_row(\@data); $excel->sort_date($column_idx); This leads to more usability. =head2 new # create a new instance my $excel = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(); # or my $worksheet = ['NAME',{-data => ['This','is','an','Test']}]; my $excel2 = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(-worksheets => [$worksheet]); # to create a file my $filename = 'test.xls'; my $excel = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(-filename => $filename); #if a file > 7 MB should be created $excel = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(-big => 1); If -big is set to true, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big is required! =head2 add_worksheet # add worksheets $excel->add_worksheet('Name of Worksheet',{-headers => \@header, -data => \@data}); $excel->add_worksheet('Second Worksheet',{-data => \@data}); $excel->add_worksheet('Test'); The first parameter of this method is the name of the worksheet and the second one is a hash with (optional) information about the headlines and the data. No duplicate worksheets allowed. =head2 del_worksheet # remove a worksheet $excel->del_worksheet('Test'); Deletes all worksheets named like the first parameter =head2 add_row # append data to 'NAME' $excel->add_row('NAME',[qw/new row/]); Adds a new row to the worksheet named 'NAME' =head2 add_row_at # add a row into the middle $excel->add_row_at('Name of Worksheet',1,[qw/new row/]); This method inserts a row into the existing data =head2 sort_data # sort data of worksheet - ASC or DESC $excel->sort_data('Name of Worksheet',0,'DESC'); sort_data sorts the rows. All sorts for one worksheet are combined, so $excel->sort_data('Name of Worksheet',0,'DESC'); $excel->sort_data('Name of Worksheet',1,'ASC'); will sort the column 0 first and then (within this sorted data) the column 1. =head2 reset_sort $excel->reset_sort('Name of Worksheet'); The data won't be sorted, the data are in original order instead. =head2 set_headers # add headers to 'NAME' $excel->set_headers('NAME',[qw/this is a test/]); set the headers for the worksheet named 'NAME' =head2 errstr returns error message. =head2 sort_worksheets # sort worksheets $excel->sort_worksheets('DESC'); sorts the worksheets in DESCending or ASCending order. =head2 output $excel2->output(); prints the worksheet to the STDOUT and prints the Mime-type 'application/'. =head2 output_as_string # get the result as a string my $spreadsheet = $excel->output_as_string(); returns a string that contains the data in excel-format =head2 output_to_file # print result into a file [output_to_file(,)] $excel->output_to_file("my_excel.xls"); $excel->output_to_file("my_excel2.xls",45000) or die $excel->errstr(); prints the data into a file. The data will be printed into more worksheets, if the number of rows is greater than (default 32000). =head2 output_to_XML $excel2->output_to_XML('test.xml'); prints the data into a XML file. =head2 sheets $ref = $excel->sheets(); @names = $excel->sheets(); In listcontext this subroutines returns a list of the names of sheets that are in $excel, in scalar context it returns a reference on an Array. =head2 set_headers_format # set formats for headers of 'NAME' # first col 'string', second col 'number', third col default format, fourth col 'number' $excel2->set_headers_format('NAME',['s','n',undef,'n']); sets the headers formats for a specified worksheet. If formats are commited, the default format is set. Default format is set by Spreadsheet::WriteExcel =head2 set_data_format # set formats for headers of 'NAME' # first col 'string', second col 'number', third col default format, fourth col 'number' $excel2->set_data_format('NAME',['s','n',undef,'n']); sets the data formats for a specified worksheet. If formats are commited, the default format is set. Default format is set by Spreadsheet::WriteExcel =head2 current_sheet $excel->add_worksheet('Testtitle'); print $excel->current_sheet; returns the title of the current worksheet. =head1 EXAMPLES =head2 PRINT ON STDOUT #! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel; binmode(\*STDOUT); # data for spreadsheet my @header = qw(Header1 Header2); my @data = (['Row1Col1', 'Row1Col2'], ['Row2Col1', 'Row2Col2']); # create a new instance my $excel = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(); # add worksheets $excel->add_worksheet('Name of Worksheet',{-headers => \@header, -data => \@data}); $excel->add_worksheet('Second Worksheet',{-data => \@data}); $excel->add_worksheet('Test'); # add a row into the middle $excel->add_row_at('Name of Worksheet',1,[qw/new row/]); # sort data of worksheet - ASC or DESC $excel->sort_data('Name of Worksheet',0,'DESC'); # remove a worksheet $excel->del_worksheet('Test'); # create the spreadsheet $excel->output(); =head2 RECEIVE DATA AS A SCALAR #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel; # data my @data2 = (['Row1Col1', 'Row1Col2'], ['Row2Col1', 'Row2Col2']); my $worksheet = ['NAME',{-data => \@data2}]; # create a new instance my $excel2 = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(-worksheets => [$worksheet]); # add headers to 'NAME' $excel2->set_headers('NAME',[qw/this is a test/]); # append data to 'NAME' $excel2->add_row('NAME',[qw/new row/]); # receive as string my $string = $excel2->output_as_string(); =head2 PRINT INTO FILE #! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel; # data my @data2 = (['Row1Col1', 'Row1Col2'], ['Row2Col1', 'Row2Col2']); my $worksheet = ['NAME',{-data => \@data2}]; # create a new instance my $excel2 = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(-worksheets => [$worksheet]); # add headers to 'NAME' $excel2->set_headers('NAME',[qw/this is a test/]); # append data to 'NAME' $excel2->add_row('NAME',[qw/new row/]); # print into file $excel2->output_to_file("my_excel.xls"); =head2 PRINT INTO FILE (break worksheets) #! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel; # create a new instance my $excel = Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel->new(); my @header = qw(Header1 Header2); my @data = (['Row1Col1', 'Row1Col2'], ['Row2Col1', 'Row2Col2']); for(0..70000){ push(@data,[qw/1 2 4 6 8/]); } # add worksheets $excel->add_worksheet('Name of Worksheet',{-headers => \@header, -data => \@data}); $excel->add_row('Name of Worksheet',[qw/1 2 3 4 5/]); # print into file $excel->output_to_file("my_excel.xls",10000); =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module requires Spreadsheet::WriteExcel and IO::Scalar =head1 BUGS and COMMENTS Feel free to contact me and send me bugreports or comments on this module. Feature Requests or discussions are welcome at =head1 SEE ALSO Spreadsheet::WriteExcel IO::Scalar IO::File XML::Writer =head1 AUTHOR Renee Baecker, Emodule@renee-baecker.deE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2004 by Renee Baecker This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut