package SVG::DOM; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = "2.44"; # this module extends SVG::Element package SVG::Element; #----------------- # sub getFirstChild sub getFirstChild ($) { my $self=shift; if (my @children=$self->getChildren) { return $children[0]; } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getChildIndex # return the array index of this element in the parent # or the passed list (if there is one). sub getChildIndex ($;@) { my ($self,@children)=@_; unless (@children) { my $parent=$self->getParent(); @children=$parent->getChildren(); return undef unless @children; } for my $index (0..$#children) { return $index if $children[$index]==$self; } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getChildAtIndex # return the element at the specified index # (the index can be negative) sub getChildAtIndex ($$;@) { my ($self,$index,@children)=@_; unless (@children) { my $parent=$self->getParent(); @children=$parent->getChildren(); return undef unless @children; } return $children[$index]; } #----------------- # sub getNextSibling sub getNextSibling ($) { my $self=shift; if (my $parent=$self->getParent) { my @children=$parent->getChildren(); my $index=$self->getChildIndex(@children); if (defined $index and scalar(@children)>$index) { return $children[$index+1]; } } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getPreviousSibling sub getPreviousSibling ($) { my $self=shift; if (my $parent=$self->getParent) { my @children=$parent->getChildren(); my $index=$self->getChildIndex(@children); if ($index) { return $children[$index-1]; } } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getLastChild sub getLastChild ($) { my $self=shift; if (my @children=$self->getChildren) { return $children[-1]; } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getChildren sub getChildren ($) { my $self=shift; if ($self->{-childs}) { if (wantarray) { return @{$self->{-childs}}; } return $self->{-childs}; } return wantarray?():undef; } *getChildElements=\&getChildren; *getChildNodes=\&getChildren; #----------------- sub hasChildren ($) { my $self=shift; if (exists $self->{-childs}) { if (scalar @{$self->{-childs}}) { return 1; } } return 0; } *hasChildElements=\&hasChildren; *hasChildNodes=\&hasChildren; #----------------- # sub getParent / getParentElement # return the ref of the parent of the current node sub getParent ($) { my $self=shift; if ($self->{-parent}) { return $self->{-parent}; } return undef; } *getParentElement=\&getParent; *getParentNode=\&getParent; #----------------- # sub getParents / getParentElements sub getParents { my $self=shift; my $parent=$self->{-parent}; return undef unless $parent; my @parents; while ($parent) { push @parents,$parent; $parent=$parent->{-parent}; } return @parents; } *getParentElements=\&getParents; *getParentNodes=\&getParents; *getAncestors=\&getParents; #----------------- # sub isAncestor sub isAncestor ($$) { my ($self,$descendant)=@_; my @parents=$descendant->getParents(); foreach my $parent (@parents) { return 1 if $parent==$self; } return 0; } #----------------- # sub isDescendant sub isDescendant ($$) { my ($self,$ancestor)=@_; my @parents=$self->getParents(); foreach my $parent (@parents) { return 1 if $parent==$ancestor; } return 0; } #----------------- # sub getSiblings sub getSiblings ($) { my $self=shift; if (my $parent=$self->getParent) { return $parent->getChildren(); } return wantarray?():undef; } #----------------- # sub hasSiblings sub hasSiblings ($) { my $self=shift; if (my $parent=$self->getParent) { my $siblings=scalar($parent->getChildren); return 1 if $siblings>=2; } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getElementName / getType sub getElementName ($) { my $self=shift; if (exists $self->{-name}) { return $self->{-name}; } return undef; } *getType=\&getElementName; *getElementType=\&getElementName; *getTagName=\&getElementName; *getTagType=\&getElementName; *getNodeName=\&getElementName; *getNodeType=\&getElementName; #----------------- # sub getElements # get all elements of the specified type # if none is specified, get all elements in document. sub getElements ($;$) { my ($self,$element)=@_; return undef unless exists $self->{-docref}; return undef unless exists $self->{-docref}->{-elist}; my $elist=$self->{-docref}->{-elist}; if (defined $element) { if (exists $elist->{$element}) { return wantarray?@{$elist->{$element}}: $elist->{$element}; } return wantarray?():undef; } else { my @elements; foreach my $element_type (keys %$elist) { push @elements,@{$elist->{$element_type}}; } return wantarray?@elements:\@elements; } } # forces the use of the second argument for element name sub getElementsByName ($$) { return shift->getElements(shift); } *getElementsByType=\&getElementsByName; #----------------- sub getElementNames ($) { my $self=shift; my @types=keys %{$self->{-docref}->{-elist}}; return wantarray?@types:\@types; } *getElementTypes=\&getElementNames; #----------------- # sub getElementID sub getElementID ($) { my $self=shift; if (exists $self->{id}) { return $self->{id}; } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getElementByID / getElementbyID sub getElementByID ($$) { my ($self,$id)=@_; return undef unless defined($id); my $idlist=$self->{-docref}->{-idlist}; if (exists $idlist->{$id}) { return $idlist->{$id}; } return undef; } *getElementbyID=\&getElementByID; #----------------- # sub getAttribute # see also SVG::attrib() sub getAttribute ($$) { my ($self,$attr)=@_; if (exists $self->{$attr}) { return $self->{$attr}; } return undef; } #----------------- # sub getAttributes sub getAttributes ($) { my $self=shift; my $out = {}; foreach my $i (keys %$self) { $out->{$i} = $self->{$i} unless $i =~ /^-/; } return wantarray?%{$out}:$out; } #----------------- # sub setAttribute sub setAttributes ($$) { my ($self,$attr) = @_; foreach my $i (keys %$attr) { $self->attrib($i,$attr->{$i}); } } #----------------- # sub setAttribute sub setAttribute ($$;$) { my ($self,$att,$val) = @_; $self->attrib($att,$val); } #----------------- # sub getCDATA / getCdata / getData sub getCDATA ($) { my $self=shift; if (exists $self->{-cdata}) { return $self->{-cdata}; } return undef; } *getCdata=\&getCDATA; *getData=\&getCDATA; # ---------------- # 2005-12-30 - Martin Owens, apply greater DOM specification (write) # # ---------------- # sub document sub document { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{-docref}; } # DOM specified method names *createElement=\&tag; *firstChild=\&getFirstChild; *lastChild=\&getLastChild; *previousSibling=\&getPreviousSibling; *nextSibling=\&getNextSibling; # ---------------- # sub insertBefore sub insertBefore { my ($self, $newChild, $refChild) = @_; return $self->appendElement($newChild) if not $refChild; my $index = $self->findChildIndex($refChild); return 0 if $index < 0; # NO_FOUND_ERR return $self->insertAtIndex($newChild, $index); } *insertChildBefore=\&insertBefore; *insertNodeBefore=\&insertBefore; *insertElementBefore=\&insertBefore; # ---------------- # sub insertAfter sub insertAfter { my ($self, $newChild, $refChild) = @_; return $self->appendElement($newChild) if not $refChild; my $index = $self->findChildIndex($refChild); return 0 if $index < 0; # NO_FOUND_ERR return $self->insertAtIndex($newChild, $index+1); } *insertChildAfter=\&insertAfter; *insertNodeAfter=\&insertAfter; *insertElementAfter=\&insertAfter; # ---------------- # sub insertSiblingAfter (Not in W3C DOM) sub insertSiblingAfter { my ($self, $newChild) = @_; return $self->parent->insertAfter($newChild, $self) if $self->parent; return 0; } # ---------------- # sub insertSiblingBefore (Not in W3C DOM) sub insertSiblingBefore { my ($self, $newChild) = @_; return $self->parent->insertBefore($newChild, $self) if $self->parent; return 0; } # ---------------- # sub replaceChild sub replaceChild { my ($self, $newChild, $oldChild) = @_; # Replace newChild if it is in this list of children already $self->removeChild($newChild) if $newChild->{-parent} eq $self; # We need the index of the node to replace my $index = $self->findChildIndex($oldChild); return 0 if($index < 0); # NOT_FOUND_ERR # Replace and bind new node with it's family $self->removeChildAtIndex($index); $self->insertChildAtIndex($index); return $oldChild; } *replaceElement=\&replaceChild; *replaceNode=\&replaceChild; # ---------------- # sub removeChild sub removeChild { my ($self, $oldChild) = @_; my $index = $self->findChildIndex($oldChild); return 0 if($index < 0); # NOT_FOUND_ERR return $self->removeChildAtIndex($index); } *removeElement=\&removeChild; *removeNode=\&removeChild; # ---------------- # sub appendChild sub appendChild { my ($self, $element) = @_; $element->{-docref} = $self->{-docref}; $element->{-parent} = $self; push @{$self->{-childs}}, $element; return 1; } *appendElement=\&appendChild; *appendNode=\&appendChild; # ---------------- # sub cloneNode sub cloneNode { my ($self, $deep) = @_; my $clone = new SVG::Element; foreach my $key (keys(%{$self})) { if($key ne '-childs' and $key ne '-parent') { $clone->{$key} = $self->{$key}; } } # We need to clone the children if deep is specified. if($deep) { foreach my $child (@{$self->{-childs}}) { my $childClone = $child->cloneNode($deep); $clone->appendChild($childClone); } } return $clone; } *cloneElement=\&cloneNode; # --------------------------------------- # NONE DOM Supporting methodss # ---------------- # sub findChildIndex sub findChildIndex { my ($self, $refChild) = @_; my $index; foreach my $child (@{$self->{-childs}}) { last if $child eq $refChild; $index++; return -1 if($index > @{$self->{-childs}}); } return $index; } # --------------- # sub insertAtIndex sub insertAtIndex { my ($self, $newChild, $index) = @_; splice @{$self->{-childs}}, $index, 0, $newChild; $newChild->{-docref} = $self->{-docref}; $newChild->{-parent} = $self; return 1; } # ---------------- # sub removeChildAtIndex sub removeChildAtIndex { my ($self, $index) = @_; my $oldChild = splice @{$self->{-childs}}, $index, 1; $oldChild->{-parent} = undef; $oldChild->{-docref} = undef; if(not @{$self->{-childs}}) { delete $self->{-childs}; } return $oldChild; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 NAME SVG::DOM - A library of DOM (Document Object Model) methods for SVG objects. =head1 SUMMARY SVG::DOM provides a selection of methods for accessing and manipulating SVG elements through DOM-like methods such as getElements, getChildren, getNextSibling and so on. =head1 SYNOPSIS my $svg=new SVG(id=>"svg_dom_synopsis", width=>"100", height=>"100"); my %attributes=$svg->getAttributes; my $group=$svg->group(id=>"group_1"); my $name=$group->getElementName; my $id=$group->getElementID; $group->circle(id=>"circle_1", cx=>20, cy=>20, r=>5, fill=>"red"); my $rect=$group->rect(id=>"rect_1", x=>10, y=>10, width=>20, height=>30); my $width=$rect->getAttribute("width"); my $has_children=$group->hasChildren(); my @children=$group->getChildren(); my $kid=$group->getFirstChild(); do { print $kid->xmlify(); } while ($kid=$kid->getNextSibling); my @ancestors=$rect->getParents(); my $is_ancestor=$group->isAncestor($rect); my $is_descendant=$rect->isDescendant($svg); my @rectangles=$svg->getElements("rect"); my $allelements_arrayref=$svg->getElements(); $group->insertBefore($newChild,$rect); $group->insertAfter($newChild,$rect); $rect = $group->replaceChild($newChild,$rect); $group->removeChild($newChild); my $newRect = $rect->cloneNode($deep); ...and so on... =head1 METHODS =head2 @elements = $obj->getElements($element_name) Return a list of all elements with the specified name (i.e. type) in the document. If no element name is provided, returns a list of all elements in the document. In scalar context returns an array reference. =head2 @children = $obj->getChildren() Return a list of all children defined on the current node, or undef if there are no children. In scalar context returns an array reference. Alias: getChildElements(), getChildNodes() =head2 @children = $obj->hasChildren() Return 1 if the current node has children, or 0 if there are no children. Alias: hasChildElements, hasChildNodes() =head2 $ref = $obj->getFirstChild() Return the first child element of the current node, or undef if there are no children. =head2 $ref = $obj->getLastChild() Return the last child element of the current node, or undef if there are no children. =head2 $ref = $obj->getSiblings() Return a list of all children defined on the parent node, containing the current node. =head2 $ref = $obj->getNextSibling() Return the next child element of the parent node, or undef if this is the last child. =head2 $ref = $obj->getPreviousSibling() Return the previous child element of the parent node, or undef if this is the first child. =head2 $index = $obj->getChildIndex() Return the place of this element in the parent node's list of children, starting from 0. =head2 $element = $obj->getChildAtIndex($index) Returns the child element at the specified index in the parent node's list of children. =head2 $ref = $obj->getParentElement() Return the parent of the current node. Alias: getParent() =head2 @refs = $obj->getParentElements() Return a list of the parents of the current node, starting from the immediate parent. The last member of the list should be the document element. Alias: getParents() =head2 $name = $obj->getElementName() Return a string containing the name (i.e. the type, not the ID) of an element. Alias: getType(), getTagName(), getNodeName() =head2 $ref = $svg->getElementByID($id) Alias: getElementbyID() Return a reference to the element which has ID $id, or undef if no element with this ID exists. =head2 $id = $obj->getElementID() Return a string containing the ID of the current node, or undef if it has no ID. =head2 $ref = $obj->getAttributes() Return a hash reference of attribute names and values for the current node. =head2 $value = $obj->getAttribute($name); Return the string value attribute value for an attribute of name $name. =head2 $ref = $obj->setAttributes({name1=>$value1,name2=>undef,name3=>$value3}) Set a set of attributes. If $value is undef, deletes the attribute. =head2 $value = $obj->setAttribute($name,$value); Set attribute $name to $value. If $value is undef, deletes the attribute. =head2 $cdata = $obj->getCDATA() Return the cannonical data (i.e. textual content) of the current node. Alias: getCdata(), getData() =head2 $boolean = $obj->isAncestor($element) Returns 1 if the current node is an ancestor of the specified element, otherwise 0. =head2 $boolean = $obj->isDescendant($element) Returns 1 if the current node is a descendant of the specified element, otherwise 0. =head2 $boolean = $obj->insertBefore( $element, $child ); Returns 1 if $element was successfully inserted before $child in $obj =head2 $boolean = $obj->insertAfter( $element, $child ); Returns 1 if $element was successfully inserted after $child in $obj =head2 $boolean = $obj->insertSiblingBefore( $element ); Returns 1 if $element was successfully inserted before $obj =head2 $boolean = $obj->insertSiblingAfter( $element ); Returns 1 if $element was successfully inserted after $obj =head2 $element = $obj->replaceChild( $element, $child ); Returns $child if $element successfully replaced $child in $obj =head2 $element = $obj->removeChild( $child ); Returns $child if it was removed successfully from $obj =head2 $element = $obj->cloneNode( $deep ); Returns a new $element clone of $obj, includes children if deep = 1 =head1 AUTHOR Ronan Oger, Martin Owens, =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), L, L, L, L, L L ROIT Systems: Commercial SVG perl solutions L SVG at the W3C =cut 1;