package SVG::Calendar; # Created on: 2006-04-22 10:36:43 # Create by: ivan # $Id$ # # $Revision$, $HeadURL$, $Date$ # # $Revision$, $Source$, $Date$ use strict; use warnings; use version; use Carp; use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/; use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/; use Clone qw/clone/; use Math::Trig; use SVG; use Class::Date; use Template; use Template::Provider::FromDATA; use Readonly; use Image::ExifTool qw/ImageInfo/; use English '-no_match_vars'; use base qw/Exporter/; our $VERSION = version->new('0.1.2'); our @EXPORT_OK = qw//; Readonly my $MARGIN_RATIO => 0.04; Readonly my $DAY_COLS => 8; Readonly my $ROUNDING_FACTOR => 0.5; Readonly my $TEXT_OFFSET_Y => 0.1; Readonly my $TEXT_OFFSET_X => 0.15; Readonly my $TEXT_WIDTH_RATIO => 0.1; Readonly my $TEXT_HEIGHT_RATIO => 0.145; Readonly my $MOON_SCALE_WIDTH => 0.05; Readonly my $MOON_SCALE_HEIGHT => 0.8; Readonly my $HEADING_WIDTH_SCALE => 0.8; Readonly my $HEADING_HEIGHT_SCALE => 0.45; Readonly my $HEADING_DOW_WIDTH_SCALE => 2; Readonly my $HEADING_DOW_HEIGHT_SCALE => 0.4; Readonly my $HEADING_WOY_WIDTH_SCALE => 4; Readonly my $HEADING_WOY_HEIGHT_SCALE => 0.9; Readonly my $MAX_WEEK_ROW => 5; Readonly my $MAX_DAYS => 42; Readonly my $INTERVAL_ONE_DAY => q{1D}; Readonly my $INTERVAL_ONE_WEEK => q{7D}; Readonly my $INTERVAL_ONE_MONTH => q{1M}; Readonly my $INTERVAL_ELEVEN_MONTHS => q{11M}; Readonly my $FULL_MOON => 100; Readonly my $MOON_RADIAL_STEP => 1.34; Readonly my $MOON_AT_NIGHT => q{20}; Readonly my $FULL_CIRCLE_DEGREES => 360; Readonly my $ONE_WEEK => 7; sub new { my ( $caller, %param ) = @_; my $class = ( ref $caller ) ? ref $caller : $caller; my $self = clone \%param; bless $self, $class; $self->init(); return $self; } sub init { my $self = shift; my %size = $self->get_page(); my %temp = ( page => \%size, xu => $self->{page}{width_unit}, yu => $self->{page}{height_unit}, ); my $svg = SVG->new( -raiseerror => 1, %size, ); my $height = $self->{page}{height}; my $width = $self->{page}{width}; my $xu = $self->{page}{width_unit}; my $yu = $self->{page}{height_unit}; my $xmargin = $self->{page}{margin} || $self->{page}{width} * $MARGIN_RATIO; my $ymargin = $self->{page}{margin} || $self->{page}{height} * $MARGIN_RATIO; $self->{svg} = $svg; $self->{page}{x_margin} = $xmargin; $self->{page}{y_margin} = $ymargin; # cal bounding box (bb) $temp{bb} = { x => $xmargin, y => ( $height / 2 + $ymargin ), height => ( $height / 2 - $ymargin * 2 ), width => ( $width - $xmargin * 2 ), }; my $rows = $MAX_WEEK_ROW + 1; my $row_height = $temp{bb}{height} / ( $rows + $ROUNDING_FACTOR ); my $row_margin_height = $row_height / ( $rows * 2 ); my $cols = $DAY_COLS; my $col_width = $temp{bb}{width} / ( $cols + $ROUNDING_FACTOR ); my $col_margin_width = $col_width / ( $cols * 2 ); # setup the day boxes row by row for my $i ( 2 .. $rows ) { my $row_y = $temp{bb}{y} + $row_margin_height * ( 2 * $i - 1 ) + $row_height * ( $i - 1 ); # setup the individual days for my $j ( 2 .. $cols ) { my $x = ( $temp{bb}{x} + $col_margin_width * ( 2 * $j - 1 ) + $col_width * ( $j - 1 ) ) - $col_width / 2; my $y = $row_y - $row_height / 2; $temp{cal}[ $i - 1 ][ $j - 1 ] = { x => $x, y => $y, height => $row_height, width => $col_width, text => { x => $x + $col_margin_width * $TEXT_OFFSET_X, y => $y + $row_height * $TEXT_OFFSET_X, length => $col_width * $TEXT_WIDTH_RATIO, class => 'mday ', style => 'font-size: ' . ( $row_height * $TEXT_HEIGHT_RATIO ), }, }; } } # set up the week day headings my $count = 1; for my $day (qw/Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun/) { my $x = $temp{bb}{x} + $col_margin_width * ( 2 * $count + 1 ) + $col_width * ( $count - 1 ) + $col_width / 2; my $y = $temp{bb}{y} + $row_margin_height; $temp{cal}[0][$count] = { x => $x, y => $y, height => $row_height / 2, width => $col_width, text => { text => $day, x => $x + $col_width / $HEADING_DOW_WIDTH_SCALE, y => $y + $row_height * $HEADING_DOW_HEIGHT_SCALE, length => $col_width * $HEADING_WIDTH_SCALE, adjust => 'spacing', #AndGlyphs', class => 'day ' . lc $day, style => 'font-size: ' . ( $row_height * $HEADING_HEIGHT_SCALE ), }, }; $count++; } # set up the week of the year column $count = 1; for my $week ( 1 .. $MAX_WEEK_ROW ) { my $x = $temp{bb}{x} + $col_margin_width; my $y = $temp{bb}{y} + $row_margin_height * ( 2 * $count + 1 ) + $row_height * ( $count - 1 ) + $row_height / 2; $temp{cal}[$count][0] = { x => $x, y => $y, height => $row_height, width => $col_width / 2, text => { text => $week, x => $x + $col_width / $HEADING_WOY_WIDTH_SCALE, y => $y + $row_height * $HEADING_WOY_HEIGHT_SCALE, length => $col_width * $HEADING_WIDTH_SCALE, adjust => 'spacing', #AndGlyphs', class => 'week', style => 'font-size: ' . ( $row_height * $HEADING_HEIGHT_SCALE ), }, }; $count++; } # get the month display stuff $temp{month} = { x => $temp{bb}{x} + $col_margin_width * 2, y => $temp{bb}{y} - $ymargin/2, style => 'font-size: ' . ($row_height), }; # set up the year display $temp{year} = { x => $temp{bb}{x} + $temp{bb}{width}, y => $temp{bb}{y} - $ymargin/2, style => 'text-align:end;text-anchor:end; font-size: ' . $row_height, }; $self->{template} = \%temp; return; } sub get_page { my $self = shift; my $page = ref $self->{page} ? $self->{page}{page} : $self->{page}; my %size = ( width => '210.00mm', height => '297.00mm' ); if ($page) { %size = $page eq 'A0' ? ( width => '840.00mm', height => '1188.00mm' ) : $page eq 'A1' ? ( width => '594.00mm', height => '840.00mm' ) : $page eq 'A2' ? ( width => '420.00mm', height => '594.00mm' ) : $page eq 'A3' ? ( width => '297.00mm', height => '420.00mm' ) : $page eq 'A4' ? ( width => '210.00mm', height => '297.00mm' ) : $page eq 'A5' ? ( width => '148.50mm', height => '210.00mm' ) : $page eq 'A6' ? ( width => '105.00mm', height => '148.50mm' ) : croak "Unknown page type '$page'!\n"; } if ( ref $self->{page} && $self->{page}{width} ) { $size{width} = $self->{page}{width}; } if ( ref $self->{page} && $self->{page}{height} ) { $size{height} = $self->{page}{height}; } # Get the values to internal variables my ( $width, $width_unit ) = $size{width} =~ /\A(.+?)(px|pt|mm|cm|m|in)?\Z/xms; $width *= 1.0; croak "Unable to get a width from $self->{page} or $self->{width}" if !$width; $width_unit ||= 'px'; my ( $height, $height_unit ) = $size{height} =~ /\A(.+?)(px|pt|mm|cm|m|in)?\Z/xms; $height *= 1.0; croak "Unable to get a height from $self->{page} or $self->{height}" if !$height; $height_unit ||= 'px'; # store the internal variables if ( !ref $self->{page} ) { $self->{page} = {}; } $self->{page}{width} = $width; $self->{page}{width_unit} = $width_unit; $self->{page}{height} = $height; $self->{page}{height_unit} = $height_unit; return ( width => $width, width_unit => $width_unit, height => $height, height_unit => $height_unit, ); } sub output_year { my ( $self, @params ) = @_; my $file = pop @params; my ( $start, $end ) = @params; if ($end) { $start = Class::Date->new("$start-01"); $end = Class::Date->new("$end-01"); } else { $start = Class::Date->new("$start-01-01"); $end = $start + $INTERVAL_ELEVEN_MONTHS; } my @files; while ( $start <= $end ) { my $month = $start->strftime('%Y-%m'); carp $month; push @files, "$file-$month.svg"; $self->output_month( $month, "$file-$month.svg" ); $start += $INTERVAL_ONE_MONTH; } return @files; } sub output_month { my ( $self, $month, $file, ) = @_; # add the month specific details to a clone of the general settings my $templ = clone $self->{template}; my %size = $self->get_page(); my $svg = SVG->new( -raiseerror => 1, %size, ); $self->{svg} = $svg; $self->{full_moon} = 0; carp "Month '$month' is not the correct format (YYYY-MM) " if !$month || $month !~ /\A\d{4}-\d{2}\Z/xms; my $date = Class::Date->new("$month-01"); $templ->{year}{text} = $date->year(); $templ->{month}{text} = $date->monthname(); my $month_day = $date - $INTERVAL_ONE_WEEK; my $row = 1; my $wrap = 0; # make sure that we start on a monday while ( $month_day->wday() != 2 ) { $month_day += $INTERVAL_ONE_DAY; } DAY: for my $count ( 1 .. $MAX_DAYS ) { # get the day of the week (of the first day of the month) my $wday = $month_day->wday(); $wday = $wday == 1 ? $ONE_WEEK : $wday - 1; my $r = $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{width} / $DAY_COLS; $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{text}{text} = $month_day->mday(); $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{current} = $date->month() == $month_day->month() ? 1 : 2; if ( $date->month() == $month_day->month() ) { $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{text}{class} .= 'current_month'; } if ( $self->{moon} && $self->{moon}{display} ) { # get the phase info at 8:00pm my $moon_date = $month_day + $MOON_AT_NIGHT; my $phase = $self->get_moon_phase($moon_date); $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{moon} = $self->moon( phase => $phase, id => 'moon_' . $month_day->strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), x => $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{x} + $r + $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{width} * $MOON_SCALE_WIDTH, y => $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{y} - $r + $templ->{cal}[$row][$wday]{height} * $MOON_SCALE_HEIGHT, r => $r, ); } if ( $wday == $ONE_WEEK ) { $row++; } if ( $row > $MAX_WEEK_ROW ) { $row = 1; $wrap = 1; } $month_day += $INTERVAL_ONE_DAY; # stop if we leave the current month. last DAY if $wrap && $date->month() != $month_day->month(); } # process the image if present if ( $self->{image} && ( $self->{image}{src} || $self->{image}{$month} ) ) { my $image = $self->{image}{$month} || $self->{image}{src}; $templ->{image}{src} = $image; $templ->{image}{x} = $self->{page}{x_margin}; $templ->{image}{y} = $self->{page}{y_margin}; if ( -f $image ) { my $info = ImageInfo($image); if ( $info->{ImageHeight} && $info->{ImageWidth} ) { $templ->{image}{x} = $self->{page}{x_margin}; $templ->{image}{y} = $self->{page}{y_margin}; $templ->{image}{width} = $self->{page}{width} - 2 * $self->{page}{x_margin}; $templ->{image}{height} = $self->{page}{height} / 2 - $self->{page}{y_margin} * 2; my $image_scale = $info->{ImageHeight} / $info->{ImageWidth}; my $page_scale = $templ->{image}{height} / $templ->{image}{width}; if ($image_scale < $page_scale) { $templ->{image}{height} *= $page_scale / $image_scale; } else { $templ->{image}{x} += ( $templ->{image}{width} - ( $templ->{image}{width} * $page_scale / $image_scale ) ) / 2; $templ->{image}{width} *= $page_scale / $image_scale; } } } } return $self->output( $file, $templ ); } sub output { my ( $self, $file, $template ) = @_; my $fh; my %option = ( EVAL_PERL => 1 ); if ( $self->{path} ) { $option{INCLUDE_PATH} = $self->{path}; } else { my $provider = Template::Provider::FromDATA->new( { CLASSES => __PACKAGE__ } ); $option{LOAD_TEMPLATES} = [$provider]; } my $tmpl = $self->{tt} || Template->new(%option); my $text; $tmpl->process( 'calendar.svg', $template, \$text ) or croak( $tmpl->error ); if ($file) { if ( $file eq q/-/ ) { print $text or carp "Could not write to STDOUT: $OS_ERROR\n"; } else { open $fh, q/>/, $file or croak "Cannot write SVG to file '$file': $!\n"; print {$fh} $text or carp "Could not write to file '$file': $OS_ERROR\n"; close $fh or carp "There was an issue closing file '$file': $OS_ERROR\n"; } } $self->{tt} = $tmpl; return $text; } sub moon { my ( $self, %params ) = @_; my $phase = $params{phase}; my $id = $params{id}; my $x = $params{x} || $FULL_MOON; my $y = $params{y} || $FULL_MOON; my $r = $params{r} || $FULL_MOON; my $svg = $self->{svg}; my $style = q//; # approx error of less than one lunar day my $error = 2 * pi / 56; ## no critic # extra testing my $g = $svg->g( id => "extra_$id", class => 'moon', ); # moon phases 0 == new moon 3 == last quarter my ( $sx, $sy ) = ( $x, $y ); my ( $ex, $ey ) = ( $x, $y + 2 * $r ); if ( $phase < $error || 2 * pi - $error < $phase ) { # New moon $style = 'stroke: red'; } elsif ( pi - $error < $phase && $phase < pi + $error ) { # approx full moon my $colour = $self->{full_moon}++ ? 'blue' : 'black'; $g->circle( id => $id, style => "fill: $colour; stroke: none", cx => $x, cy => ( $sy + $ey ) / 2, r => $r, ); } elsif ( $phase < pi ) { # moon waxing partial my $d = "M $sx\t$sy C "; $d .= ( $sx + $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP ) . q/ / . $sy . q/,/; $d .= ( $sx + $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP ) . q/ / . $ey; $d .= ",$ex\t$ey C "; $d .= ( $ex - $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP * ( -cos($phase) ) ) . q/ / . ( $ey + $r / 2 * ( -sin($phase) ) ) . q/,/; $d .= ( $ex - $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP * ( -cos($phase) ) ) . q/ / . ( $sy - $r / 2 * ( -sin($phase) ) ); $d .= ", $sx\t$sy Z"; $g->path( id => $id, style => q//, d => $d, ); } elsif ( $phase > pi ) { # moon waning partial my $d = "M $sx\t$sy C "; $d .= ( $sx - $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP ) . q/ / . $sy . q/,/; $d .= ( $sx - $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP ) . q/ / . $ey; $d .= ",$ex\t$ey C "; $d .= ( $ex + $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP * ( -cos($phase) ) ) . q/ / . ( $ey - $r / 2 * ( -sin($phase) ) ) . q/,/; $d .= ( $ex + $r * $MOON_RADIAL_STEP * ( -cos($phase) ) ) . q/ / . ( $sy + $r / 2 * ( -sin($phase) ) ); $d .= ", $sx\t$sy Z"; $g->path( id => $id, style => q//, d => $d, ); } $g->circle( id => "moon_border_$id", class => 'outline', style => $style, cx => $x, cy => ( $sy + $ey ) / 2, r => $r, ); return $g->xmlify(); } sub get_moon_phase { my ( $self, $date ) = @_; if ( !blessed $date || !$date->isa('Class::Date') ) { $date = Class::Date->new($date); } if ( !$date ) { carp 'Unable to create a date!'; } # check if we have a way to calculate the phase of the moon if ( !$self->{moon_phase} ) { my @packages = qw/Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon Astro::MoonPhase/; PACKAGE: for my $package (@packages) { my $package_file = $package; $package_file =~ s{::}{/}gxms; eval{ require $package_file . '.pm' }; ## no critic if ( !$EVAL_ERROR ) { $self->{moon_phase} = $package; last PACKAGE; } } # croak if there is no way to calculate the phase of the moon if ( !$self->{moon_phase} ) { die "Cannot find any packages installed to calculate the moon phase\nTry installing one of:\ncpan " . join( "\ncpan ", @packages ) . "\n"; } } my $phase; if ( $self->{moon_phase} eq 'Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon' ) { # phase in radians $phase = Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon->phase( $date->epoch() ); } elsif ( $self->{moon_phase} eq 'Astro::MoonPhase' ) { # phase in fraction of circle ($phase) = Astro::MoonPhase::phase( $date->epoch() ); $phase *= 2 * pi; } elsif ( $self->{moon_phase} eq 'DateTime::Util::Astro::Moon' ) { # phase in degrees ($phase) = DateTime::Util::Astro::Moon::lunar_phase( DateTime->new( $date->epoch() ) ); $phase *= 2 * pi / $FULL_CIRCLE_DEGREES; } return $phase; } 1; __DATA__ =head1 NAME SVG::Calendar - Creates calendars in SVG format which can be printed =head1 VERSION This documentation refers to SVG::Calendar version 0.1.2. =head1 SYNOPSIS use SVG::Calendar; # Brief but working code example(s) here showing the most common usage(s) # This section will be as far as many users bother reading, so make it as # educational and exemplary as possible. # Create a new (basic) SVG::Calendar object for producing A4 calendars my $svg = SVG::Calendar->new( page => 'A4' ); # print to standard out the calendar for June 2006 print $svg->output_month( '2006-06' ); # create a calendar for the year 2007 $svg->output_year( ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module generates an SVG image for one or more months for a calendar. =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head3 C Arg: C - hash ref - description Arg: C - hash ref - description Arg: C - hash ref - description Arg: C - string - Directory containing alternate svg template version Return: SVG::Calendar - A new SVG::Calendar object Description: Creates and sets up a new SVG::Calendar object =head3 C Initialises the calendar object =head3 C Return: - Description: =head3 C Param: C<$start> - string ('YYYY-MM') - description Param: C<$end> - string ('YYYY-MM') - description Param: C<$year> - int (year) - description Param: C<$file> - string - The base name for the SVG files calendars for each year Return: list - A list of the files created Description: Creates the SVG calendar files for each month of the year (or for each month from start and end) eg $svg->output_year( 2006, 'folowers' ); Will result in the following files created flowers-2006-01.svg flowers-2006-02.svg .. flowers-2006-11.svg flowers-2006-12.svg =head3 C Param: C<$month> - string (detail) - The month that the calendar page should display (format YYYY-MM) Param: C<$file> - string (detail) - The file to save the output to if defined. if $file eq '-' prints to STDOUT Return: string - The SVG text to display the calendar page Description: Outputs a particular months calendar... (Adds the week of the year and the =head3 C Param: C<$file> - string (detail) - The file name to print the SVG file to (if undefined it will print nothing) Return: scalar - The SVG text. Description: =head3 C Param: C<$phase> - float - 0 <= $phase < 2 * pi, represents the phase of the moon Param: C<$id> - string (detail) - description Return: - Description: =head3 C Param: C<$date> - date (Class::Date object or string to convert to one) - The date that the moon phase is desired Return: float - The phase of the moon from 0 (new moon) via 2 (full moon) to < 4 (next new moon) Description: This method calculates the phase of the moon (it will what ever it can find to calculate the phase) =head1 DIAGNOSTICS A list of every error and warning message that the module can generate (even the ones that will "never happen"), with a full explanation of each problem, one or more likely causes, and any suggested remedies. =head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT A full explanation of any configuration system(s) used by the module, including the names and locations of any configuration files, and the meaning of any environment variables or properties that can be set. These descriptions must also include details of any configuration language used. =head1 DEPENDENCIES A list of all of the other modules that this module relies upon, including any restrictions on versions, and an indication of whether these required modules are part of the standard Perl distribution, part of the module's distribution, or must be installed separately. =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES A list of any modules that this module cannot be used in conjunction with. This may be due to name conflicts in the interface, or competition for system or program resources, or due to internal limitations of Perl (for example, many modules that use source code filters are mutually incompatible). =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS A list of known problems with the module, together with some indication of whether they are likely to be fixed in an upcoming release. Also, a list of restrictions on the features the module does provide: data types that cannot be handled, performance issues and the circumstances in which they may arise, practical limitations on the size of data sets, special cases that are not (yet) handled, etc. The initial template usually just has: There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to Ivan Wills ( Patches are welcome. =head1 AUTHOR Ivan Wills - ( () =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 Ivan Wills (101 Miles St Bald Hills QLD Australia 4036). All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut __calendar.svg__ [% IF image.src %] [% END %] [% month.text %] [% year.text %] [% i = 0 -%] [% FOREACH row IN cal -%] [% j = 0 -%] [% FOREACH col IN row %] [% IF col.text %] [% col.text.text %][% END %] [% IF col.moon %][% col.moon %][% END %] [%- j=j+1 -%] [% END -%] [% i=i+1 -%] [% END %] [% extra %]