#!/usr/bin/perl -w package POE::Wheel::Curses; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = do {my($r)=(q$Revision: 2342 $=~/(\d+)/);sprintf"1.%04d",$r}; use Carp qw(croak); use Curses qw( initscr start_color cbreak raw noecho nonl nodelay timeout keypad intrflush meta typeahead mousemask ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS clear refresh endwin COLS ); use POSIX qw(:fcntl_h); use POE qw( Wheel ); sub SELF_STATE_READ () { 0 } sub SELF_STATE_WRITE () { 1 } sub SELF_EVENT_INPUT () { 2 } sub SELF_ID () { 3 } sub new { my $type = shift; my %params = @_; croak "$type needs a working Kernel" unless defined $poe_kernel; my $input_event = delete $params{InputEvent}; croak "$type requires an InputEvent parameter" unless defined $input_event; if (scalar keys %params) { carp( "unknown parameters in $type constructor call: ", join(', ', keys %params) ); } # Create the object. my $self = bless [ undef, # SELF_STATE_READ undef, # SELF_STATE_WRITE $input_event, # SELF_EVENT_INPUT &POE::Wheel::allocate_wheel_id(), # SELF_ID ]; # Set up the screen, and enable color, mangle the terminal and # keyboard. initscr(); start_color(); cbreak(); raw(); noecho(); nonl(); # Both of these achieve nonblocking input. nodelay(1); timeout(0); keypad(1); intrflush(0); meta(1); typeahead(-1); my $old_mouse_events = 0; mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, $old_mouse_events); clear(); refresh(); # Define the input event. $self->_define_input_state(); # Oop! Return ourself. I forgot to do this. $self; } sub _define_input_state { my $self = shift; # Register the select-read handler. if (defined $self->[SELF_EVENT_INPUT]) { # Stupid closure tricks. my $event_input = \$self->[SELF_EVENT_INPUT]; my $unique_id = $self->[SELF_ID]; $poe_kernel->state ( $self->[SELF_STATE_READ] = ref($self) . "($unique_id) -> select read", sub { # Prevents SEGV in older Perls. 0 && CRIMSON_SCOPE_HACK('<'); my ($k, $me) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION]; # Curses' getch() normally blocks, but we've already # determined that STDIN has something for us. Be explicit # about which getch() to use. while ((my $keystroke = Curses::getch) ne '-1') { $k->call( $me, $$event_input, $keystroke, $unique_id ); } } ); # Now start reading from it. $poe_kernel->select_read( \*STDIN, $self->[SELF_STATE_READ] ); # Turn blocking back on for STDIN. Some Curses implementations # don't deal well with non-blocking STDIN. my $flags = fcntl(STDIN, F_GETFL, 0) or die $!; fcntl(STDIN, F_SETFL, $flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) or die $!; } else { $poe_kernel->select_read( \*STDIN ); } } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; # Turn off the select. $poe_kernel->select( \*STDIN ); # Remove states. if ($self->[SELF_STATE_READ]) { $poe_kernel->state($self->[SELF_STATE_READ]); $self->[SELF_STATE_READ] = undef; } # Restore the terminal. endwin if COLS; &POE::Wheel::free_wheel_id($self->[SELF_ID]); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME POE::Wheel::Curses - non-blocking input for Curses =head1 SYNOPSIS use Curses; use POE qw(Wheel::Curses); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => sub { $_[HEAP]{console} = POE::Wheel::Curses->new( InputEvent => 'got_keystroke', ); }, got_keystroke => sub { my $keystroke = $_[ARG0]; # Make control and extended keystrokes printable. if ($keystroke lt ' ') { $keystroke = '<' . uc(unctrl($keystroke)) . '>'; } elsif ($keystroke =~ /^\d{2,}$/) { $keystroke = '<' . uc(keyname($keystroke)) . '>'; } # Just display it. addstr($keystroke); noutrefresh(); doupdate; # Gotta exit somehow. delete $_[HEAP]{console} if $keystroke eq "<^C>"; }, } ); POE::Kernel->run(); exit; =head1 DESCRIPTION POE::Wheel::Curses implements non-blocking input for Curses programs. POE::Wheel::Curses will emit an "InputEvent" of your choosing whenever an input event is registered on a recognized input device (keyboard and sometimes mouse, depending on the curses library). Meanwhile, applications can be doing other things like monitoring network connections or child processes, or managing timers and stuff. =head1 PUBLIC METHODS POE::Wheel::Curses is rather simple. =head2 new new() creates a new POE::Wheel::Curses object. During construction, the wheel registers an input watcher for STDIN (via select_read()) and registers an internal handler to preprocess keystrokes. new() accepts only one parameter C. C contains the name of the event that the wheel will emit whenever there is input on the console or terminal. As with all wheels, the event will be sent to the session that was active when the wheel was constructed. It should be noted that an application may only have one active POE::Wheel::Curses object. =head1 EVENTS AND PARAMETERS These are the events sent by POE::Wheel::Curses. =head2 InputEvent C defines the event that will be emitted when POE::Wheel::Curses detects and reads console input. This event includes two parameters: C<$_[ARG0]> contains the raw keystroke as received by Curses::getch(). An application may process the keystroke using Curses::unctrl() and Curses::keyname() on the keystroke. C<$_[ARG1]> contains the POE::Wheel::Curses object's ID. =head1 SEE ALSO L documents what can be done with Curses. Also see the man page for whichever version of libcurses happens to be installed (curses, ncurses, etc.). L describes wheels in general. The SEE ALSO section in L contains a table of contents covering the entire POE distribution. =head1 BUGS None known, although curses implementations vary widely. =head1 AUTHORS & COPYRIGHTS Please see L for more information about authors and contributors. =cut # rocco // vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab