# $Id: SysRW.pm 2335 2008-05-26 18:39:15Z rcaputo $ # Copyright 1998 Rocco Caputo . All rights # reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. package POE::Driver::SysRW; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = do {my($r)=(q$Revision: 2335 $=~/(\d+)/);sprintf"1.%04d",$r}; use Errno qw(EAGAIN EWOULDBLOCK); use Carp qw(croak); sub OUTPUT_QUEUE () { 0 } sub CURRENT_OCTETS_DONE () { 1 } sub CURRENT_OCTETS_LEFT () { 2 } sub BLOCK_SIZE () { 3 } sub TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT () { 4 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $type = shift; my $self = bless [ [ ], # OUTPUT_QUEUE 0, # CURRENT_OCTETS_DONE 0, # CURRENT_OCTETS_LEFT 65536, # BLOCK_SIZE 0, # TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT ], $type; if (@_) { if (@_ % 2) { croak "$type requires an even number of parameters, if any"; } my %args = @_; if (defined $args{BlockSize}) { $self->[BLOCK_SIZE] = delete $args{BlockSize}; croak "$type BlockSize must be greater than 0" if ($self->[BLOCK_SIZE] <= 0); } if (keys %args) { my @bad_args = sort keys %args; croak "$type has unknown parameter(s): @bad_args"; } } $self; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub put { my ($self, $chunks) = @_; my $old_queue_octets = $self->[TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT]; # Need to check lengths in octets, not characters. BEGIN { eval { require bytes } and bytes->import; } foreach (grep { length } @$chunks) { $self->[TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT] += length; push @{$self->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]}, $_; } if ($self->[TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT] && (!$old_queue_octets)) { $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_LEFT] = length($self->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]->[0]); $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_DONE] = 0; } $self->[TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT]; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get { my ($self, $handle) = @_; my $result = sysread($handle, my $buffer = '', $self->[BLOCK_SIZE]); # sysread() returned a positive number of octets. Return whatever # was read. return [ $buffer ] if $result; # 18:01 sysread() clears $! when it returns 0 for eof? # 18:01 nobody clears $! # 18:01 returning 0 is not an error # 18:01 returning -1 is an error, and sets $! # 18:01 eof is not an error. :) # 18:21 perl -wle '$!=1; warn "\$!=",$!+0; \ # warn "sysread=",sysread(STDIN,my $x="",100); \ # die "\$!=",$!+0' < /dev/null # 18:23 $!=1 at foo line 1. # 18:23 sysread=0 at foo line 1. # 18:23 $!=0 at foo line 1. # 18:23 5.6.0 on Darwin. # 18:23 Same, 5.6.1 on fbsd 4.4-stable. # read(2) must be clearing errno or something. # sysread() returned 0, signifying EOF. Although $! is magically # set to 0 on EOF, it may not be portable to rely on this. if (defined $result) { $! = 0; return undef; } # Nonfatal sysread() error. Return an empty list. return [ ] if $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK; # In perl 5.005_04 on FreeBSD, $! is not set properly unless this # silly no-op is executed. Turn off warnings in case $result isn't # defined. TODO - Make it optimizable at compile time. local $^W = 0; $result = "$result"; # fatal sysread error undef; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub flush { my ($self, $handle) = @_; # Need to check lengths in octets, not characters. BEGIN { eval { require bytes } and bytes->import; } # syswrite() it, like we're supposed to while (@{$self->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]}) { my $wrote_count = syswrite( $handle, $self->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]->[0], $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_LEFT], $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_DONE], ); # Errors only count if syswrite() failed. $! = 0 if defined $wrote_count; unless ($wrote_count) { $! = 0 if $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK; last; } $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_DONE] += $wrote_count; $self->[TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT] -= $wrote_count; unless ($self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_LEFT] -= $wrote_count) { shift(@{$self->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]}); if (@{$self->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]}) { $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_DONE] = 0; $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_LEFT] = length($self->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]->[0]); } else { $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_DONE] = $self->[CURRENT_OCTETS_LEFT] = 0; } } } $self->[TOTAL_OCTETS_LEFT]; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub get_out_messages_buffered { scalar(@{$_[0]->[OUTPUT_QUEUE]}); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME POE::Driver::SysRW - buffered, non-blocking I/O using sysread and syswrite =head1 SYNOPSIS L illustrates how the interface works. This module is merely one implementation. =head1 DESCRIPTION This driver implements L using sysread and syswrite. =head1 PUBLIC METHODS POE::Driver::SysRW introduces some additional features not covered in the base interface. =head2 new [BlockSize => OCTETS] new() creates a new buffered I/O driver that uses sysread() to read data from a handle and syswrite() to flush data to that handle. The constructer accepts one optional named parameter, C, which indicates the maximum number of OCTETS that will be read at one time. C is 64 kilobytes (65536 octets) by default. Higher values may improve performance in streaming applications, but the trade-off is a lower event granularity and increased resident memory usage. Lower C values reduce memory consumption somewhat with corresponding throughput penalties. my $driver = POE::Driver::SysRW->new; my $driver = POE::Driver::SysRW->new( BlockSize => $block_size ); Drivers are commonly instantiated within POE::Wheel constructor calls: $_[HEAP]{wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( InputHandle => \*STDIN, OutputHandle => \*STDOUT, Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new(), Filter => POE::Filter::Line->new(), ); Applications almost always use POE::Driver::SysRW, so POE::Wheel objects almost always will create their own if no Driver is specified. =head2 All Other Methods POE::Driver::SysRW documents the abstract interface documented in POE::Driver. Please see L for more details about the following methods: =over 4 =item flush =item get =item get_out_messages_buffered =item put =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L. Also see the SEE ALSO section of L, which contains a brief roadmap of POE's documentation. =head1 AUTHORS & COPYRIGHTS Please see L for more information about authors and contributors. =cut # rocco // vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab