# $Id: Time.pm,v 2005/01/27 15:36:15 chris Exp $ # # POE::Component::Server::Time, by Chris 'BinGOs' Williams # # This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same # terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl # distribution for details. # package POE::Component::Server::Time; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use POE; use Socket; use base qw(POE::Component::Server::Echo); use vars qw($VERSION); use constant DATAGRAM_MAXLEN => 1024; use constant DEFAULT_PORT => 37; $VERSION = '1.12'; sub spawn { my $package = shift; croak "$package requires an even number of parameters" if @_ & 1; my %parms = @_; $parms{'Alias'} = 'Time-Server' unless defined $parms{'Alias'} and $parms{'Alias'}; $parms{'tcp'} = 1 unless defined $parms{'tcp'} and $parms{'tcp'} == 0; $parms{'udp'} = 1 unless defined $parms{'udp'} and $parms{'udp'} == 0; my $self = bless { }, $package; $self->{CONFIG} = \%parms; POE::Session->create( object_states => [ $self => { _start => '_server_start', _stop => '_server_stop', shutdown => '_server_close' }, $self => [ qw(_accept_new_client _accept_failed _client_input _client_error _client_flushed _get_datagram) ], ], ( ref $parms{'options'} eq 'HASH' ? ( options => $parms{'options'} ) : () ), ); return $self; } sub _accept_new_client { my ($kernel,$self,$socket,$peeraddr,$peerport,$wheel_id) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0 .. ARG3]; $peeraddr = inet_ntoa($peeraddr); my $wheel = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new ( Handle => $socket, Filter => POE::Filter::Line->new(), InputEvent => '_client_input', ErrorEvent => '_client_error', FlushedEvent => '_client_flushed', ); $self->{Clients}->{ $wheel->ID() } = { Wheel => $wheel, peeraddr => $peeraddr, peerport => $peerport };; $wheel->put( time ); undef; } sub _client_input { undef; } sub _client_flushed { my ($kernel,$self,$wheel_id) = @_[KERNEL,OBJECT,ARG0]; delete $self->{Clients}->{ $wheel_id }->{Wheel}; delete $self->{Clients}->{ $wheel_id }; undef; } sub _get_datagram { my ( $kernel, $self, $socket ) = @_[ KERNEL, OBJECT, ARG0 ]; my $remote_address = recv( $socket, my $message = "", DATAGRAM_MAXLEN, 0 ); return unless defined $remote_address; my $output = time(); send( $socket, $output, 0, $remote_address ) == length( $output ) or warn "Trouble sending response: $!"; undef; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME POE::Component::Server::Time - A POE component that implements an RFC 868 Time server. =head1 SYNOPSIS use POE::Component::Server::Time; my $self = POE::Component::Server::Time->spawn( Alias => 'Time-Server', BindAddress => '', BindPort => 7777, options => { trace => 1 }, ); =head1 DESCRIPTION POE::Component::Server::Time implements a RFC 868 L TCP/UDP Time server, using L. It is a class inherited from L. =head1 METHODS =over =item spawn Takes a number of optional values: "Alias", the kernel alias that this component is to be blessed with; "BindAddress", the address on the local host to bind to, defaults to POE::Wheel::SocketFactory> default; "BindPort", the local port that we wish to listen on for requests, defaults to 37 as per RFC, this will require "root" privs on UN*X; "options", should be a hashref, containing the options for the component's session, see POE::Session for more details on what this should contain. =back =head1 BUGS Report any bugs through L. =head1 AUTHOR Chris 'BinGOs' Williams, =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) Chris Williams This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details. =head1 SEE ALSO L L L L L =cut