package POE::Component::Server::FTP::DataSession; ########################################################################### ### POE::Component::Server::FTP::DataSession ### L.M.Orchard ( ### David Davis ( ### ### TODO: ### -- get rid of *_limit and use params instead ### ### Copyright (c) 2001 Leslie Michael Orchard. All Rights Reserved. ### This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ### modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ### ### Changes Copyright (c) 2003-2004 David Davis and Teknikill Software ########################################################################### use strict; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Scalar; use POE qw(Session Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Stream Driver::SysRW Wheel::SocketFactory); use Time::HiRes qw(time); use Data::Dumper; # Create a new DataSession sub new { my ($type, $para, $opt) = @_; my $self = bless { }, $type; my $ses = POE::Session->create( #options =>{ trace=>1 }, args => [ $para, $opt ], object_states => [ $self => { _start => '_start', _stop => '_stop', _drop => '_drop', start_LIST => 'start_LIST', start_NLST => 'start_NLST', start_STOR => 'start_STOR', start_RETR => 'start_RETR', execute => 'execute', data_send => 'data_send', data_receive => 'data_receive', data_flushed => 'data_flushed', data_error => 'data_error', data_throttle => 'data_throttle', data_resume => 'data_resume', stop_socket => 'stop_socket', _sock_up => '_sock_up', _sock_down => '_sock_down', send_stats => 'send_stats', } ], ); return $ses->ID; } sub _start { my ($kernel, $heap, $para, $opt) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; # generating a port num # my $x = pack('n',$port); # my $p1 = ord(substr($x,0,1)); # my $p2 = ord(substr($x,1,1)); $heap->{send_recv_okay} = 0; $heap->{listening} = 0; $heap->{rest} = 0; $heap->{total_bytes} = 0; $heap->{bps} = 0; $heap->{send_done} = 0; $heap->{type} = 'dl'; # default to download $heap->{c_session} = $_[SENDER]->ID; %{$heap->{params}} = %{$para}; if ($opt->{data_port}) { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "starting a PORT data session"); # PORT command my ($h1, $h2, $h3, $h4, $p1, $p2) = split(',', $opt->{data_port}); my $peer_addr = $h1.".".$h2.".".$h3.".".$h4; $heap->{port} = ($p1<<8)+$p2; $heap->{remote_ip} = $peer_addr; $heap->{data} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( SocketDomain => AF_INET, SocketType => SOCK_STREAM, SocketProtocol => 'tcp', RemoteAddress => $peer_addr, RemotePort => $heap->{port}, SuccessEvent => '_sock_up', FailureEvent => '_sock_down', ); $heap->{cmd} = $opt->{cmd}; $heap->{rest} = $opt->{rest} if ($opt->{rest}); $heap->{filename} = $opt->{filename}; $heap->{file_path} = $opt->{fs}->{file_path}; } else { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "starting a PASV data session"); # PASV command $heap->{port} = ($opt->{port1}<<8)+$opt->{port2}; $heap->{data} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( BindAddress => INADDR_ANY, # Sets the bind() address BindPort => $heap->{port}, # Sets the bind() port SuccessEvent => '_sock_up', # Event to emit upon accept() FailureEvent => '_sock_down', # Event to emit upon error SocketDomain => AF_INET, # Sets the socket() domain SocketType => SOCK_STREAM, # Sets the socket() type SocketProtocol => 'tcp', # Sets the socket() protocol Reuse => 'off', # Lets the port be reused ); $heap->{listening} = 1; # the command is issued on the next call via # a direct post to our session } $heap->{filesystem} = $opt->{fs}; $heap->{block_size} = 8 * 1024; $heap->{opt} = $opt->{opt}; } sub _sock_up { my ($kernel, $heap, $session, $socket) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION, ARG0]; my $buffer_max = 4 * 1024; my $buffer_min = 128; $heap->{data} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new(), Filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new(), InputEvent => 'data_receive', ErrorEvent => 'data_error', FlushedEvent => 'data_flushed', HighMark => $buffer_max, LowMark => $buffer_min, HighEvent => 'data_throttle', LowEvent => 'data_resume', ); my ($port, $ip) = (sockaddr_in(getsockname($socket))); $heap->{remote_ip} = inet_ntoa($ip); $heap->{remote_port} = $port; $kernel->call($heap->{params}{'Alias'}, notify => ftpd_dcon_connected => { dcon_session => $session->ID, con_session => $heap->{c_session}, remote_ip => $heap->{remote_ip}, port => $heap->{remote_port}, }); if ($heap->{listening} == 0) { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "data session started for $heap->{cmd} ($heap->{opt})"); $kernel->yield('start_'.(uc $heap->{cmd}), $heap->{opt}); } else { # TODO check if correct IP connected if that option is on $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "received connection from $heap->{remote_ip}"); } } sub _sock_down { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "socket down"); delete $heap->{data}; } sub send_stats { my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP]; $kernel->call($heap->{params}{'Alias'}, notify => ftpd_bps_stats => { type => $heap->{type}, bps => $heap->{bps}, session => $session->ID, con_session => $heap->{c_session}, remote_ip => $heap->{remote_ip}, remote_port => $heap->{remote_port}, xfer_time => $heap->{xfer_time}, total_bytes => $heap->{total_bytes}, time => time(), send_done => $heap->{send_done}, rest => $heap->{rest}, file_size => $heap->{file_size}, file_stat => $heap->{file_stat}, filename => $heap->{filename}, file_path => $heap->{file_path}, }); unless ($heap->{send_done} == 1) { $kernel->delay_set(send_stats => 2); } } sub start_LIST { my ($kernel, $heap, $dirfile) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $fs = $heap->{filesystem}; my $out = ""; foreach ($fs->list_details($dirfile)) { $out .= "$_\r\n"; } $heap->{input_fh} = IO::Scalar->new(\$out); $heap->{send_done} = 0; $heap->{send_recv_okay} = 1; $kernel->yield('execute'); } sub start_NLST { my ($kernel, $heap, $dirfile) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $fs = $heap->{filesystem}; my $out = ""; foreach ($fs->list($dirfile)) { $out .= "$_\r\n"; } $heap->{input_fh} = IO::Scalar->new(\$out); $heap->{send_done} = 0; $heap->{send_recv_okay} = 1; $kernel->yield('execute'); } sub start_RETR { my ($kernel, $heap, $fh, $opt) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; foreach my $f (qw( rest filename )) { if (exists($opt->{$f})) { $heap->{$f} = $opt->{$f}; } } $heap->{file_path} = $heap->{filesystem}->{file_path}; $heap->{input_fh} = $fh; $heap->{filesystem}->seek($fh,$heap->{rest},0); @{$heap->{file_stat}} = $fh->stat(); $heap->{file_size} = $heap->{file_stat}[7]; $heap->{send_done} = 0; $heap->{send_recv_okay} = 1; $kernel->yield('execute'); } sub start_STOR { my ($kernel, $heap, $fh, $opt) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; foreach my $f (qw( rest filename )) { if (exists($opt->{$f})) { $heap->{$f} = $opt->{$f}; } } $heap->{file_path} = $heap->{filesystem}->{file_path}; $heap->{output_fh} = $fh; $heap->{filesystem}->seek($fh,$heap->{rest},0); @{$heap->{file_stat}} = $fh->stat(); # not usefull? $heap->{file_size} = $heap->{file_stat}[7]; $heap->{type} = 'ul'; $heap->{send_recv_okay} = 1; $heap->{xfer_time} = time(); $kernel->yield('execute'); } sub _stop { # my $kernel = $_[KERNEL]; } # Execute the session's pending upload sub execute { my ($kernel, $heap, $session) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION]; $kernel->yield("send_stats"); if (defined $heap->{input_fh}) { $heap->{xfer_time} = time(); $kernel->yield('data_send'); } elsif (!defined $heap->{output_fh}) { if ($heap->{listening} == 0) { $kernel->call($session->ID => '_drop'); } } } sub stop_socket { my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP]; delete $heap->{time_out}; if (ref($heap->{data}) eq 'POE::Wheel::SocketFactory') { # still a factory?! Time to drop connection delete $heap->{data}; } } # Send a block to the remote client sub data_send { my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP]; if ( (!defined $heap->{input_fh}) || (! ref $heap->{input_fh} ) ) { $kernel->call($session->ID => '_drop'); } elsif ($heap->{send_recv_okay} && (defined $heap->{data})) { # if we haven't connected yet, then data will still be a factory if (ref($heap->{data}) eq 'POE::Wheel::SocketFactory') { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "data is still a SocketFactory (not connected yet?)"); if (defined $heap->{time_out}) { $heap->{time_out} = $kernel->delay_set(stop_socket => 30); } $kernel->delay_set('data_send' => 2); return; } if (defined $heap->{time_out}) { $kernel->alarm_remove($heap->{time_out}); delete $heap->{time_out}; } $heap->{bps} = ($heap->{total_bytes} / (time() - $heap->{xfer_time})); if ($heap->{params}{'DownloadLimit'} > 0) { if ($heap->{params}{'LimitSceme'} eq 'ip') { if ($kernel->call($heap->{params}{'Alias'} => _bw_limit => 'dl' => $heap->{remote_ip} => $heap->{bps})) { $kernel->yield('data_send'); return; } } else { if ($heap->{bps} > $heap->{params}{'DownloadLimit'}) { $kernel->yield('data_send'); return; } } } ### Read in a block from the file. my $buf; my $len = $heap->{input_fh}->read($buf, $heap->{block_size}); ### If something was read, queue it to be sent, and yield ### back for another data_send. if ($len > 0) { $heap->{total_bytes} += $len; $heap->{data}->put($buf); $kernel->yield('data_send'); } else { # If nothing was read, assume EOF, and shut everything down. my $fs = $heap->{filesystem}; $fs->close_read($heap->{input_fh}); delete $heap->{input_fh}; $kernel->call($session->ID => '_drop'); } } } # Recieve a block from the remote client sub data_receive { my ($kernel, $heap, $session, $data) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION, ARG0]; if ( (!defined $heap->{output_fh}) || (! ref $heap->{output_fh} ) ) { $kernel->call($session->ID => '_drop'); } elsif ($heap->{send_recv_okay} && (defined $heap->{data})) { # if we haven't connected yet, then data will still be a factory if (ref($heap->{data}) eq 'POE::Wheel::SocketFactory') { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "data is still a SocketFactory (not connected yet?)"); if (defined $heap->{time_out}) { $heap->{time_out} = $kernel->delay_set(stop_socket => 30); } $kernel->delay_set('data_receive' => 1, $data); return; } if (defined $heap->{time_out}) { $kernel->alarm_remove($heap->{time_out}); delete $heap->{time_out}; } $heap->{bps} = ($heap->{total_bytes} / (time() - $heap->{xfer_time})); if ($heap->{params}{'UploadLimit'} > 0) { if ($heap->{params}{'LimitSceme'} eq 'ip') { if ($kernel->call($heap->{params}{'Alias'} => _bw_limit => 'ul' => $heap->{remote_ip} => $heap->{bps})) { $kernel->yield('data_receive'); $heap->{data}->pause_input(); } else { $heap->{data}->resume_input(); } } else { if ($heap->{bps} > $heap->{params}{'UploadLimit'}) { $kernel->yield('data_receive'); $heap->{data}->pause_input(); } else { $heap->{data}->resume_input(); } } } if (defined $data) { $heap->{total_bytes} += length($data); $heap->{output_fh}->print($data); } } } sub data_error { my ($kernel, $heap, $session, $operation, $errnum, $errstr) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2]; my $fs = $heap->{filesystem}; if ($errnum) { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "session with $heap->{remote_ip} : $heap->{port} encountered $operation error $errnum: $errstr"); } else { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "client at $heap->{remote_ip} : $heap->{port} disconnected"); } # either way, stop this session if (defined $heap->{output_fh}) { $fs->close_write($heap->{output_fh}); delete $heap->{output_fh}; } if (defined $heap->{input_fh}) { $fs->close_read($heap->{input_fh}); delete $heap->{input_fh}; } $heap->{send_done} = 1; $kernel->call($session->ID => 'send_stats'); $kernel->alarm_remove_all(); delete $heap->{data}; } sub data_flushed { my ($kernel, $heap, $session) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION]; if ($heap->{send_done} == 1) { $kernel->call($session->ID => 'send_stats'); $kernel->alarm_remove_all(); $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "data flushed, dropping connection"); delete $heap->{data}; } } sub data_throttle { $_[HEAP]->{send_recv_okay} = 0; } sub data_resume { $_[HEAP]->{send_recv_okay} = 1; $_[KERNEL]->yield('data_send'); } sub _drop { my ($kernel, $heap, $session) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION]; $kernel->alarm_remove_all(); $heap->{send_done} = 1; # for send_stats, so it doesn't delay again return unless ($heap->{data}); if (ref($heap->{data}) eq 'POE::Wheel::SocketFactory') { # never connected... $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "Still a SocketFactory in _drop"); $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 3 => "Connection timed out"); delete $heap->{data}; return; } # if we are fully flushed, go ahead and disconnect if ($heap->{data}->get_driver_out_octets() == 0) { $kernel->call($heap->{c_session} => _write_log => 4 => "data finished, dropping connection"); delete $heap->{data}; } else { # if not, then we set a flag and the flushed event # drops the connection $heap->{send_done} = 1; } } 1;