package POE::Component::Server::Bayeux::Request; =head1 NAME POE::Component::Server::Bayeux::Request - A single Bayeux request =head1 DESCRIPTION Objects in this class represent a single Bayeux request made to a Bayeux server. Requests are instantiated with an HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response object. This class is responsible for parsing the request content into a JSON object, creating one or more L objects that represent the possible message types of the Bayeux protocol, and handling each one in turn. =cut use strict; use warnings; use HTTP::Status; # for RC_OK use HTTP::Request::Common; use CGI::Simple::Util qw(unescape); use JSON::Any qw(XS); use Data::Dumper; use Data::UUID; use Params::Validate; use POE qw(Component::Server::Bayeux::Message::Factory); use base qw(Class::Accessor); __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( id is_complete is_error http_request http_response json_response messages responses heap delay post_handle json_comment_filtered )); ## Class Globals ### my $json = JSON::Any->new(); my $uuid = Data::UUID->new(); ## Class Methods ### =head1 CLASS METHODS =head2 new () =over 4 Requires 'request' (L), 'response' (L), and 'server_heap'. Returns init()'ed class object. =back =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = validate(@_, { request => 1, response => 1, server_heap => 1, }); my %self = ( http_request => $args{request}, http_response => $args{response}, heap => $args{server_heap}, messages => [], responses => [], id => $uuid->create_str, ); my $self = bless \%self, $class; $self->init(); return $self; } ## Object Methods, Public ### =head1 OBJECT METHODS =head2 handle () =over 4 Call after creating the request. Calls the pre_handle(), handle() methods on each message, possibly completing the request. =back =cut sub handle { my ($self) = @_; my $heap = $self->heap; # Some messages (/meta/connect, for example) need to be handled in a specific # order. Allow each message to affect the queueing. foreach my $message (@{ $self->messages }) { $message->pre_handle(); } # Starting at the beginning of the message array, process each message in # turn. Messages will interact with the Request $self object, adding responses # and in some cases affecting other messages still in the stack. while (my $message = shift @{ $self->messages }) { $message->handle(); } if ($self->delay) { $poe_kernel->post($heap->{manager}, 'delay_request', $self->id, $self->delay); $self->delay(0); $self->is_complete(0); $self->http_response->streaming(1); } else { $self->complete(); } } =head2 complete () =over 4 Completes the request, calling the post_handle() method on the messages that need it. =back =cut sub complete { my ($self) = @_; $self->form_response( @{ $self->responses } ); $self->is_complete(1); if ($self->http_response->streaming) { $self->http_response->send( $self->http_response ); $self->http_response->close(); $self->http_request->header(Connection => 'close'); } if ($self->post_handle) { while (my $message = shift @{ $self->post_handle }) { $message->post_handle(); } } } ## Object Methods, Private ### =head1 PRIVATE METHODS =over 4 These methods are mainly called by messages during their handle() phase. =back =head2 client ($id) =over 4 Returns a L object with the given id. =back =cut sub client { my ($self, $id) = @_; return POE::Component::Server::Bayeux::Client->new( request => $self, id => $id, server_heap => $self->heap, ); } =head2 add_response ($response) =over 4 Adds a message response onto the stack of responses. =back =cut sub add_response { my ($self, $response) = @_; push @{ $self->responses }, $response; } =head2 clear_stack () =over 4 Clears all messages and responses. =back =cut sub clear_stack { my ($self) = @_; $self->messages([]); $self->responses([]); } =head2 add_post_handle ($message) =over 4 Adds a message to be handled in the post_handle() code. =back =cut sub add_post_handle { my ($self, $message) = @_; push @{ $self->{post_handle} }, $message; } =head2 init () =over 4 Parses the L object, extracting the JSON payload, creating a stack of L messages. =back =cut sub init { my ($self) = @_; my $request = $self->{http_request}; my $response = $self->{http_response}; ## Extract the JSON payload my $params; my $json_requests = []; my $payload; # Parse the content type string my $content_type = $request->content_type; # Support 'text/json; charset=UTF-8' my %content_type_opts; my @content_type_parts = split /\s*;\s*/, $content_type; if (int @content_type_parts > 1) { $content_type = shift @content_type_parts; foreach my $part (@content_type_parts) { my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $part; # May or may not be key/value pairs, and are case-sensitive $content_type_opts{$key} = $value; } } if ($content_type eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') { # POST or GET if (my $content = $request->content) { $params = $content; } elsif ($request->uri =~ m!\?message=!) { ($params) = $request->uri =~ m/\?(.*)/; } if (! $params) { return $self->error("No content found in HTTP request (content type '$content_type')"); } # Decode the urlencoded key-value pairs my %content; foreach my $pair (split /&/, $params) { my ($key, $value) = split /=/, $pair, 2; next unless $key && $value; $content{ unescape($key) } = unescape($value); } if (! $content{message}) { return $self->error("No 'message' key pair found in content"); } $payload = $content{message}; } elsif ($content_type eq 'text/json') { $payload = $request->content; } # Decode the payload eval { $json_requests = $json->decode($payload); }; if ($@) { return $self->error("Failed to decode JSON payload: $@" ); } if (! $json_requests || ! ref $json_requests) { return $self->error("Invalid JSON payload; must be array or object"); } if (ref $json_requests eq 'HASH') { $json_requests = [ $json_requests ]; } $self->logger->debug("New remote request:\n" . Dumper($json_requests)); foreach my $message (@$json_requests) { my $bayeux_message = POE::Component::Server::Bayeux::Message::Factory->create( request => $self, data => $message, ); if (! $bayeux_message) { $self->error("Invalid message found"); } else { push @{ $self->{messages} }, $bayeux_message; } } } =head2 error ($message) =over 4 Convienence method to throw an error, returning to the client. =back =cut sub error { my ($self, $error) = @_; return if $self->is_error; $self->form_response( { error => $error, successful => JSON::XS::false, } ); $self->is_error(1); $self->is_complete(1); } =head2 form_response (@messages) =over 4 Encodes the messages into the payload of the response =back =cut sub form_response { my ($self, @message) = @_; my $response = $self->http_response; $self->json_response( \@message ); my $encoded = $json->encode( \@message ); my $type = 'text/json'; if ($self->json_comment_filtered) { $encoded = "/*$encoded*/"; $type = 'text/json-comment-filtered'; } $response->header( 'Content-Type' => "$type; charset=utf-8" ); $response->code(RC_OK); $response->content( $encoded ); } =head2 logger () =over 4 Returns the server's logger. =back =cut sub logger { my ($self) = @_; return $self->heap->{logger}; } ## POE passthru methods =head2 subscribe ($client_id, $channel) =over 4 Passthru to the POE server's subscribe state =back =cut sub subscribe { my ($self, $client_id, $channel) = @_; $poe_kernel->post($self->heap->{manager}, 'subscribe', { client_id => $client_id, channel => $channel, }); } =head2 unsubscribe ($client_id, $channel) =over 4 Passthru to the POE server's unsubscribe state =back =cut sub unsubscribe { my ($self, $client_id, $channel) = @_; $poe_kernel->post($self->heap->{manager}, 'unsubscribe', { client_id => $client_id, channel => $channel, }); } =head2 publish ($client_id, $channel, $data) =over 4 Passthru to the POE server's publish state =back =cut sub publish { my ($self, $client_id, $channel, $data) = @_; $poe_kernel->post($self->heap->{manager}, 'publish', { client_id => $client_id, channel => $channel, data => $data, }); } =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Waters and XMission LLC ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =head1 AUTHOR Eric Waters =cut 1;