=head1 NAME
POE::Component::FastCGI - POE FastCGI server
use POE;
use POE::Component::FastCGI;
Port => 1026,
Handlers => [
[ '/' => \&default ],
sub default {
my($request) = @_;
my $response = $request->make_response;
$response->header("Content-type" => "text/html");
$response->content("A page");
Provides a FastCGI (L) server for L.
=over 4
package POE::Component::FastCGI;
use strict;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Socket qw(AF_UNIX);
use POE qw(
use POE::Component::FastCGI::Request;
use POE::Component::FastCGI::Response;
our $VERSION = '0.1';
=item POE::Component::FastCGI->new([name => value], ...)
Creates a new POE session for the FastCGI server and listens on the specified
Auth (optional)
A code reference to run when called as a FastCGI authorizer.
Handlers (required)
A array reference with a mapping of paths to code references.
Port (required unless Unix is set)
Port number to listen on.
Address (requied if Unix is set)
Address to listen on.
Unix (optional)
Listen on UNIX socket given in Address.
The handlers parameter should be a list of lists defining either regexps of
paths to match or absolute paths to code references.
The code references will be passed one parameter, a
L object. To send a response
the C method should be called which returns a
L object. These objects
are subclasses of L and L
Handlers => [
[ '/page' => \&page ],
[ qr!^/(\w+)\.html$! => sub {
my $request = shift;
my $response = $request->make_response;
output_template($request, $response, $1);
sub new {
my($class, %args) = @_;
croak "No port or address to listen on configured"
unless defined $args{Port} or (defined $args{Unix} and defined
croak "No handlers defined" unless defined $args{Auth} or defined
my $session = POE::Session->create(
inline_states => {
_start => \&_start,
accept => \&_accept,
input => \&_input,
error => \&_error,
heap => \%args,
return 1;
sub _start {
my($session, $heap) = @_[SESSION, HEAP];
Port => $heap->{Port},
(defined $heap->{Unix} ? (Domain => AF_UNIX) : ()),
(defined $heap->{Address} ? (Address => $heap->{Address}) : ()),
Acceptor => sub {
$poe_kernel->post($session => accept => @_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2]);
sub _accept {
my($heap, $socket, $remote_addr, $remote_port) = @_[HEAP, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
# XXX: check fastcgi is allowed to connect.
my $wheel = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
Handle => $socket,
Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new(),
Filter => POE::Filter::FastCGI->new(),
InputEvent => 'input',
ErrorEvent => 'error'
$heap->{wheels}->{$wheel->ID} = $wheel;
sub _input {
my($heap, $fcgi, $wheel_id) = @_[HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
my $client = $heap->{wheels}->{$wheel_id};
my $request = POE::Component::FastCGI::Request->new(
$fcgi->[0], # request id
$fcgi->[2], # cgi parameters
if($fcgi->[1]->{role} eq 'AUTHORIZER') {
if(defined $heap->{Auth}) {
$request->error(500, "FastCGI authorizer role requested but not configured");
my $path = $request->uri->path;
my $run;
for my $handler(@{$heap->{Handlers}}) {
if(ref $handler->[0] eq 'Regexp') {
$run = $handler, last if $path =~ /$handler->[0]/;
$run = $handler, last if
(($handler->[0] !~ m!/! and $path =~ m!^/$handler->[0]($|/)!) or
($handler->[0] eq $path));
if(not defined $run) {
$request->error(404, "No handler found for $path");
$run->[1]->($request, $run->[0]);
sub _error {
my($heap, $wheel_id) = @_[HEAP, ARG3];
delete $heap->{wheels}->{$wheel_id};
Many webservers have support for FastCGI. PoCo::FastCGI has been
tested on Mac OSX and Linux using lighttpd.
Currently you must run the PoCo::FastCGI script separately to the
webserver and then instruct the webserver to connect to it.
Lighttpd configuration example (assuming listening on port 1026):
$HTTP["host"] == "some.host" {
fastcgi.server = ( "/" =>
( "localhost" => (
"host" => "",
"port" => 1026,
"check-local" => "disable",
"docroot" => "/"
With mod_fastcgi on Apache the equivalent directive is
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2005, David Leadbeater L. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 BUGS
Please let me know.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L, L,
L, L.