# $Id: Conn-Keepalive.pm 60 2006-05-10 20:42:27Z woggle $ # This is a proxy object for a socket. Its most important feature is # that it passes the socket back to POE::Component::Client::Keepalive # when it's destroyed. package POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = do {my($r)=(q$Revision: 60 $=~/(\d+)/);sprintf"1.%04d",$r}; use Carp qw(croak); use POE::Wheel::ReadWrite; use constant DEBUG => 0; sub CK_SOCKET () { 0 } # The socket we're hiding. sub CK_MANAGER () { 1 } # The connection manager that owns the socket. sub CK_WHEEL () { 2 } # The wheel we're hiding. # Assimilate a socket on construction, and the keep-alive connection # so that free() may be called at destruction time. sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $self = bless [ $args{socket}, # CK_SOCKET $args{manager}, # CK_MANAGER undef, # CK_WHEEL ], $class; return $self; } # Free the socket on destruction. sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->[CK_WHEEL] = undef; $self->[CK_MANAGER]->free($self->[CK_SOCKET]); } # Start a Read/Write wheel on the hidden socket. sub start { my $self = shift; croak "Must call start() with an even number of parameters" if @_ % 2; my %args = @_; # Override the read/write handle with our own. $args{Handle} = $self->[CK_SOCKET]; $self->[CK_WHEEL] = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(%args); } # Wheel accessor, for modifying the wheel directly. sub wheel { my $self = shift; return $self->[CK_WHEEL]; } # For getting rid of the connection prematurely sub close { my $self = shift; DEBUG and warn "closing $self"; if (defined $self->wheel) { $self->wheel->shutdown_input(); $self->wheel->shutdown_output(); $self->[CK_WHEEL] = undef; } DEBUG and warn "about to close potentially tied socket/ tied = ", tied(*{$self->[CK_SOCKET]}) ; close $self->[CK_SOCKET]; my $is_tied = defined tied(*{$self->[CK_SOCKET]}); # this is necessary so defined fileno() does the right thing # on SSLified sockets if ($is_tied) { DEBUG and warn "about to untie"; untie(*{$self->[CK_SOCKET]}); } if (DEBUG) { if (defined(fileno($self->[CK_SOCKET]))) { warn "*** BUG: fileno still defined! Is " . fileno($self->[CK_SOCKET]); } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive - a wheel wrapper around a kept-alive socket =head1 SYNOPSIS See the SYNOPSIS for POE::Component::Client::Keepalive for a complete working example. my $connection = $response->{connection}; $heap->{connection} = $connection; $connection->start( InputEvent => "got_input" ); delete $heap->{connection}; # When done with it. =head1 DESCRIPTION POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive is a helper class for POE::Component::Client::Keepalive. It wraps managed sockets, providing a few extra features. Connection objects free their underlying sockets when they are DESTROYed. This eliminates the need to explicitly free sockets when you are done with them. Connection objects manage POE::Wheel::ReadWrite objects internally, saving a bit of effort. =over 2 =item new Creates a new POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive instance. It accepts two parameters: A socket handle (socket) and a reference to a POE::Component::Client::Keepalive object to manage the socket when the connection is destroyed. my $conn = POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive->new( socket => $socket_handle, manager => $poe_component_client_keepalive, ); new() is usually called by a POE::Component::Client::Keepalive object. =item start Starts a POE::Wheel::ReadWrite object. All parameters except Handle for start() are passed directly to POE::Wheel::ReadWrite's constructor. Handle is provided by the connection object. start() returns a reference to the new POE::Wheel::ReadWrite object, but it is not necessary to save a copy of that wheel. The connection object keeps a copy of the reference internally, so the wheel will persist as long as the connection does. The POE::Wheel::ReadWrite object will be DESTROYed when the connection object is. # Asynchronous connection from Client::Keepalive. sub handle_connection { my $connection_info = $_[ARG0]; $_[HEAP]->{connection} = $connection_info->{connection}; $heap->{connection}->start( InputEvent => "got_input", ErrorEvent => "got_error", ); } # Stop the connection (and the wheel) when an error occurs. sub handle_error { delete $_[HEAP]->{connection}; } =item wheel Returns a reference to the internal POE::Wheel::ReadWrite object, so that methods may be called upon it. $heap->{connection}->wheel()->pause_input(); =item close Closes the connection immediately. Calls shutdown_input() and shutdown_output() on the wheel also. =back =item SEE ALSO L L L =head1 BUGS None known. =head1 LICENSE This distribution is copyright 2004 by Rocco Caputo. All rights are reserved. This distribution is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR Rocco Caputo Special thanks to Rob Bloodgood. =cut