# POE::Component::Client::FTP # # Author : Michael Ching # Email : michaelc@wush.net # Created : May 15, 2002 # Description : An FTP client for POE package POE::Component::Client::FTP; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Exporter; use Socket; # use Data::Dumper; use POE qw(Wheel::SocketFactory Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Stream Filter::Line Driver::SysRW); use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION $poe_kernel); $VERSION = '0.22'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(FTP_PASSIVE FTP_ACTIVE FTP_MANUAL FTP_ASCII FTP_BINARY); BEGIN { eval 'sub DEBUG () { 0 }' unless defined &DEBUG; eval 'sub DEBUG_COMMAND () { 0 }' unless defined &DEBUG_COMMAND; eval 'sub DEBUG_DATA () { 0 }' unless defined &DEBUG_DATA; } sub EOL () { "\015\012" } # connection modes sub FTP_PASSIVE () { 1 } sub FTP_ACTIVE () { 2 } # transfer modes sub FTP_MANUAL () { 0 } sub FTP_ASCII () { 1 } sub FTP_BINARY () { 2 } # tells the dispatcher which states support which events my $state_map = { _init => { "_start" => \&do_init_start, "connect" => \&do_init_start, "cmd_connected" => \&handler_init_connected, "cmd_connect_error" => \&handler_init_error, "success" => \&handler_init_success, "timeout" => \&handler_init_error }, stop => { "_start" => \&do_stop }, authtls => { "authtls" => \&do_send_authtls, "success" => \&handler_authtls_success, "failure" => \&handler_authtls_failure }, login => { "login" => \&do_login_send_username, "intermediate" => \&do_login_send_password, "success" => \&handler_login_success, "failure" => \&handler_login_failure }, pbsz_prot => { "pbsz" => \&do_send_pbsz, "prot" => \&do_send_prot, "success" => \&handler_pbsz_prot_success, "failure" => \&handler_pbsz_prot_failure }, global => { "cmd_input" => \&handler_cmd_input, "cmd_error" => \&handler_cmd_error }, ready => { "_start" => \&dequeue_event, rename => \&do_rename, put => \&do_put, map ( { $_ => \&do_simple_command } qw{ cd cdup delete mdtm mkdir noop pwd rmdir site size stat type quit quot } ), map ( { $_ => \&do_complex_command } qw{ dir ls get } ), map ( { $_ => \&do_set_attribute } qw{ trans_mode conn_mode blocksize timeout } ), }, put => { data_flush => \&handler_put_flushed, data_error => \&handler_put_data_error, put_data => \&do_put_data, put_close => \&do_put_close, data_connected => \&handler_complex_connected, data_connect_error => \&handler_complex_connect_error, preliminary => \&handler_complex_preliminary, success => \&handler_complex_success, failure => \&handler_complex_failure, }, rename => { "intermediate" => \&handler_rename_intermediate, "success" => \&handler_rename_success, "failure" => \&handler_rename_failure }, default_simple => { "success" => \&handler_simple_success, "failure" => \&handler_simple_failure }, default_complex => { data_connected => \&handler_complex_connected, data_connect_error => \&handler_complex_connect_error, data_flush => \&handler_complex_flushed, preliminary => \&handler_complex_preliminary, success => \&handler_complex_success, failure => \&handler_complex_failure, data_input => \&handler_complex_list_data, data_error => \&handler_complex_list_error }, }; # translation from posted signals to ftp commands my %command_map = ( CD => "CWD", MKDIR => "MKD", RMDIR => "RMD", LS => "LIST", DIR => "NLST", GET => "RETR", PUT => "STOR", DELETE => "DELE", ); # create a new POE::Component::Client::FTP object sub spawn { my $class = shift; my $sender = $poe_kernel->get_active_session; croak "$class->spawn requires an event number of argument" if @_ & 1; my %params = @_; my $alias = delete $params{Alias}; croak "$class->spawn requires an alias to start" unless defined $alias; my $user = delete $params{Username}; my $pass = delete $params{Password}; my $local_addr = delete $params{LocalAddr}; $local_addr = INADDR_ANY unless defined $local_addr; my $local_port = delete $params{LocalPort}; $local_port = 0 unless defined $local_port; my $remote_addr = delete $params{RemoteAddr}; croak "$class->spawn requires a RemoteAddr parameter" unless defined $remote_addr; my $remote_port = delete $params{RemotePort}; $remote_port = 21 unless defined $remote_port; my $tlscmd = delete $params{TLS}; $tlscmd = 0 unless defined $tlscmd; my $tlsdata = delete $params{TLSData}; $tlsdata = 0 unless defined $tlsdata; my $timeout = delete $params{Timeout}; $timeout = 120 unless defined $timeout; my $blocksize = delete $params{BlockSize}; $blocksize = 10240 unless defined $blocksize; my $conn_mode = delete $params{ConnectionMode}; $conn_mode = FTP_PASSIVE unless defined $conn_mode; my $trans_mode = delete $params{TransferMode}; $trans_mode = FTP_MANUAL unless defined $trans_mode; my $filters = delete $params{Filters}; $filters->{dir} ||= new POE::Filter::Line( Literal => EOL ); $filters->{ls} ||= new POE::Filter::Line( Literal => EOL ); $filters->{get} ||= new POE::Filter::Stream(); $filters->{put} ||= new POE::Filter::Stream(); my $events = delete $params{Events}; $events = [] unless defined $events and ref( $events ) eq 'ARRAY'; my %register; for my $opt ( @$events ) { if ( ref $opt eq 'HASH' ) { @register{keys %$opt} = values %$opt; } else { $register{$opt} = $opt; } } # Make sure the user didn't make a typo on parameters carp "Unknown parameters: ", join( ', ', sort keys %params ) if keys %params; if ( $tlscmd || $tlsdata ) { eval { require POE::Component::SSLify; import POE::Component::SSLify qw( Client_SSLify ); }; if ($@) { warn "TLS option specified, but there was a problem\n"; $tlscmd = 0; $tlsdata = 0; } } my $self = bless { alias => $alias, user => $user, pass => $pass, local_addr => $local_addr, local_port => $local_port, remote_addr => $remote_addr, remote_port => $remote_port, tlscmd => $tlscmd, tlsdata => $tlsdata, attr_trans_mode => $trans_mode, attr_conn_mode => $conn_mode, attr_timeout => $timeout, attr_blocksize => $blocksize, cmd_sock_wheel => undef, cmd_rw_wheel => undef, data_sock_wheel => undef, data_rw_wheel => undef, data_sock_port => 0, data_suicidal => 0, filters => $filters, state => "_init", queue => [ ], stack => [ [ 'init' ] ], event => [ ], complex_stack => [ ], events => { $sender => \%register } }, $class; $self->{session_id} = POE::Session->create ( inline_states => map_all($state_map, \&dispatch), heap => $self, )->ID(); return $self; } # connect to address specified during spawn sub do_init_start { my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP]; $heap->{session_id} = $session->ID(); # set timeout for connection $kernel->delay( "timeout", $heap->{attr_timeout}, undef, undef, "Timeout ($heap->{attr_timeout} seconds)" ); # connect to command port $heap->{cmd_sock_wheel} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( SocketDomain => AF_INET, SocketType => SOCK_STREAM, SocketProtocol => 'tcp', RemotePort => $heap->{remote_port}, RemoteAddress => $heap->{remote_addr}, SuccessEvent => 'cmd_connected', FailureEvent => 'cmd_connect_error' ); $kernel->alias_set( $heap->{alias} ); return; } # try to clean up # client responsibility to ensure things are all complete sub do_stop { my $heap = $poe_kernel->get_active_session()->get_heap(); warn "cleaning up" if DEBUG; delete $heap->{cmd_rw_wheel}; delete $heap->{cmd_sock_wheel}; delete $heap->{data_rw_wheel}; delete $heap->{data_sock_wheel}; $poe_kernel->alias_remove( $heap->{alias} ); return; } # server responses on command connection sub handler_cmd_input { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; warn "<<< $input\n" if DEBUG_COMMAND; my $coderef; $input =~ s/^(\d\d\d)(.?)//o; my ($code, $more) = ($1, $2); $input =~ s/^ // if defined $more && $more eq "-"; $heap->{ftp_message} .= "$input\n"; return unless defined $code && defined $more && $more eq " "; $heap->{ftp_message} =~ s/\s+$//; my $major = substr($code, 0, 1); if ($major == 1) { # 1yz Positive Preliminary reply $coderef = $state_map->{ $heap->{state} }{preliminary}; } elsif ($major == 2) { # 2yz Positive Completion reply $coderef = $state_map->{ $heap->{state} }{success}; $heap->{event} = pop( @{$heap->{stack}} ) || ['none', {}]; } elsif ($major == 3) { # 3yz Positive Intermediate reply $coderef = $state_map->{ $heap->{state} }{intermediate}; $heap->{event} = pop( @{$heap->{stack}} ) || ['none', {}]; } else { # 4yz Transient Negative Completion reply # 5yz Permanent Negative Completion reply $coderef = $state_map->{ $heap->{state} }{failure}; $heap->{event} = pop( @{$heap->{stack}} ) || ['none', {}]; } &{ $coderef }(@_) if $coderef; delete $heap->{ftp_message}; return; } # command connection closed sub handler_cmd_error { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; goto_state("stop"); return; } ## state specific ## rename state # initiate multipart rename command # uses the complex_stack to remember what to do next sub do_rename { my ($kernel, $heap, $event, $fr, $to) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE, ARG0, ARG1]; goto_state("rename"); $heap->{complex_stack} = [ "RNTO", $to ]; command( [ "RNFR", $fr ] ); return; } # successful RNFR sub handler_rename_intermediate { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "rename_partial", $status, $line, $heap->{event}->[1] ); command( $heap->{complex_stack} ); return; } # successful RNTO sub handler_rename_success { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "rename", $status, $line, $heap->{event}->[1] ); delete $heap->{complex_stack}; goto_state("ready"); return; } # failed RNFR or RNTO sub handler_rename_failure { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "rename_error", $status, $line, $heap->{event}->[1] ); delete $heap->{complex_stack}; goto_state("ready"); return; } # initiate a STOR command sub do_put { my ($kernel, $heap, $event) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE]; goto_state("put"); $heap->{complex_stack} = { command => [$event, @_[ARG0..$#_]], sendq => [], }; establish_data_conn(); return; } # socket flushed, see if socket can be closed sub handler_put_flushed { my ($kernel, $heap, $session) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; warn "data flushed " . $heap->{complex_stack}->{last_length} if DEBUG; # if no packet was pending, this was simply to get things going or to # check for suicide and thus will confuse the user if sent if ($heap->{complex_stack}->{pending}) { $heap->{complex_stack}->{pending} = 0; send_event( "put_flushed", $heap->{complex_stack}->{last_length}, $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ) if $heap->{complex_stack}->{last_length}; } warn "Q||: " . scalar @{$heap->{complex_stack}->{sendq}} if DEBUG; # we use an internal sendq and send lines as each line is sent # this way we can give the user feedback as to the status of the upload # so, whenever data is flushed send the next packet if ( defined(my $line = shift @{$heap->{complex_stack}->{sendq}}) ) { warn "sending queued packet: " . length ($line) if DEBUG; $heap->{complex_stack}->{pending} = 1; $heap->{data_rw_wheel}->put($line); $heap->{complex_stack}->{last_length} = length $line; } elsif ($heap->{data_suicidal}) { warn "killing suicidal socket" . $heap->{data_rw_wheel}->get_driver_out_octets() if DEBUG; delete $heap->{data_sock_wheel}; delete $heap->{data_rw_wheel}; $heap->{data_suicidal} = 0; send_event("put_closed", $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1]); goto_state("ready"); } return; } # remote end closed data connection # in put this in an error, not a normal condition sub handler_put_data_error { my ($kernel, $heap, $error) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; send_event( "put_error", $error, $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ); delete $heap->{data_sock_wheel}; delete $heap->{data_rw_wheel}; goto_state("ready"); return; } # client sending data for us to print to the STOR sub do_put_data { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; warn "put: " . length($input) if DEBUG; # add to send queue $kernel->call('cmd_connected', @{$heap->{cmd_sock_wheel}}[0]); push @{ $heap->{complex_stack}->{sendq} }, $input; # send the first flushed event if this was the first item unless ( @{ $heap->{complex_stack}->{sendq} } > 1 or $heap->{complex_stack}->{pending} ) { $kernel->yield('data_flush'); } return; } # client request to end STOR command sub do_put_close { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; warn "setting suicidal on" if DEBUG; $heap->{data_suicidal} = 1; # if close is called when sendq is empty, we'll need to fake a flush unless ( @{ $heap->{complex_stack}->{sendq} } > 0 or $heap->{complex_stack}->{pending} ) { warn "empty sendq, manually flushing" if DEBUG; $kernel->yield('data_flush'); } return; } ## login state # connection established, create a rw wheel sub handler_init_connected { my ($kernel, $heap, $socket) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; # clear the timeout $kernel->delay("timeout"); $heap->{cmd_rw_wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, Filter => POE::Filter::Line->new( Literal => EOL ), Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new(), InputEvent => 'cmd_input', ErrorEvent => 'cmd_error' ); return; } # connect to server failed, clean up sub handler_init_error { my ($kernel, $heap, $errnum, $errstr) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG1, ARG2]; # clear the timeout $kernel->delay("timeout"); delete $heap->{cmd_sock_wheel}; send_event( "connect_error", $errnum, $errstr ); return; } # wheel established, log in if we can sub handler_init_success { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "connected", $status, $line ); if ($heap->{tlscmd}) { goto_state("authtls"); $kernel->yield("authtls"); } else { goto_state("login"); if ( defined $heap->{user} and defined $heap->{pass} ) { $kernel->yield("login"); } } return; } # start the tls negotiation on the control connection by sending "AUTH TLS" sub do_send_authtls { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; command( [ 'AUTH', 'TLS'] ); return; } sub handler_authtls_success { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $socket = $heap->{cmd_rw_wheel}->get_input_handle(); delete $heap->{cmd_rw_wheel}; eval { $socket = Client_SSLify( $socket, 'tlsv1' )}; if ( $@ ) { die "Unable to SSLify control connection: $@"; } # set up the rw wheel again $heap->{cmd_rw_wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, Filter => POE::Filter::Line->new( Literal => EOL ), Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new(), InputEvent => 'cmd_input', ErrorEvent => 'cmd_error' ); goto_state("login"); $kernel->yield("login"); return; } sub handler_authtls_failure { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "login_error", $status, $line ); return; } # login using parameters specified during spawn or passed in now sub do_login_send_username { my ($kernel, $heap, $user, $pass) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 .. ARG1]; $heap->{user} = $user unless defined $heap->{user}; croak "No username defined in login" unless defined $heap->{user}; $heap->{pass} = $pass unless defined $heap->{pass}; croak "No password defined in login" unless defined $heap->{pass}; command( [ 'USER', $heap->{user} ] ); delete $heap->{user}; return; } # username accepted sub do_login_send_password { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; command( [ 'PASS', $heap->{pass} ] ); delete $heap->{pass}; return; } sub handler_login_success { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); if ($heap->{tlsdata}) { goto_state("pbsz_prot"); $kernel->yield('pbsz'); } else { send_event( "authenticated", $status, $line ); goto_state("ready"); } return; } sub handler_login_failure { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "login_error", $status, $line ); return; } # PBSZ 0 and PROT P are needed to encrypt the data connection (specified with TLSData) # this is done _before_ 'authenticated' is sent to the user session (even though the u/p is already accepted) sub do_send_pbsz {# my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; command( [ 'PBSZ', '0' ] ); return; } sub do_send_prot {# my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; command( [ 'PROT', 'P' ] ); return; } sub handler_pbsz_prot_success { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; if ($heap->{event}->[0] eq "PBSZ") { $kernel->yield("prot"); } else { my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "authenticated", $status, $line ); goto_state("ready"); } return; } sub handler_pbsz_prot_failure { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( "login_error", $status, $line ); return; } ## default_simple state # simple commands simply involve a command and one or more responses sub do_simple_command { my ($kernel, $heap, $event) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE]; goto_state("default_simple"); command( [ $event, @_[ARG0..$#_] ] ); return; } # end of response section will be marked by "\d{3} " whereas multipart # messages will be "\d{3}-" sub handler_simple_success { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); send_event( lc $heap->{event}->[0], $status, $heap->{ftp_message}, $heap->{event}->[1] ); goto_state("ready"); return; } # server response for failure sub handler_simple_failure { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( lc $heap->{event}->[0] . "_error", $status, $line, $heap->{event}->[1] ); goto_state("ready"); return; } ## default_complex state # complex commands are those which require a data connection sub do_complex_command { my ($kernel, $heap, $event) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE]; goto_state("default_complex"); $heap->{complex_stack} = { command => [ $event, @_[ARG0..$#_] ] }; establish_data_conn(); return; } # use the server response only for data connection establishment # we will know when the command is actually done when the server # terminates the data connection sub handler_complex_success { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; if ($heap->{event}->[0] eq "PASV") { my (@ip, @port); (@ip[0..3], @port[0..1]) = $input =~ /(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/; my $ip = join '.', @ip; my $port = $port[0]*256 + $port[1]; $heap->{data_sock_wheel} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( SocketDomain => AF_INET, SocketType => SOCK_STREAM, SocketProtocol => 'tcp', RemotePort => $port, RemoteAddress => $ip, SuccessEvent => 'data_connected', FailureEvent => 'data_connect_error' ); } elsif ($heap->{event}->[0] =~ /^PORT/) { command($heap->{complex_stack}->{command}); } else { send_event( $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] . "_done", $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ); goto_state("ready"); } return; } # server response for failure sub handler_complex_failure { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; my $status = substr($input, 0, 3); my $line = substr($input, 4); send_event( $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] . "_error", $status, $line, $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ); delete $heap->{data_sock_wheel}; delete $heap->{data_rw_wheel}; goto_state("ready"); return; } # connection announced by server sub handler_complex_preliminary { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; # this message is pretty worthless since _connected is all that matters send_event( $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] . "_server", $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ); # sslify the data connection my $socket = $heap->{data_rw_wheel}->get_input_handle(); delete $heap->{data_rw_wheel}; if ( $heap->{tlsdata} ) { eval { $socket = Client_SSLify( $socket, 'tlsv1' )}; die "Unable to SSLify data connection: $@" if $@; } # set up the rw wheel again $heap->{data_rw_wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, Filter => $heap->{filters}->{ $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] }, Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new( BlockSize => $heap->{attr_blocksize} ), InputEvent => 'data_input', ErrorEvent => 'data_error', FlushedEvent => 'data_flush' ); return; } # data connection established sub handler_complex_connected { my ($kernel, $heap, $socket) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; $heap->{data_rw_wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, Filter => $heap->{filters}->{ $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] }, Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new( BlockSize => $heap->{attr_blocksize} ), InputEvent => 'data_input', ErrorEvent => 'data_error', FlushedEvent => 'data_flush' ); send_event( $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] . "_connected", $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ); if ($heap->{attr_conn_mode} == FTP_PASSIVE) { command($heap->{complex_stack}->{command}); } return; } # data connection could not be established sub handler_complex_connect_error { my ($kernel, $heap, $error) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; send_event( $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] . "_error", $error, $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ); delete $heap->{data_sock_wheel}; delete $heap->{data_rw_wheel}; goto_state("ready"); return; } # getting actual data, so send it to the client sub handler_complex_list_data { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; warn "<< $input\n" if DEBUG_DATA; send_event( $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[0] . "_data", $input, $heap->{complex_stack}->{command}->[1] ); return; } # connection was closed, clean up, and wait for a response from the server sub handler_complex_list_error { my ($kernel, $heap, $input) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; warn "error: complex_list: $input" if DEBUG; delete $heap->{data_sock_wheel}; delete $heap->{data_rw_wheel}; return; } ## utility functions # maps all signal names to dispatcher sub map_all { my $map = shift; my $coderef = shift; my %signals; foreach my $state (keys %$map) { @signals{ keys %{ $map->{$state} } } = (); } map { $_ = $coderef } values %signals; return \%signals; } # enqueues and incoming signal sub enqueue_event { my ($kernel, $heap, $state) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE]; warn "|| enqueue $state" if DEBUG; push @{$heap->{queue}}, [ @_ ]; } # dequeue and dispatch next event # in a more general model, this could dequeue the first event # that active session knows how to deal with sub dequeue_event { my $heap = $poe_kernel->get_active_session()->get_heap(); return unless @{$heap->{queue}}; my $state = $heap->{queue}->[0]->[STATE]; warn "|| dequeue $state" if DEBUG; dispatch( @{ shift @{$heap->{queue}} } ); } # if active session knows how to handle this event, dispatch it to them # if not, enqueue the event sub dispatch { my ($kernel, $heap, $state) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, STATE]; my $coderef = ( $state_map->{ $heap->{state} }->{$state} || $state_map->{global}->{$state} || \&enqueue_event ); warn "-> $heap->{state}\::$state" if DEBUG; &{ $coderef }(@_); return; } # Send events to interested sessions sub send_event { my ( $event, @args ) = @_; warn "<*> $event" if DEBUG; my $heap = $poe_kernel->get_active_session()->get_heap(); for my $session ( keys %{$heap->{events}} ) { if ( exists $heap->{events}{$session}{$event} or exists $heap->{events}{$session}{all} ) { $poe_kernel->post( $session, ( $heap->{events}{$session}{$event} || $event ), @args ); } } return; } # run a command and add its call information to the call stack sub command { my ($cmd_args, $state) = @_; $cmd_args = ref($cmd_args) eq "ARRAY" ? [ @$cmd_args ] : $cmd_args; my $heap = $poe_kernel->get_active_session()->get_heap(); return unless defined $heap->{cmd_rw_wheel}; $cmd_args = [$cmd_args] unless ref( $cmd_args ) eq 'ARRAY'; my $command = uc shift( @$cmd_args ); $state = {} unless defined $state; unshift @{$heap->{stack}}, [ $command, @$cmd_args ]; $command = shift( @$cmd_args ) if $command eq "QUOT"; $command = $command_map{$command} || $command; my $cmdstr = join( ' ', $command, @$cmd_args ? @$cmd_args : () ); warn ">>> $cmdstr\n" if DEBUG_COMMAND; $heap->{cmd_rw_wheel}->put($cmdstr); } # change active state sub goto_state { my $state = shift; warn "--> $state" if DEBUG; my $heap = $poe_kernel->get_active_session()->get_heap(); $heap->{state} = $state; my $coderef = $state_map->{$state}->{_start}; &{$coderef} if $coderef; } # initiate start of data connection sub establish_data_conn { my $heap = $poe_kernel->get_active_session()->get_heap(); if ($heap->{attr_conn_mode} == FTP_PASSIVE) { command("PASV"); } else { $heap->{data_sock_wheel} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( SocketDomain => AF_INET, SocketType => SOCK_STREAM, SocketProtocol => 'tcp', BindAddress => $heap->{local_addr}, BindPort => $heap->{local_port}, SuccessEvent => 'data_connected', FailureEvent => 'data_connect_error' ); my $socket = $heap->{data_sock_wheel}->getsockname(); my ($port, $addr) = sockaddr_in($socket); $addr = inet_ntoa($addr); $addr = "" if $addr eq ""; my @addr = split /\./, $addr; my @port = (int($port / 256), $port % 256); command("PORT " . join ",", @addr, @port); } return; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME POE::Component::Client::FTP - Implements an FTP client POE Component =head1 SYNOPSIS use POE::Component::Client::FTP; POE::Component::Client::FTP->spawn ( Alias => 'ftp', Username => 'test', Password => 'test', RemoteAddr => 'localhost', Events => [ qw( authenticated put_connected put_error put_closed get_connected get_data get_done size ) ] ); # we are authenticated sub authenticated { $poe_kernel->post('ftp', 'command', 'args'); } # data connection is ready for data sub put_connected { my ($status, $line, $param) = @_[ARG0..ARG3]; open FILE, "/etc/passwd" or die $!; $poe_kernel->post('ftp', 'put_data', $_) while (); close FILE; $poe_kernel->post('ftp', 'put_close'); } # something bad happened sub put_error { my ($error, $param) = @_[ARG0,ARG1]; warn "ERROR: '$error' occured while trying to STOR '$param'"; } # data connection closed sub put_closed { my ($param) = @_[ARG0]; } # file on the way... sub get_connected { my ($filename) = @_[ARG0]; } # getting data from the file... sub get_data { my ($data, $filename) = @_[ARG0,ARG1]; } # and its done sub get_done { my ($filename) = @_[ARG0]; } # response to a size command sub size { my ($code, $size, $filename) = @_[ARG0,ARG1,ARG2]; print "$filename was $size"; } $poe_kernel->run(); Latest version and samples script can be found at: L =head1 DESCRIPTION POE::Component::Client::FTP is a L component that implements an non-blocking FTP client. One C an FTP poco from within one's own POE session, asking to receive particular events. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over =item spawn Creates a new POE::Component::Client::FTP session. Takes a number of named parameters: Alias - session name Username - account username Password - account password ConnectionMode - FTP_PASSIVE (default) or FTP_ACTIVE Transfermode - FTP_MANUAL (default), FTP_ASCII, or FTP_BINARY If set to FTP_ASCII OR FTP_BINARY, will use specified before every file transfer. If not set, you are responsible to manually post the mode. NOTE: THIS IS UNIMPLEMENTED AT THE TIME Filters - a hashref matching signals with POE::Filter's If unspecified, reasonable selections will be made. Only filter currently useful is for ls, which parses common ls responses. See samples/list.pl for example. LocalAddr - interface to listen on in active mode LocalPort - port to listen on in active mode RemoteAddr - ftp server RemotePort - ftp port Timeout - timeout for connection to server BlockSize - sets the recieve buffer size. see BUGS Events - events you are interested in receiving. See OUTPUT. TLS - Set to true for TLS supporting servers. TLSData - Set to true for TLS supporting servers of data connections. TLS support requires the L module to be installed. =back =head1 INPUT EVENTS These are commands which the poco will accept events for: =over =item cd [path] =item cdup =item delete [filename] =item dir =item get [filename] =item ls =item mdtm [filename] =item mkdir [dir name] =item mode [active passive] =item noop =item pwd =item rmdir [dir name] =item site [command] =item size [filename] =item stat [command] =item type [A|I] =item quit =item quot [command] =item put_data After receiving a put_connected event you can post put_data events to send data to the server. =item put_close Closes the data connection. put_closed will be emit when connection is flushed and closed. =back =head1 OUTPUT EVENTS Output for connect consists of "connected" upon successful connection to server, and "connect_error" if the connection fails or times out. Upon failure, you can post a "connect" message to retry the connection. Output for login is either "authenticated" if the login was accepted, or "login_error" if it was rejected. Output is for "simple" ftp events is simply "event". Error cases are "event_error". ARG0 is the numeric code, ARG1 is the text response, and ARG2 is the parameter you made the call with. This is useful since commands such as size do not remind you of this in the server response. Output for "complex" or data socket ftp commands is creates "event_connection" upon socket connection, "event_data" for each item of data, and "event_done" when all data is done being sent. Output from put is "put_error" for an error creating a connection or "put_connected". If you receive "put_connected" you can post "put_data" commands to the component to have it write. A "put_done" command closes and writes. Upon completion, a "put_closed" or "put_error" is posted back to you. =head1 SEE ALSO the POE manpage, the perl manpage, the Net::FTP module, RFC 959 =head1 TODO =over =item High level functions High level put and get functions which would accept filenames or filehandles. This may simplify creation of an ftp client or batch script. =item Improve local queueing of send data =item More sample scripts and documentation Eventually a graphical ftp client might be interesting. Please email me if you decide to attempt this. =item More complete test cases =item "Meta" functions Allow get/put functions to be given filenames or filehandles instead of requiring the calling script to do standard file io in handlers. =item Implement TransferMode setting =back =head1 BUGS =over =item BlockSize To do the blocksize, I simply rely on the BlockSize parameter in the Wheel::ReadWrite. Although it is honored for receiving data, sending data is done as elements in the array. Possibly change Driver::SysRW or submit to the Wheel in proper sizes. Do not count on receive blocks coming in proper sizes. =item TransferMode FTP_ASCII and FTP_BINARY are not implemented. Use the 'type' command. =item Active transfer mode PORT does not know what ip address it is listening on. It gets Use LocalAddr in the constructor and it all works fine. =back Please report any other bugs through C =head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 2002 Michael Ching. Copyright (c) 2008 Chris Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.