package POE::Component::Client::Bayeux; =head1 NAME POE::Component::Client::Bayeux - Bayeux/cometd client implementation in POE =head1 SYNOPSIS use POE qw(Component::Client::Bayeux); POE::Component::Client::Bayeux->spawn( Host => '', Alias => 'comet', ); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => sub { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $kernel->alias_set('my_client'); $kernel->post('comet', 'init'); $kernel->post('comet', 'subscribe', '/chat/demo', 'events'); $kernel->post('comet', 'publish', '/chat/demo', { user => "POE", chat => "POE has joined", join => JSON::XS::true, }); }, events => sub { my ($kernel, $heap, $message) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; print STDERR "Client got subscribed message:\n" . Dumper($message); }, }, ); $poe_kernel->run(); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements the Bayeux Protocol (1.0draft1) from the Dojo Foundation. Also called cometd, Bayeux is a low-latency routing protocol for JSON encoded events between clients and servers in a publish-subscribe model. This is the client implementation. It is not feature complete, but works at the moment for testing a Bayeux server. =cut use strict; use warnings; use POE qw(Component::Client::HTTP Component::Client::Bayeux::Transport); use Params::Validate; use Data::Dumper; use JSON::Any; use Data::UUID; use HTTP::Request::Common; use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels); use Log::Log4perl::Appender; use Log::Log4perl::Layout; use POE::Component::Client::Bayeux::Utilities qw(decode_json_response); use POE::Component::Server::Bayeux::Utilities qw(channel_match); use base qw(Class::Accessor Exporter); __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(session clientId logger)); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(decode_json_response); my $protocol_version = '1.0'; our $VERSION = '0.02'; =head1 USAGE =head2 spawn (...) =over 4 Create a new Bayeux client. Arguments to this method: =over 4 =item I (required) Connect to this host. =item I (default: 80) Connect to this port. =item I (default: 0) Use SSL on connection =item I (default: 'bayeux_client') The POE session alias for local sessions to interact with. =item I (default: 0) Either 0 or 1, indicates level of logging. =item I (default: undef) Logfile to write output to. =item I (default: 1) If false, no logger output to STDOUT. =item I (not implemented) Enables cross domain protocol of messaging. =item I (default: none) Provide a coderef that will receive a message hashref of any failed messages (erorrs in protocol, or simply unhandled messages). =back Returns a class object with methods of interest: =over 4 =item I The L object returned from an internal create() call. =back =back =cut sub spawn { my $class = shift; my %args = validate(@_, { Host => 1, Port => { default => 80 }, Path => { default => '/cometd' }, SSL => { default => 0 }, Alias => { default => 'bayeux_client' }, CrossDomain => { default => 0 }, Debug => { default => 0 }, ErrorCallback => 0, LogFile => 0, LogStdout => { default => 1 }, }); if ($args{CrossDomain}) { # TODO die __PACKAGE__ . " doesn't yet support cross domain protocol.\n"; } my $ua_alias = $args{Alias} . '_ua'; my $cometd_url = sprintf 'http%s://%s:%s%s', ($args{SSL} ? 's' : ''), $args{Host}, $args{Port}, $args{Path}; POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn( Alias => $ua_alias, ); my $self = bless { %args }, $class; my $session = POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => \&client_start, _stop => \&client_stop, shutdown => \&client_shutdown, # Public methods init => \&init, publish => \&publish, subscribe => \&subscribe, unsubscribe => \&unsubscribe, disconnect => \&disconnect, # Internal handshake => \&handshake, handshake_response => \&handshake_response, send_message => \&send_message, ua_response => \&ua_response, deliver => \&deliver, flush_queue => \&flush_queue, send_transport => \&send_transport, }, heap => { args => \%args, ua => $ua_alias, remote_url => $cometd_url, json => JSON::Any->new(), uuid => Data::UUID->new(), subscriptions => {}, client => $self, }, ); # Setup logger my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('bayeux_client'); { my $logger_layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new("[\%d] \%p: \%m\%n"); $logger->level($args{Debug} ? $DEBUG : $INFO); if ($args{LogFile}) { my $file_appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new( 'Log::Log4perl::Appender::File', name => 'filelog', filename => $args{LogFile}, ); $file_appender->layout( $logger_layout ); $logger->add_appender($file_appender); } if ($args{LogStdout}) { my $stdout_appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new( 'Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen', name => 'screenlog', stderr => 0, ); $stdout_appender->layout($logger_layout); $logger->add_appender($stdout_appender); } } $self->{logger} = $logger; $self->{session} = $session->ID; return $self; } sub client_start { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $kernel->alias_set( $heap->{args}{Alias} ); } sub client_stop { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; } sub client_shutdown { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $heap->{_shutdown} = 1; $kernel->post( $heap->{ua}, 'shutdown' ); } ## Public States ### =head1 POE STATES The following are states you can post to to interact with the client. =head2 init () =over 4 Initializes the client, connecting to the server, and sets up long polling. =back =cut sub init { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $kernel->yield('handshake'); } sub handshake { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; my %handshake = ( channel => '/meta/handshake', version => $protocol_version, minimumVersion => $protocol_version, supportedConnectionTypes => [ 'long-polling' ], ext => { 'json-comment-filtered' => 1, } ); $kernel->yield('send_message', 'handshake_response', \%handshake); # Unsubscribe from all TODO $heap->{_initialized} = 1; } =head2 publish ($channel, $message) =over 4 Publishes arbitrary message to the channel given. Message will have 'clientId' and 'id' fields auto-populated. =back =cut sub publish { my ($kernel, $heap, $channel, $message) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; $kernel->call($_[SESSION], 'send_transport', { channel => $channel, data => $message, }); } =head2 subscribe ($channel, $callback) =over 4 Subscribes client to the channel given. Callback can either be a coderef or the name of a state in the calling session. Callback will get one arg, the message that was posted to the channel subscribed to. =back =cut sub subscribe { my ($kernel, $heap, $channel, $callback) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; return if $heap->{subscriptions}{$channel} && $heap->{subscriptions}{$channel}{callback} eq $callback && $heap->{subscriptions}{$channel}{session} eq $_[SENDER]; $heap->{subscriptions}{$channel} = { callback => $callback, session => $_[SENDER], }; $kernel->call($_[SESSION], 'send_transport', { channel => '/meta/subscribe', subscription => $channel, }); } =head2 unsubscribe ($channel) =over 4 Unsubscribes from channel. =back =cut sub unsubscribe { my ($kernel, $heap, $channel) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; delete $heap->{subscriptions}{$channel}; $kernel->call($_[SESSION], 'send_transport', { channel => '/meta/unsubscribe', subscription => $channel, }); } =head2 disconnect () =over 4 Sends a disconnect request. =back =cut sub disconnect { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; $kernel->call($_[SESSION], 'send_transport', { channel => '/meta/disconnect', }); $heap->{_disconnect} = 1; } ## Internal Main States ### sub handshake_response { my ($kernel, $heap, $session, $response) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION, ARG0]; if (! $response || ! ref $response || ! ref $response eq 'HASH') { die "Invalid response from handshake\n"; } if ($response->{version} && $protocol_version < $response->{version}) { die "Can't connect to server: version $$response{version} is > my supported version $protocol_version\n"; } if (! $response->{successful}) { die "Unsuccessful handshake.\n" . Dumper($response); } # Store client id for all future requests $heap->{clientId} = $response->{clientId}; $heap->{client}->clientId( $heap->{clientId} ); # Store advice $heap->{advice} = $response->{advice} || {}; # Choose a transport, build it, and ask it to connect # TODO: make sure it's one of the returned supportedConnectionTypes $heap->{transport} = POE::Component::Client::Bayeux::Transport->spawn( type => 'long-polling', parent => $session, parent_heap => $heap, ); $kernel->post($heap->{transport}, 'tunnelInit'); } sub deliver { my ($kernel, $heap, $message) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; if (! $message || ! ref $message || ! ref $message eq 'HASH' || ! $message->{channel}) { die "deliver(): Invalid message\n"; } # If the message has an id, see if I have a record of the instigating request my $request; if ($message->{id}) { $request = delete $heap->{messages}{ $message->{id} }; } # Handle /meta/ channel responses if (my ($meta_channel) = $message->{channel} =~ m{^/meta/(.+)$}) { if ($meta_channel eq 'connect') { if ($message->{successful} && ! $heap->{_connected}) { $heap->{_connected} = 1; } elsif (! $heap->{_initialized}) { $heap->{_connected} = 0; } $kernel->yield('flush_queue'); return; } } # Publishes to a non-private channel MAY yield a simple successful message. Ignore those. if ($request && $request->{caller_state} eq 'publish' && $message->{successful} && $message->{channel} !~ m{^/service/}) { return; } # Check if I have a subscription for the channel my $matching_subscription; foreach my $subscription (keys %{ $heap->{subscriptions} }) { next unless channel_match($message->{channel}, $subscription); $matching_subscription = $subscription; last; } # Call the callback if so for each subscription if ($matching_subscription) { my $sub_details = $heap->{subscriptions}{$matching_subscription}; if ($sub_details->{callback}) { if (ref $sub_details->{callback}) { $sub_details->{callback}($message, $heap); return; } elsif ($_[SESSION] ne $sub_details->{session}) { $kernel->post( $sub_details->{session}, $sub_details->{callback}, $message, $heap ); return; } } } # Call generic callback for all non-successful messages if (defined $message->{successful} && ! $message->{successful} && $heap->{args}{ErrorCallback}) { $heap->{args}{ErrorCallback}($message); } $heap->{client}->logger->debug("deliver() couldn't handle message:\n" . Dumper($message)); } ## Utilities ### sub send_message { my ($kernel, $heap, $callback_state, @args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0 .. $#_]; $heap->{client}->logger->debug(" >>> Pre-transport >>>\n" . Dumper(\@args)); # Create an HTTP POST request, encoding the args into JSON my $request = POST $heap->{remote_url}, [ message => $heap->{json}->encode(\@args) ]; # Create a UUID so I can collect meta info about this request my $uuid = $heap->{uuid}->create_str(); $heap->{_ua_requests}{$uuid} = { json_callback => $callback_state }; # Send the request to the user agent $kernel->post( $heap->{ua}, 'request', 'ua_response', $request, $uuid ); } sub ua_response { my ($kernel, $heap, $request_packet, $response_packet) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1]; my $request_object = $request_packet->[0]; my $request_tag = $request_packet->[1]; # from the 'request' post my $response_object = $response_packet->[0]; my $meta = delete $heap->{_ua_requests}{$request_tag}; if ($meta && $meta->{json_callback}) { my $json; eval { $json = decode_json_response($response_object); }; if ($@) { # Ignore errors if shutting down return if $heap->{_shutdown}; die $@; } $heap->{client}->logger->debug("<<< Pre-transport <<<\n" . Dumper($json)); $kernel->yield( $meta->{json_callback}, @$json ); } } sub send_transport { my ($kernel, $heap, $message) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; # Add unique ID to each message my $msg_id = ++$heap->{message_id}; $message->{id} = $msg_id; # Store a copy of this message $heap->{messages}{$msg_id} = { %$message, caller_session => $_[SENDER], caller_state => $_[CALLER_STATE], }; if ($heap->{transport}) { $kernel->post( $heap->{transport}, 'sendMessages', [ $message ]); } else { $heap->{client}->logger->debug("Queueing message ".Dumper($message)." as no active transport"); push @{ $heap->{message_queue} }, $message; } return $msg_id; } sub flush_queue { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; return unless $heap->{message_queue} && ref $heap->{message_queue} && int @{ $heap->{message_queue} }; return unless $heap->{transport}; $heap->{client}->logger->debug("Flushing queue to transport"); $kernel->post($heap->{transport}, 'sendMessages', [ @{ $heap->{message_queue} } ]); $heap->{message_queue} = []; } =head1 TODO Lots of stuff. The code currently implements only the long-polling transport and doesn't yet strictly follow all the directives in the protocol document =head1 KNOWN BUGS No known bugs, but I'm sure you can find some. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Waters and XMission LLC ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =head1 AUTHOR Eric Waters =cut 1;