package PDF::FromHTML::Template::Factory; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(%Manifest %isBuildable); } %Manifest = ( # These are the instantiable nodes 'ALWAYS' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Always', 'CONDITIONAL' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Conditional', 'FONT' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Font', 'IF' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Conditional', 'LOOP' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Loop', 'PAGEDEF' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PageDef', 'PDFTEMPLATE' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PdfTemplate', 'ROW' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Row', 'SCOPE' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Scope', 'SECTION' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Section', 'HEADER' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Header', 'FOOTER' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Footer', 'BOOKMARK' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Bookmark', 'CIRCLE' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Circle', 'HR' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::HorizontalRule', 'IMAGE' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Image', 'PAGEBREAK' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::PageBreak', 'LINE' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Line', 'TEXTBOX' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::TextBox', 'VAR' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Var', 'WEBLINK' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Weblink', # These are the helper objects 'TEXTOBJECT' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::TextObject', 'CONTEXT' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Context', 'ITERATOR' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Iterator', 'MARGIN' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::Margin', 'CONTAINER' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container', 'ELEMENT' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element', 'BASE' => 'PDF::FromHTML::Template::Base', ); %isBuildable = map { $_ => 1 } qw( ALWAYS BOOKMARK CIRCLE CONDITIONAL FONT FOOTER HEADER HR IF IMAGE LINE LOOP PAGEBREAK PAGEDEF PDFTEMPLATE ROW SCOPE SECTION TEXTBOX VAR WEBLINK ); sub register { my %params = @_; my @param_names = qw(name class isa); for (@param_names) { unless ($params{$_}) { warn "$_ was not supplied to register()\n"; return 0; } } my $name = uc $params{name}; if (exists $Manifest{$name}) { warn "$params{name} already exists in the manifest.\n"; return 0; } my $isa = uc $params{isa}; unless (exists $Manifest{$isa}) { warn "$params{isa} does not exist in the manifest.\n"; return 0; } $Manifest{$name} = $params{class}; $isBuildable{$name} = 1; { no strict 'refs'; unshift @{"$params{class}::ISA"}, $Manifest{$isa}; } return 1; } sub create { my $class = shift; my $name = uc shift; return unless exists $Manifest{$name}; (my $filename = $Manifest{$name}) =~ s!::!/!g; eval { require "$"; }; if ($@) { die "Cannot find or compile PM file for '$name' ($filename)\n"; } return $Manifest{$name}->new(@_); } sub create_node { my $class = shift; my $name = uc shift; return unless exists $isBuildable{$name}; return $class->create($name, @_); } sub isa { return UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], $Manifest{uc $_[1]}) if @_ >= 2 && exists $Manifest{uc $_[1]}; UNIVERSAL::isa(@_) } 1; __END__