package PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Var; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element); use PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element; } sub resolve { ($_[1])->param($_[0]{NAME}) } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Var =head1 PURPOSE To provide variable support =head1 NODE NAME VAR =head1 INHERITANCE PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item * NAME This is the name of the parameter to substitute =back =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 AFFECTS Nothing =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 USAGE =head1 NOTE In most cases, the use of VAR is unnecessary as the nodes all have the ability to use the $-notation for variablized attributes. For example, the filename for IMAGE or the text for TEXTBOX can be specified by the appropriate attribute. However, the node is not provided solely for backwards compatibility. There are some situations where the attribute $-notation is inadequate and a VAR node is required. (q.v. TEXTBOX for an example) =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO TEXTBOX, IMAGE =cut