package PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element::Image;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element);
use PDF::FromHTML::Template::Element;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{TXTOBJ} = PDF::FromHTML::Template::Factory->create('TEXTOBJECT');
return $self;
sub _deltas {
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
return {
X => $context->get($self, 'W'),
Y => $context->get($self, 'H'),
my %convertImageType = (
'jpg' => 'jpeg',
sub begin_page
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
return 1 if $context->{CALC_LAST_PAGE};
my $txt = $context->get($self, 'FILENAME') ||
$self->{TXTOBJ}->resolve($context) ||
die "Image does not have a filename", $/;
my $image = $context->retrieve_image($txt);
my $p = $context->{PDF};
unless ($image)
# automatically resolve type if extension is obvious and type was not specified
my $type = $context->get($self, 'TYPE');
unless ($type)
($type) = $txt =~ /\.(\w+)$/o;
unless ($type)
die "Undefined type for '$txt'", $/;
$type = lc $type;
$type = $convertImageType{$type} if exists $convertImageType{$type};
$image = $p->open_image($type, $txt, '', 0);
$image == -1 and die "Cannot open file '$txt'", $/;
$context->store_image($txt, $image);
$self->{IMAGE_HEIGHT} = $p->image_height($image);
$self->{IMAGE_WIDTH} = $p->image_width($image);
die "Image '$txt' has 0 (or less) height.", $/ if $self->{IMAGE_HEIGHT} <= 0;
die "Image '$txt' has 0 (or less) width.", $/ if $self->{IMAGE_WIDTH} <= 0;
return 1;
sub render
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
return 0 unless $self->should_render($context);
return 1 if $context->{CALC_LAST_PAGE};
my $txt = $context->get($self, 'FILENAME') ||
$self->{TXTOBJ}->resolve($context) ||
die "Image does not have a filename", $/;
my $image = $context->retrieve_image($txt);
$image == -1 && die "Image not found for '$txt' when is rendered.", $/;
$self->set_values($context, $txt);
my $p = $context->{PDF};
my ($x, $y, $scale) = map { $context->get($self, $_) } qw(X Y SCALE);
$p->place_image( $image, $x, $y - $self->{H}, $scale );
if ($context->get($self, 'BORDER'))
$self->set_color($context, 'COLOR', 'both');
my ($w, $h) = map { $context->get($self, $_) } qw(W H);
$p->rect($x, $y, $w, $h);
return 1;
sub set_values
my $self = shift;
my ($context, $txt) = @_;
my $scale = $context->get($self, 'SCALE');
if (defined $scale)
die "Scale is zero or less when rendering '$txt'.", $/ if $scale <= 0;
$self->{W} = $self->{IMAGE_WIDTH} * $scale;
$self->{H} = $self->{IMAGE_HEIGHT} * $scale;
my ($w, $h) = map { $context->get($self, $_) } qw(W H);
if (defined $w && defined $h)
die "Height of zero or less in '$txt'.", $/ if $h <= 0;
die "Width of zero or less in '$txt'.", $/ if $w <= 0;
my $test_scale = $w / $h;
if ($test_scale == ($self->{IMAGE_WIDTH}/$self->{IMAGE_HEIGHT}))
$self->{SCALE} = $test_scale;
undef $h;
if (defined $w)
$self->{SCALE} = $w / $self->{IMAGE_WIDTH};
$self->{H} = $self->{IMAGE_HEIGHT} * $self->{SCALE};
elsif (defined $h)
$self->{SCALE} = $h / $self->{IMAGE_HEIGHT};
$self->{W} = $self->{IMAGE_WIDTH} * $self->{SCALE};
$self->{SCALE} = 0.5;
$self->{W} = $self->{IMAGE_WIDTH} * $self->{SCALE};
$self->{H} = $self->{IMAGE_HEIGHT} * $self->{SCALE};
return 1;
=head1 NAME
=head1 PURPOSE
To embed images
=head1 NODE NAME
=over 4
=item * FILENAME
This is the filename for the image.
=item * TYPE
If the image type is not specified in the filename, specify it here.
=item * SCALE / W / H
This is used to scale the image. SCALE is a value by which the image's height
and width will be multiplied to arrive at the final height and width. Or, you
can set W and or H, as the width (or height) you want the image to have, once
The algorithm used to calculate scaling has changed, somewhat, from v0.05. It
should result in better calculations, as it tries more avenues. Ultimately, if
it cannot figure out what to do, it will set a SCALE of 0.5 and go from there.
=item * BORDER
This is a boolean, used to specify if you want to draw a border around the image
=item * COLOR
Ignored unless BORDER is specified. This is the color of the border.
=head1 AFFECTS
=head1 USAGE
In both cases, the image specified by the parameter "Image1" will be placed at
the current X/Y position.
=head1 AUTHOR
Rob Kinyon (
=head1 SEE ALSO