package PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PdfTemplate; use strict; BEGIN { use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container); use PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); # The default color is black $self->{COLOR} = '0,0,0' unless exists $self->{COLOR}; return $self; } sub should_render { # my $self = shift; # my ($context) = @_; return 1; } sub render { my $self = shift; my ($context) = @_; $self->enter_scope($context); my $child_success = $self->SUPER::render($context) if $self->should_render($context); $self->exit_scope($context); return $child_success; } #sub preprocess { # my $self = shift; # my ($context) = @_; # # $self->enter_scope($context); # # $context->{PARAM_MAP}[0]{__LAST_PAGE__} = 0; # unless ($context->get($self, 'NOLASTPAGE')) { # my $old_PDF = $context->{PDF}; # # my $p = PDF::Writer->new; # $p->open() or die "Could not open buffer.", $/; # # $context->{PDF} = $p; # # $context->{CALC_LAST_PAGE} = 1; # $self->SUPER::render($context); # $context->{CALC_LAST_PAGE} = 0; # # $p->close; # $self->reset; # $context->delete_fonts; # # $context->{PDF} = $old_PDF; # $context->{PARAM_MAP}[0]{__LAST_PAGE__} = $context->{PARAM_MAP}[0]{__PAGE__} - 1; # $context->{PARAM_MAP}[0]{__PAGE__} = 1; # $context->{PARAM_MAP}[0]{__PAGEDEF__} = 0; # } # # $self->exit_scope($context, 1); # # return 1; #} 1; __END__ =head1 NAME PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PdfTemplate =head1 PURPOSE The root node =head1 NODE NAME PDFTEMPLATE =head1 INHERITANCE PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container =head1 ATTRIBUTES =over 4 =item * NOLASTPAGE - If this is set to true, then __LAST_PAGE__ will not be calculated. This can provide a decent speed improvement. =back =head1 CHILDREN None =head1 AFFECTS Nothing =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 USAGE ... Children here ... =head1 AUTHOR Rob Kinyon ( =head1 SEE ALSO =cut