package PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container::PageDef;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container);
use PDF::FromHTML::Template::Container;
use PDF::FromHTML::Template::Constants qw( %Verify );
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{NOPAGENUMBER} = 0 unless defined $self->{NOPAGENUMBER};
$self->{MARGINS} = 0 unless exists $self->{MARGINS};
$self->{$_} = $self->{MARGINS} for grep !exists $self->{$_}, qw(LEFT_MARGIN RIGHT_MARGIN);
return $self;
sub find_margin_heights
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
my ($header_height, $footer_height) = (undef, undef);
my $sub;
$sub = sub {
my $obj = shift;
$obj->enter_scope($context) unless $obj->isa('PAGEDEF');
if ($obj->isa('HEADER'))
die "Cannot have two tags in the same ", $/ if defined $header_height;
$header_height = $context->get($obj, 'HEADER_HEIGHT');
elsif ($obj->isa('FOOTER'))
die "Cannot have two tags in the same ", $/ if defined $footer_height;
$footer_height = $context->get($obj, 'FOOTER_HEIGHT');
$sub->($_) for grep { $_->isa('CONTAINER') } @{$obj->{ELEMENTS}};
$obj->exit_scope($context, 1) unless $obj->isa('PAGEDEF');
$header_height ||= 0;
$footer_height ||= 0;
return ($header_height, $footer_height);
sub enter_scope
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
$self->SUPER::enter_scope( $context );
my ($pheight, $pwidth) = map { $context->get($self, $_) } qw(PAGE_HEIGHT PAGE_WIDTH);
unless (defined $pheight && defined $pwidth)
my $psize = $context->get($self, 'PAGESIZE');
$self->_validate_option('PAGESIZE', \$psize);
for my $attr (qw(PAGE_HEIGHT PAGE_WIDTH))
$self->{$attr} = $Verify{PAGESIZE}{$psize}{$attr};
($pheight, $pwidth) = @{$self}{qw(PAGE_HEIGHT PAGE_WIDTH)};
# swap dimensions if landscape
if ($context->get($self, 'LANDSCAPE'))
($pheight, $pwidth) = ($pwidth, $pheight);
= @{$self}{qw(_ORIG_WIDTH _ORIG_HEIGHT)}
= @{$self}{qw(PAGE_WIDTH PAGE_HEIGHT)}
return 1;
sub exit_scope
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
@{$self}{qw(PAGE_HEIGHT PAGE_WIDTH)} = delete @{$self}{qw(_ORIG_HEIGHT _ORIG_WIDTH)}
if exists $self->{_ORIG_HEIGHT};
return $self->SUPER::exit_scope($context);
sub begin_page
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
$context->{X} = 0;
$context->{Y} = $context->get($self, 'START_Y');
return $self->SUPER::begin_page($context);
sub render
my $self = shift;
my ($context) = @_;
my ($header_h, $footer_h) = $self->find_margin_heights($context);
my ($pheight, $pwidth) = map { $context->get($self, $_) } qw(PAGE_HEIGHT PAGE_WIDTH);
$self->{START_Y} = $pheight - $header_h;
$self->{END_Y} = $footer_h;
my $done = 0;
while (!$done)
last if $::x++ > 10;
$context->{PDF}->begin_page($pwidth, $pheight);
$done = $self->iterate_over_children($context);
$context->increment_pagenumber unless $context->get($self, 'NOPAGENUMBER');
return $done;
=head1 NAME
=head1 PURPOSE
To provide the page definition for a given page. Without a pagedef, nothing
=head1 NODE NAME
=over 4
=item * MARGINS / LEFT_MARGIN / RIGHT_MARGIN - This determines any space kept
empty on the left and right margins. MARGINS is a shortcut for specifying both
the left and right margins to the same value.
=item * PAGE_HEIGHT / PAGE_WIDTH - the height and width of the paper you want
this pagedef to render to. If both are not specified, the value in PAGESIZE will
be used.
=item * PAGESIZE - This is the paper size you want this pagedef to render to.
Choices are: Letter, Legal, A0, A1, A2, A3, and A4. This attribute will only be
used if PAGE_HEIGHT and PAGE_WIDTH are not set.
=item * LANDSCAPE - The default orientation is portrait. If LANDSCAPE is set to
a true value, then PAGE_HEIGHT and PAGE_WIDTH will be swapped.
=item * NOPAGENUMBER - If this is set to a true value, then this pagedef will
not increment the __PAGE__ parameter. Useful for title pages and the like.
=head1 AFFECTS
=head1 USAGE
... Children will render to a Legal-sized paper in landscape orientation ...
=head1 NOTE
It is very possible, and often useful, to have more than one pagedef in a given
template. Also, the PAGEDEF does not have to be the direct child of the
PDFTEMPLATE node. It is sometimes useful to have something like:
... Children here ...
=head1 AUTHOR
Rob Kinyon (
=head1 SEE ALSO