package PAR::Repository::Client::Local; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use base 'PAR::Repository::Client'; use Carp qw/croak/; require File::Copy; our $VERSION = '0.16'; =head1 NAME PAR::Repository::Client::Local - PAR repo. on the local file system =head1 SYNOPSIS use PAR::Repository::Client; my $client = PAR::Repository::Client->new( uri => 'file:///foo/repository', ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements repository accesses on the local filesystem. If you create a new L object and pass it an uri parameter which starts with C or just a path, it will create an object of this class. It inherits from C. =head2 EXPORT None. =head1 METHODS Following is a list of class and instance methods. (Instance methods until otherwise mentioned.) =cut =head2 fetch_par Fetches a .par distribution from the repository and stores it locally. Returns the name of the local file or the empty list on failure. First argument must be the distribution name to fetch. =cut sub fetch_par { my $self = shift; $self->{error} = undef; my $dist = shift; if (not defined $dist) { $self->{error} = "undef passed as argument to fetch_par()"; return(); } my $path = $self->{uri}; $path =~ s/(?:\/|\\)$//; $path =~ s!^file://!!i; my ($n, $v, $a, $p) = PAR::Dist::parse_dist_name($dist); my $file = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->catdir($path, $a, $p), "$n-$v-$a-$p.par" ); if (not -f $file) { $self->{error} = "Could not find distribution in local repository at '$file'"; return(); } return $file; } =head2 validate_repository Makes sure the repository is valid. Returns the empty list if that is not so and a true value if the repository is valid. Checks that the repository version is compatible. The error message is available as C<$client->error()> on failure. =cut sub validate_repository { my $self = shift; $self->{error} = undef; my $mod_db = $self->modules_dbm; return() unless defined $mod_db; return() unless $self->validate_repository_version; return 1; } =head2 _repository_info Returns a YAML::Tiny object representing the repository meta information. This is a private method. =cut sub _repository_info { my $self = shift; $self->{error} = undef; return $self->{info} if defined $self->{info}; my $path = $self->{uri}; $path =~ s/(?:\/|\\)$//; $path =~ s!^file://!!i; my $file = File::Spec->catfile($path, PAR::Repository::Client::REPOSITORY_INFO_FILE()); if (not defined $file or not -f $file) { $self->{error} = "File '$file' does not exist in repository."; return(); } my $yaml = YAML::Tiny->new->read($file); if (not defined $yaml) { $self->{error} = "Error reading repository info from YAML file."; return(); } # workaround for possible YAML::Syck/YAML::Tiny bug # This is not the right way to do it! @$yaml = ($yaml->[1]) if @$yaml > 1; $self->{info} = $yaml; return $yaml; } =head2 _fetch_dbm_file This is a private method. Fetches a dbm (index) file from the repository and returns the name of the local file or the empty list on failure. An error message is available via the C method in case of failure. =cut sub _fetch_dbm_file { my $self = shift; $self->{error} = undef; my $file = shift; return if not defined $file; my $path = $self->{uri}; $path =~ s/(?:\/|\\)$//; $path =~ s!^file://!!i; my $url = File::Spec->catfile( $path, $file ); if (not -f $url) { $self->{error} = "Could not find dbm file in local repository at '$url'"; return(); } my ($tempfh, $tempfile) = File::Temp::tempfile( 'temporary_zip_dbm_XXXXX', UNLINK => 0, DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir(), ); File::Copy::copy($url, $tempfile); return $tempfile; } =head2 _init This private method is called by the C method of L. It is used to initialize the client object and C passes it a hash ref to its arguments. Should return a true value on success. =cut sub _init { # We implement additional object attributes here # Currently no extra attributes... return 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO This module is part of the L distribution. This module is directly related to the C project. You need to have basic familiarity with it. The PAR homepage is at L. See L, L, L, etc. L implements the server side creation and manipulation of PAR repositories. L is doing something similar but is otherwise unrelated. =head1 AUTHOR Steffen Mueller, Esmueller@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Steffen Mueller This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut