package Net::Radius::Packet; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $VSA); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(auth_resp auth_acct_verify auth_req_verify); @EXPORT_OK = qw( ); $VERSION = '1.55'; $VSA = 26; # Type assigned in RFC2138 to the # Vendor-Specific Attributes # Be sure our dictionaries are current use Net::Radius::Dictionary 1.50; use Carp; use Socket; use Digest::MD5; my (%unkvprinted, %unkgprinted); sub new { my ($class, $dict, $data) = @_; my $self = { unknown_entries => 1 }; bless $self, $class; $self->set_dict($dict) if defined($dict); $self->unpack($data) if defined($data); return $self; } # Set the dictionary sub set_dict { my ($self, $dict) = @_; $self->{Dict} = $dict; } # Functions for accessing data structures sub code { $_[0]->{Code}; } sub identifier { $_[0]->{Identifier}; } sub authenticator { $_[0]->{Authenticator}; } sub set_code { $_[0]->{Code} = $_[1]; } sub set_identifier { $_[0]->{Identifier} = $_[1]; } sub set_authenticator { $_[0]->{Authenticator} = substr($_[1] . "\x0" x 16, 0, 16); } sub vendors { keys %{$_[0]->{VSAttributes}}; } sub vsattributes { keys %{$_[0]->{VSAttributes}->{$_[1]}}; } sub vsattr { $_[0]->{VSAttributes}->{$_[1]}->{$_[2]}; } sub set_vsattr { my ($self, $vendor, $name, $value, $rewrite_flag) = @_; $self->{VSAttributes}->{$vendor} = {} unless exists($self->{VSAttributes}->{$vendor}); my $attr = $self->{VSAttributes}->{$vendor}; if ($rewrite_flag) { my $found = 0; if (exists($attr->{$name})) { $found = $#{$attr->{$name}} + 1; } if ($found == 1) { $attr->{$name}[0] = $value; return; } } push @{$attr->{$name}}, $value; } sub unset_vsattr { my ($self, $vendor, $name) = @_; delete($self->{VSAttributes}->{$name}); } sub show_unknown_entries { $_[0]->{unknown_entries} = $_[1]; } sub set_attr { my ($self, $name, $value, $rewrite_flag) = @_; my ($push, $pos ); $push = 1 unless $rewrite_flag; if ($rewrite_flag) { my $found = 0; my @attr = $self->_attributes; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#attr; $i++ ) { if ($attr[$i][0] eq $name) { $found++; $pos = $i; } } if ($found > 1) { $push = 1; } elsif ($found) { $attr[$pos][0] = $name; $attr[$pos][1] = $value; $self->_set_attributes( \@attr ); return; } else { $push = 1; } } $self->_push_attr( $name, $value ) if $push; } sub attr { my ($self, $name ) = @_; my @attr = $self->_attributes; for (my $i = $#attr; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { return $attr[$i][1] if $attr[$i][0] eq $name; } return; } sub attributes { my ($self) = @_; my @attr = $self->_attributes; my @attriblist = (); for (my $i = $#attr; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { push @attriblist, $attr[$i][0]; } return @attriblist; } sub unset_attr { my ($self, $name, $value ) = @_; my $found; my @attr = $self->_attributes; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#attr; $i++ ) { if ( $name eq $attr[$i][0] && $value eq $attr[$i][1]) { $found = 1; if ( $#attr == 0 ) { # no more attributes left on the stack $self->_set_attributes( [ ] ); } else { splice @attr, $i, 1; $self->_set_attributes( \@attr ); } return 1; } } return 0; } # XXX - attr_slot is deprecated - Use attr_slot_* instead sub attr_slot { attr_slot_val($@); } sub attr_slots { scalar ($_[0]->_attributes); } sub attr_slot_name { my $self = shift; my $slot = shift; my @stack = $self->_attributes; return unless exists $stack[$slot]; return unless exists $stack[$slot]->[0]; $stack[$slot]->[0]; } sub attr_slot_val { my $self = shift; my $slot = shift; my @stack = $self->_attributes; return unless exists $stack[$slot]; return unless exists $stack[$slot]->[0]; $stack[$slot]->[1]; } sub unset_attr_slot { my ($self, $position ) = @_; my @attr = $self->_attributes; if ( not $position > $#attr ) { splice @attr, $position, 1; $self->_set_attributes( \@attr ); return 1; } else { return; } } # 'Attributes' is now array of arrays, so that we can have multiple # Proxy-State values in the order in which they were added, # as specified in RFC 2865 sub _attributes { @{ $_[0]->{Attributes} || [] }; } sub _set_attributes { $_[0]->{Attributes} = $_[1]; } sub _push_attr { push @{ $_[0]->{Attributes} }, [ $_[1], $_[2] ]; } # Decode the password sub password { my ($self, $secret, $attr) = @_; my $lastround = $self->authenticator; my $pwdin = $self->attr($attr || "User-Password"); my $pwdout = ""; # avoid possible undef warning for (my $i = 0; $i < length($pwdin); $i += 16) { $pwdout .= substr($pwdin, $i, 16) ^ Digest::MD5::md5($secret . $lastround); $lastround = substr($pwdin, $i, 16); } $pwdout =~ s/\000*$// if $pwdout; substr($pwdout,length($pwdin)) = "" unless length($pwdout) <= length($pwdin); return $pwdout; } # Encode the password sub set_password { my ($self, $pwdin, $secret, $attribute) = @_; $attribute ||= 'User-Password'; my $lastround = $self->authenticator; my $pwdout = ""; # avoid possible undef warning $pwdin .= "\000" x (15-(15 + length $pwdin)%16); # pad to 16n bytes for (my $i = 0; $i < length($pwdin); $i += 16) { $lastround = substr($pwdin, $i, 16) ^ Digest::MD5::md5($secret . $lastround); $pwdout .= $lastround; } $self->set_attr($attribute => $pwdout, 1); } # Set response authenticator in binary packet sub auth_resp { my $new = $_[0]; substr($new, 4, 16) = Digest::MD5::md5($_[0] . $_[1]); return $new; } # Verify the authenticator in a packet sub auth_acct_verify { auth_req_verify(@_, "\x0" x 16); } sub auth_req_verify { my ($packet, $secret, $prauth) = @_; return 1 if Digest::MD5::md5(substr($packet, 0, 4) . $prauth . substr($packet, 20) . $secret) eq substr($packet, 4, 16); return; } # Utility functions for printing/debugging sub pdef { defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "UNDEF"; } sub pclean { my $str = $_[0]; $str =~ s/([\044-\051\133-\136\140\173-\175])/'\\' . $1/ge; $str =~ s/([\000-\037\177-\377])/sprintf('\x{%x}', ord($1))/ge; return $str; } sub dump { print str_dump(@_); } sub str_dump { my $self = shift; my $ret = ''; $ret .= "*** DUMP OF RADIUS PACKET ($self)\n"; $ret .= "Code: ". pdef($self->{Code}). "\n"; $ret .= "Identifier: ". pdef($self->{Identifier}). "\n"; $ret .= "Authentic: ". pclean(pdef($self->{Authenticator})). "\n"; $ret .= "Attributes:\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->attr_slots; ++$i) { $ret .= sprintf(" %-20s %s\n", $self->attr_slot_name($i) . ":" , pclean(pdef($self->attr_slot_val($i)))); } foreach my $vendor ($self->vendors) { $ret .= "VSA for vendor $vendor\n"; foreach my $attr ($self->vsattributes($vendor)) { $ret .= sprintf(" %-20s %s\n", $attr . ":" , pclean(join("|", @{$self->vsattr($vendor, $attr)}))); } } $ret .= "*** END DUMP\n"; return $ret; } sub pack { my $self = shift; my $hdrlen = 1 + 1 + 2 + 16; # Size of packet header my $p_hdr = "C C n a16 a*"; # Pack template for header my $p_attr = "C C a*"; # Pack template for attribute my $p_vsa = "C C N C C a*"; # VSA # XXX - The spec says that a # 'Vendor-Type' must be included # but there are no documented definitions # for this! We'll simply skip this value my $p_vsa_3com = "C C N N a*"; my %codes = $self->{Dict}->packet_numbers(); my $attstr = ""; # To hold attribute structure # Define a hash of subroutine references to pack the various data types my %packer = ( "octets" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "string" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ipv6addr" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ifid" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "integer" => sub { return pack "N", ( defined $self->{Dict}->attr_has_val($_[1]) && defined $self->{Dict}->val_num(@_[1, 0]) ) ? $self->{Dict}->val_num(@_[1, 0]) : $_[0]; }, "ipaddr" => sub { return inet_aton($_[0]); }, "time" => sub { return pack "N", $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return pack "N", $_[0]; }, "tagged-string" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "tagged-integer" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "tagged-ipaddr" => sub { my ($tag,$val)=unpack "C a*",$_[0]; return pack "C N" , $tag , inet_aton($val); }); my %vsapacker = ( "octets" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "string" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ipv6addr" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ifid" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "integer" => sub { my $vid = $self->{Dict}->vendor_num($_[2]) || $_[2]; return pack "N", (defined $self->{Dict}->vsattr_has_val($vid, $_[1]) && defined $self->{Dict}->vsaval_num($vid, @_[1, 0]) ) ? $self->{Dict}->vsaval_num($vid, @_[1, 0]) : $_[0]; }, "ipaddr" => sub { return inet_aton($_[0]); }, "time" => sub { return pack "N", $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return pack "N", $_[0]; }, "tagged-string" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "tagged-integer" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "tagged-ipaddr" => sub { my ($tag,$val)=unpack "C a*",$_[0]; return pack "C a*" , $tag , inet_aton($val); }); # Pack the attributes for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->attr_slots; ++$i) { my $attr = $self->attr_slot_name($i); if (! defined $self->{Dict}->attr_num($attr)) { carp("Unknown RADIUS tuple $attr => " . $self->attr_slot_val($i) . "\n") if ($self->{unknown_entries}); next; } next unless ref($packer{$self->{Dict}->attr_type($attr)}) eq 'CODE'; my $val = &{$packer{$self->{Dict}->attr_type($attr)}} ($self->attr_slot_val($i), $self->{Dict} ->attr_num($attr)); $attstr .= pack $p_attr, $self->{Dict}->attr_num($attr), length($val)+2, $val; } # Pack the Vendor-Specific Attributes foreach my $vendor ($self->vendors) { my $vid = $self->{Dict}->vendor_num($vendor) || $vendor; foreach my $attr ($self->vsattributes($vendor)) { next unless ref($vsapacker{$self->{Dict} ->vsattr_type($vid, $attr)}) eq 'CODE'; foreach my $datum (@{$self->vsattr($vendor, $attr)}) { my $vval = &{$vsapacker{$self->{'Dict'}->vsattr_type($vid, $attr)}} ($datum, $self->{'Dict'}->vsattr_num($vid, $attr), $vendor); if ($vid == 429) { # As pointed out by Quan Choi, # we need special code to handle the # 3Com case - See RFC-2882, sec 2.3.1 $attstr .= pack $p_vsa_3com, 26, length($vval) + 10, $vid, $self->{'Dict'}->vsattr_num($vid, $attr), $vval; } else { $attstr .= pack $p_vsa, 26, length($vval) + 8, $vid, $self->{'Dict'}->vsattr_num($vid, $attr), length($vval) + 2, $vval; } } } } # Prepend the header and return the complete binary packet return pack $p_hdr, $codes{$self->code}, $self->identifier, length($attstr) + $hdrlen, $self->authenticator, $attstr; } sub unpack { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $dict = $self->{Dict}; my $p_hdr = "C C n a16 a*"; # Pack template for header my $p_attr = "C C a*"; # Pack template for attribute my $p_taggedattr = "C C C a*"; # Pack template for tagged-attribute my %rcodes = $dict->packet_names(); # Decode the header my ($code, $id, $len, $auth, $attrdat) = unpack $p_hdr, $data; # Generate a skeleton data structure to be filled in $self->set_code($rcodes{$code}); $self->set_identifier($id); $self->set_authenticator($auth); # Functions for the various data types my %unpacker = ( "string" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ipv6addr" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ifid" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "octets" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "integer" => sub { my $num=unpack("N", $_[0]); return ( defined $dict->val_has_name($_[1]) && defined $dict->val_name($_[1],$num) ) ? $dict->val_name($_[1],$num) : $num ; }, "ipaddr" => sub { return length($_[0]) == 4 ? inet_ntoa($_[0]) : $_[0]; }, "address" => sub { return length($_[0]) == 4 ? inet_ntoa($_[0]) : $_[0]; }, "time" => sub { return unpack "N", $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return unpack "N", $_[0]; }, "tagged-string" => sub { my ($tag,$val) = unpack "a a*", $_[0]; return $val, $tag; }, "tagged-integer" => sub { my ($tag,$num) = unpack "a a*", $_[0]; return ( defined $dict->val_has_name($_[1]) && defined $dict->val_name($_[1],$num) ) ? $dict->val_name($_[1],$num) : $num ,$tag ; }, "tagged-ipaddr" => sub { my ( $tag, $num ) = unpack "a a*", $_[0]; return inet_ntoa($num), $tag; }); my %vsaunpacker = ( "octets" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "string" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ipv6addr" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "ifid" => sub { return $_[0]; }, "integer" => sub { my $num=unpack("N", $_[0]); return ( $dict->vsaval_has_name($_[2], $_[1]) && $dict->vsaval_name($_[2], $_[1],$num) ) ? $dict->vsaval_name($_[2], $_[1], $num ) : $num; }, "ipaddr" => sub { return length($_[0]) == 4 ? inet_ntoa($_[0]) : $_[0]; }, "address" => sub { return length($_[0]) == 4 ? inet_ntoa($_[0]) : $_[0]; }, "time" => sub { return unpack "N", $_[0]; }, "date" => sub { return unpack "N", $_[0]; }, "tagged-string" => sub { my ($tag,$val) = unpack "a a*", $_[0]; return $val, $tag; }, "tagged-integer" => sub { my ( $tag, $num ) = unpack "a a*", $_[0]; return ($dict->vsaval_has_name($_[2], $_[1]) && $dict->vsaval_name($_[2], $_[1],$num) )?$dict->vsaval_name($_[2], $_[1],$num):$num , $tag ; }, "tagged-ipaddr" => sub { my ( $tag, $num ) = unpack "a a*", $_[0]; return inet_ntoa($num), $tag; }); # Unpack the attributes while (length($attrdat)) { my $length = unpack "x C", $attrdat; my ($type, $value) = unpack "C x a${\($length-2)}", $attrdat; if ($type == $VSA) { # Vendor-Specific Attribute my ($vid) = unpack "N", $value; substr ($value, 0, 4) = ""; while (length($value)) { my ($vtype, $vlength) = unpack "C C", $value; # XXX - How do we calculate the length # of the VSA? It's not defined! # XXX - 3COM seems to do things a bit differently. # The IF below takes care of that. This was contributed by # Ian Smith. Check the file CHANGES on this distribution for # more information. my $vvalue; if ($vid == 429) { ($vtype) = unpack "N", $value; $vvalue = unpack "xxxx a${\($length-10)}", $value; } else { $vvalue = unpack "x x a${\($vlength-2)}", $value; } if ((not defined $dict->vsattr_numtype($vid, $vtype)) or (ref $vsaunpacker{$dict->vsattr_numtype($vid, $vtype)} ne 'CODE')) { my $whicherr = (defined $dict->vsattr_numtype($vid, $vtype)) ? "Garbled":"Unknown"; warn "$whicherr vendor attribute $vid/$vtype for unpack()\n" unless $unkvprinted{"$vid/$vtype"}; $unkvprinted{"$vid/$vtype"} = 1; substr($value, 0, $vlength) = ""; # Skip this section next; } my ($val, $tag) = &{$vsaunpacker{$dict->vsattr_numtype($vid, $vtype)}}($vvalue, $vtype, $vid); if ( defined $tag ) { $val = "-emtpy-" unless defined $val; $self->set_taggedvsattr($vid, $dict->vsattr_name($vid, $vtype), $val, $tag); } else { $self->set_vsattr($vid, $dict->vsattr_name($vid, $vtype), $val); } substr($value, 0, $vlength) = ""; } } else { # Normal attribute if ((not defined $dict->attr_numtype($type)) or (ref ($unpacker{$dict->attr_numtype($type)}) ne 'CODE')) { my $whicherr = (defined $dict->attr_numtype($type)) ? "Garbled":"Unknown"; warn "$whicherr general attribute $type for unpack()\n" unless $unkgprinted{$type}; $unkgprinted{$type} = 1; substr($attrdat, 0, $length) = ""; # Skip this section next; } my ($val,$tag) = &{$unpacker{$dict->attr_numtype($type)}}($value, $type); if ( defined $tag ) { if ( ! defined $val ) { $val = "-emtpy-" }; $self->set_taggedattr($dict->attr_name($type), $val , $tag); } else { $self->set_attr($dict->attr_name($type), $val); } } substr($attrdat, 0, $length) = ""; # Skip this section } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::Radius::Packet - Object-oriented Perl interface to RADIUS packets =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::Radius::Packet; use Net::Radius::Dictionary; my $d = new Net::Radius::Dictionary "/etc/radius/dictionary"; my $p = new Net::Radius::Packet $d, $data; $p->dump; if ($p->attr('User-Name' eq "lwall") { my $resp = new Net::Radius::Packet $d; $resp->set_code('Access-Accept'); $resp->set_identifier($p->identifier); $resp->set_authenticator($p->authenticator); $resp->set_attr('Reply-Message' => "Welcome, Larry!\r\n"); my $respdat = auth_resp($resp->pack, "mysecret"); ... die "Packet is a fake response\n" if ($p->code eq 'Access-Accept' and not auth_req_verify($data, $secret, $req->authenticator)) die "Packet is a fake\n" if ($p->code eq 'Accounting-Request' and not auth_acct_verify($data, $secret)) =head1 DESCRIPTION RADIUS (RFC2138) specifies a binary packet format which contains various values and attributes. Net::Radius::Packet provides an interface to turn RADIUS packets into Perl data structures and vice-versa. Net::Radius::Packet does not provide functions for obtaining RADIUS packets from the network. A simple network RADIUS server is provided as an example at the end of this document. =head2 PACKAGE METHODS =over 4 =item B Returns a new Net::Radius::Packet object. C<$dictionary> is an optional reference to a Net::Radius::Dictionary object. If not supplied, you must call B. If C<$data> is supplied, B will be called for you to initialize the object. =back =head2 Proxy-State, RFC specification From RFC-2865: 2. Operation If any Proxy-State attributes were present in the Access-Request, they MUST be copied unmodified and in order into the response packet. Other Attributes can be placed before, after, or even between the Proxy-State attributes. 2.3 Proxy The forwarding server MUST treat any Proxy-State attributes already in the packet as opaque data. Its operation MUST NOT depend on the content of Proxy-State attributes added by previous servers. If there are any Proxy-State attributes in the request received from the client, the forwarding server MUST include those Proxy-State attributes in its reply to the client. The forwarding server MAY include the Proxy-State attributes in the access-request when it forwards the request, or MAY omit them in the forwarded request. If the forwarding server omits the Proxy-State attributes in the forwarded access-request, it MUST attach them to the response before sending it to the client. =head2 Proxy-State, Implementation C<-Epack()> and C<-Edump()> now work properly with multiple atributes, in particular the Proxy-State attribute - This means that the packet will be encoded with the multiple attributes present. This change makes Net::Radius::PacketOrdered likely redundant. C<-Eattr()> method always return the last attribute inserted. C<-Eset_attr()> and C<-Eset_vsattr()> methods push either the attribute or the vendor-specific attribute, onto the Attributes stack, or overwrites it in specific circumnstances, as described in method documentation. The C<-Eunset_attr()> and C<-Eunset_vsattr()> perform the opposite function. =head2 OBJECT METHODS There are actually two families of object methods. The ones described below deal with standard RADIUS attributes. An additional set of methods handle the Vendor-Specific attributes as defined in the RADIUS protocol. Those methods behave in much the same way as the ones below with the exception that the prefix B must be applied before the B in most of the names. The vendor code must also be included as the first parameter of the call. The B and B methods, used to query and set Vendor-Specific attributes return an array reference with the values of each instance of the particular attribute in the packet. This difference is required to support multiple VSAs with different parameters in the same packet. =over 4 =item B<-Eset_dict($dictionary)> Net::Radius::Packet needs access to a Net::Radius::Dictionary object to do packing and unpacking. set_dict must be called with an appropriate dictionary reference (see L) before you can use ->B or ->B. =item B<-Eunpack($data)> Given a raw RADIUS packet $data, unpacks its contents so that they can be retrieved with the other methods (B, B, etc.). =item B<-Epack> Returns a raw RADIUS packet suitable for sending to a RADIUS client or server. =item B<-Ecode> Returns the Code field as a string. As of this writing, the following codes are defined: Access-Request Access-Accept Access-Reject Accounting-Request Accounting-Response Access-Challenge Status-Server Status-Client =item B<-Eset_code($code)> Sets the Code field to the string supplied. =item B<-Eidentifier()> Returns the one-byte Identifier used to match requests with responses, as a character value. =item B<-Eset_identifier($id)> Sets the Identifier byte to the character supplied. =item B<-Eauthenticator()> Returns the 16-byte Authenticator field as a character string. =item B<-Eset_authenticator($authenticator)> Sets the Authenticator field to the character string supplied. =item B<-Eattr($name)> Retrieves the value of the named Attribute. Attributes will be converted automatically based on their dictionary type: STRING Returned as a string. INTEGER Returned as a Perl integer. IPADDR Returned as a string (a.b.c.d) TIME Returned as an integer The following types are simply mapped to other types until correct encoding is implemented: =over =item B Treated as a string =item B Treated as a string =item B Treated as a string =back When multiple attributes are inserted in the packet, the last one is returned. =item B<-Eset_attr($name, $val, $rewrite_flag)> Sets the named Attributes to the given value. Values should be supplied as they would be returned from the B method. If rewrite_flag is set, and a single attribute with such name already exists on the Attributes stack, its value will be overwriten with the supplied one. In all other cases (if there are more than one attributes with such name already on the stack, there are no attributes with such name, rewrite_flag is omitted) name/pair array will be pushed onto the stack. =item B<-Eset_vsattr($vendor, $name, $val, $rewrite_flag)> Analogous to C<-Eset_attr()>, but operates on vendor-specific attributes for vendor C<$vendor>. =item B<-Eunset_attr($name)> Sets the named Attribute to the given value. Values should be supplied as they would be returned from the B method. =item B<-Eunset_vsattr($vendor, $name)> Analogous to C<-Eunset_attr()>, but operates on vendor-specific attributes for vendor C<$vendor>. =item B<-Eattr_slot($integer)> Deprecated synonym for C<-Eattr_slot_val()>. =item B<-Eattr_slots()> Return the number of attribute slots in the packet. =item B<-Eattr_slot_name($integer)> Retrieves the attribute name of the given slot number from the Attributes stack. Returns undef when the slot is vacant. =item B<-Eattr_slot_val($integer)> Retrieves the attribute value of the given slot number from the Attributes stack. Returns undef when the slot is vacant. =item B<-EI($integer)> Removes given stack position from the Attributes stack. =item B<-Epassword($secret, [$attr])> The RADIUS User-Password attribute is encoded with a shared secret. Use this method to return the decoded version. By default, the password will be looked for in the User-Password attribute. You can specify an alternate RADIUS attribute, by using the second argument. =item B<-Eset_password($passwd, $secret, [$attribute])> The RADIUS User-Password attribute is encoded with a shared secret. Use this method to prepare the encoded version. The encoded password will be stored in the attribute C<$attribute>, which defaults to 'User-Password'. Some servers have been reported on insisting on this attribute to be 'Password' instead. You may have to tweak this call or the dictionary accordingly. =item B<-Edump()> Prints the content of the packet to STDOUT. =item B<-Eshow_unknown_entries($bool)> Controls the generation of a C whenever an unknown tuple is seen. =back =head2 EXPORTED SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item B Given a (packed) RADIUS packet and a shared secret, returns a new packet with the Authenticator field changed in accordace with RADIUS protocol requirements. =item B Verifies the authenticator in an B packet as explained in RFC-2866. Returns 1 if the authenticator matches the packet and the secret, undef otherwise. C<$packet> is the packet data, as received. C<$secret> is the corresponding shared secret. =item B Verifies the authenticator in B, B, and B packets as explained in RFC-2865. Returns 1 if the authenticator matches the packet and the secret, undef otherwise. C<$packet> is the packet data, as received. C<$secret> is the corresponding shared secret. C<$prev_auth> is the authenticator taken from the corresponding B packet. It's the application's job to keep track of the authenticators in each request. =back =head1 EXAMPLE See the examples included in the B directory of the distribution. Also see Net::Radius::Server(3) for a more complete implementation of a RADIUS server. =head1 AUTHOR Christopher Masto, . VSA support by Luis E. Muñoz, . Fix for unpacking 3COM VSAs contributed by Ian Smith . Information for packing of 3Com VSAs provided by Quan Choi . Some functions contributed by Tony Mountifield . Attribute ordering provided by Toni Prug, , idea by Bill Hulley. =head1 SEE ALSO Perl, Net::Radius::Server(3), Net::Radius::Dictionary(3), RFCs 2865, 2866, 2882 and 3575. =cut