# Copyright (c) 1997-2004 Graham Barr <gbarr@pobox.com>. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. package Net::LDAP::Entry; use strict; use Net::LDAP::ASN qw(LDAPEntry); use Net::LDAP::Constant qw(LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR); use vars qw($VERSION); use constant CHECK_UTF8 => $] > 5.007; BEGIN { require Encode if (CHECK_UTF8); } $VERSION = "0.24"; sub new { my $self = shift; my $type = ref($self) || $self; my $entry = bless { 'changetype' => 'add', changes => [] }, $type; @_ and $entry->dn( shift ); @_ and $entry->add( @_ ); return $entry; } sub clone { my $self = shift; my $clone = $self->new(); $clone->dn($self->dn()); foreach ($self->attributes()) { $clone->add($_ => [$self->get_value($_)]); } $clone->{changetype} = $self->{changetype}; my @changes = @{$self->{changes}}; while (my($action, $cmd) = splice(@changes,0,2)) { my @new_cmd; my @cmd = @$cmd; while (my($type, $val) = splice(@cmd,0,2)) { push @new_cmd, $type, [ @$val ]; } push @{$clone->{changes}}, $action, \@new_cmd; } $clone; } # Build attrs cache, created when needed sub _build_attrs { +{ map { (lc($_->{type}),$_->{vals}) } @{$_[0]->{asn}{attributes}} }; } # If we are passed an ASN structure we really do nothing sub decode { my $self = shift; my $result = ref($_[0]) ? shift : $LDAPEntry->decode(shift) or return; my %arg = @_; %{$self} = ( asn => $result, changetype => 'modify', changes => []); if (CHECK_UTF8 && $arg{raw}) { $result->{objectName} = Encode::decode_utf8($result->{objectName}) if ('dn' !~ /$arg{raw}/); foreach my $elem (@{$self->{asn}{attributes}}) { map { $_ = Encode::decode_utf8($_) } @{$elem->{vals}} if ($elem->{type} !~ /$arg{raw}/); } } $self; } sub encode { $LDAPEntry->encode( shift->{asn} ); } sub dn { my $self = shift; @_ ? ($self->{asn}{objectName} = shift) : $self->{asn}{objectName}; } sub get_attribute { require Carp; Carp::carp("->get_attribute deprecated, use ->get_value") if $^W; shift->get_value(@_, asref => !wantarray); } sub get { require Carp; Carp::carp("->get deprecated, use ->get_value") if $^W; shift->get_value(@_, asref => !wantarray); } sub exists { my $self = shift; my $type = lc(shift); my $attrs = $self->{attrs} ||= _build_attrs($self); exists $attrs->{$type}; } sub get_value { my $self = shift; my $type = lc(shift); my %opt = @_; if ($opt{alloptions}) { my %ret = map { $_->{type} =~ /^\Q$type\E((?:;.*)?)$/i ? (lc($1), $_->{vals}) : () } @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}; return %ret ? \%ret : undef; } my $attrs = $self->{attrs} ||= _build_attrs($self); my $attr = $attrs->{$type} or return; return $opt{asref} ? $attr : wantarray ? @{$attr} : $attr->[0]; } sub changetype { my $self = shift; return $self->{'changetype'} unless @_; $self->{'changes'} = []; $self->{'changetype'} = shift; return $self; } sub add { my $self = shift; my $cmd = $self->{'changetype'} eq 'modify' ? [] : undef; my $attrs = $self->{attrs} ||= _build_attrs($self); while (my($type,$val) = splice(@_,0,2)) { my $lc_type = lc $type; push @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}, { type => $type, vals => ($attrs->{$lc_type}=[])} unless exists $attrs->{$lc_type}; push @{$attrs->{$lc_type}}, ref($val) ? @$val : $val; push @$cmd, $type, [ ref($val) ? @$val : $val ] if $cmd; } push(@{$self->{'changes'}}, 'add', $cmd) if $cmd; return $self; } sub replace { my $self = shift; my $cmd = $self->{'changetype'} eq 'modify' ? [] : undef; my $attrs = $self->{attrs} ||= _build_attrs($self); while(my($type, $val) = splice(@_,0,2)) { my $lc_type = lc $type; if (defined($val) and (!ref($val) or @$val)) { push @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}, { type => $type, vals => ($attrs->{$lc_type}=[])} unless exists $attrs->{$lc_type}; @{$attrs->{$lc_type}} = ref($val) ? @$val : ($val); push @$cmd, $type, [ ref($val) ? @$val : $val ] if $cmd; } else { delete $attrs->{$lc_type}; @{$self->{asn}{attributes}} = grep { $lc_type ne lc($_->{type}) } @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}; push @$cmd, $type, [] if $cmd; } } push(@{$self->{'changes'}}, 'replace', $cmd) if $cmd; return $self; } sub delete { my $self = shift; unless (@_) { $self->changetype('delete'); return; } my $cmd = $self->{'changetype'} eq 'modify' ? [] : undef; my $attrs = $self->{attrs} ||= _build_attrs($self); while(my($type,$val) = splice(@_,0,2)) { my $lc_type = lc $type; if (defined($val) and (!ref($val) or @$val)) { my %values; @values{(ref($val) ? @$val : $val)} = (); unless( @{$attrs->{$lc_type}} = grep { !exists $values{$_} } @{$attrs->{$lc_type}}) { delete $attrs->{$lc_type}; @{$self->{asn}{attributes}} = grep { $lc_type ne lc($_->{type}) } @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}; } push @$cmd, $type, [ ref($val) ? @$val : $val ] if $cmd; } else { delete $attrs->{$lc_type}; @{$self->{asn}{attributes}} = grep { $lc_type ne lc($_->{type}) } @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}; push @$cmd, $type, [] if $cmd; } } push(@{$self->{'changes'}}, 'delete', $cmd) if $cmd; return $self; } sub update { my $self = shift; my $ldap = shift; my %opt = @_; my $mesg; my $user_cb = delete $opt{callback}; my $cb = sub { $self->changetype('modify') unless $_[0]->code; $user_cb->(@_) if $user_cb }; if ($self->{'changetype'} eq 'add') { $mesg = $ldap->add($self, 'callback' => $cb, %opt); } elsif ($self->{'changetype'} eq 'delete') { $mesg = $ldap->delete($self, 'callback' => $cb, %opt); } elsif ($self->{'changetype'} =~ /modr?dn/o) { my @args = (newrdn => $self->get_value('newrdn') || undef, deleteoldrdn => $self->get_value('deleteoldrdn') || undef); my $newsuperior = $self->get_value('newsuperior'); push(@args, newsuperior => $newsuperior) if $newsuperior; $mesg = $ldap->moddn($self, @args, 'callback' => $cb, %opt); } elsif (@{$self->{'changes'}}) { $mesg = $ldap->modify($self, 'changes' => $self->{'changes'}, 'callback' => $cb, %opt); } else { require Net::LDAP::Message; $mesg = Net::LDAP::Message->new( $ldap ); $mesg->set_error(LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR,"No attributes to update"); } return $mesg; } # Just for debugging sub dump { my $self = shift; no strict 'refs'; # select may return a GLOB name my $fh = @_ ? shift : select; my $asn = $self->{asn}; print $fh "-" x 72,"\n"; print $fh "dn:",$asn->{objectName},"\n\n" if $asn->{objectName}; my($attr,$val); my $l = 0; for (keys %{ $self->{attrs} ||= _build_attrs($self) }) { $l = length if length > $l; } my $spc = "\n " . " " x $l; foreach $attr (@{$asn->{attributes}}) { $val = $attr->{vals}; printf $fh "%${l}s: ", $attr->{type}; my($i,$v); $i = 0; foreach $v (@$val) { print $fh $spc if $i++; print $fh $v; } print $fh "\n"; } } sub attributes { my $self = shift; my %opt = @_; if ($opt{nooptions}) { my %done; return map { $_->{type} =~ /^([^;]+)/; $done{lc $1}++ ? () : ($1); } @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}; } else { return map { $_->{type} } @{$self->{asn}{attributes}}; } } sub asn { shift->{asn} } sub changes { my $ref = shift->{'changes'}; $ref ? @$ref : (); } 1;